
Who Ever Thought It would Be Like This

I ran out of the closet and to the stairs. I watched two guys limp out of the front door, Bum and Joon quickly running after them. My heart was pounding and every beat hurt. Was Hyun Joong hurt? I sprinted down the stairs, taking them two at a time. I looked outside for Bum and Joon, but they were gone. I ran into several rooms, looking for Hyun Joong or Min Ho. This house was too big for me. I was getting scared.

Finally, I heard Min Ho’s voice and immediately rushed towards it. He was in the kitchen floor, bleeding from his stomach. Hyun Joong was trying to keep the bleeding under control. Min Ho was talking, trying to keep himself awake. I couldn’t move. I knew how to help, but I had never been put in a situation like this. I was frozen to the spot, despite all the training Appa had insisted I get.

Hyun Joong spotted me and his face went white. “Soo Yun ah, I told you to stay where you were!” he yelled at me. I flinched and looked at Min Ho again. My senses were coming back to me.

I knelt down in the floor next to Min Ho as Joon and Bum ran back into the room. I started barking orders at all of them, telling them what I needed to help Min Ho. When they all just looked at each other, I sighed and screamed, “NOW!”

I talked to Min Ho the whole time I was trying to save him. I was asking him about the girl in the car back home, about his career, about his childhood, anything to keep him awake. Meanwhile, I got the bullet out of his abdomen, stopped the bleeding, cleaned the wound and stitched him up. He was shaking and a little pale, his eyes wide with fear.

I put my hand on his cheek and smiled at him. “You’re going to be fine. Don’t worry, okay?” He closed his eyes and relaxed a little. “Okay, we need to get him into bed.”

I watched Bum and Joon carry Min Ho down the hallway to the stairs. I turned to go wash my hands and almost tripped over Hyun Joong. He was still in the floor. Had he not gotten up this whole time? I knelt over him.

“Hyun Joong ah, are you hurt?” I asked, my hands fluttering over his body, looking for a wound. His face was beaten a little, his lip split, but otherwise he looked unharmed. “What’s wrong?” I nearly sobbed. I needed to help him.

He shook his head. “It’s nothing,” he answered stubbornly and then he tried to get up. He had blood all over him. It was obvious he’s immediately tried to help Min Ho. Hyun Joong seemed a little wobbly but he could stand. “They’re after you,” he said suddenly.

I put an arm around his waist and helped him get down the hallway. “Why?” I asked finally. I’d been thinking for a bit about what I could have done to have people after me, but I wasn’t a significant person.

He handed me an envelope and went into the bathroom in the room he’d brought me too earlier. I looked down at the envelope. This wasn’t important right now. I followed him into the bathroom.

“Are you okay?” I asked quietly, patiently, watching him struggle to get his shirt off. I the shower water and stepped over to him.

“I’m fine,” he grumbled, still trying to get his shirt off and still having trouble. I shook my head and took the hem of his shirt in my hands. He sighed and lifted his arms as much as he could. I did the rest.

I tried not to stare at his ridiculously cut torso. He was obviously hurt. He had bruises and blood all over him; I couldn’t see any deep cuts, though. There was a particularly nasty bruise coming up fast over one of his ribs. It was probably fractured, hopefully not broken. I kept examining his skin as he turned to find a towel. His back was a little beaten up, too. It hurt to look at him and it made me angry. I grabbed his hips and made him sit down on the toilet seat. He huffed and started to stand up, but I pushed his shoulders down.

“Let me help you,” I pleaded softly, still being patient. He wouldn’t look at me and he was being extremely stubborn, so reluctant to accept my help. I found a washcloth and wet it in cool water. I got on my knees in front of him and took his face in one of my hands. He finally looked at me. He watched my face as I cleaned the blood off of his face, neck, arms. I put the washcloth on the counter and stood up. I could tell he was upset so I started to leave, but he caught my wrist in his hand. He spun me around, into his arms, and hugged me tightly.

“Hyun Joong ah, I still have blood on me,” I said, trying to keep my hands from touching his skin.

He pulled away and pushed me into the shower—with my clothes on. I moved to jump out but he stepped in, making me move back into the shower. There were six shower heads:  one high on three of the walls, and one a few feet below each. Steaming hot water was coming out of all of them, soaking us both through our clothes. He pulled me into his arms and held me.

“Hyun Joong ah,” I whined, trying to pull away. I hated wet clothes. Hated, hated, hated it.

He only held me tighter. That’s when I knew something was wrong. He was trembling when I put my arms up around his shoulders. He started to sink to the floor, then held me in his lap. I rubbed his back, wishing there was something I could do to comfort him.

“Talk to me, please. What is wrong? What can I do?” I pleaded with him quietly. His arms tightened around my waist. It was a wonderful feeling. Nobody had ever held me like that. It was how I’d always wanted someone to hold me.

“Stay with me,” he whispered into my wet hair. I nodded and just sat with him.

I held him until he decided to get up and clean himself up some. Most of the blood was off of him, and all of it was off of me, but he still had some in his hair. He looked absolutely breathtaking—his hair was soaked and dangling in his face some; water was dripping down his unbelievably toned abs and strong arms; his wet jeans were hanging off his hips in a special way I couldn’t explain. He looked like he was on set for a photo shoot. I almost whimpered as I reveled in the sight of his half body. I needed to get out of there before I scared him away.

He caught my wrist again before I could get out. He looked me in the eyes and said very softly, “I asked you to stay with me.”

I opened my mouth to say something but no words would come out. How could they when his eyes were looking into my soul?

Hyun Joong pulled me against him gently, putting one of his hands on my waist and one on the side of my neck. He tilted his head slightly and leaned down. As he kissed me, the hand on my waist slid up and put my arm around his neck. His lips were warm and soft against mine, even though I felt I was on fire in every place he was touching me. His kisses were gentle, slow and almost hesitant. I linked my hands together at the back of his neck and he pulled me closer by the hips. Everywhere, his touch was gentle. He never handled me roughly. I loved the feeling of his plump lips covering mine, his scent feeling my head, not caring that I was losing control in his soft, sweet kisses.

His lips opened slightly and he traced his tongue slowly across my lips, around them in circles. It tickled a little, but felt wonderful. A smile split my lips apart and he took advantage of it, dipping his tongue in between them. I could hardly breathe now. He was such a great kisser. I pulled away to catch my breath and his eyes captured mine, both of us panting quietly. I felt his thumb lightly brushing my jawline. And then, I’ll be damned if my heart didn’t explode when he did this, he smiled at me. A big, beautiful, genuine smile that would break any girl’s heart. I melted. I was like putty in his hands. My knees felt weak, until his arm went under them and he picked me up. He set me down on the counter and turned the water off. He got out a few towels, put one over his head and wrapped one around my neck. He pulled the ends of the towel toward him and kissed me.

He pulled back and looked in my eyes very seriously. “Is he really going to be okay? Tell me the truth.”

His question took me aback, especially when everything had seemed okay the last little while in the shower.

“I wouldn’t lie to you. Especially about something like that. I’d have told you the truth, and I would have told him the truth. I promise.” I held up three fingers when I made my promise.

He nodded and started to dry his hair with his towel. I took the opportunity to appreciate his ridiculous abs and pecks and arm muscles. I my lips and jumped down. I needed to change or I was going to get sick. I went looking for my bag but it was nowhere to be found. I checked the closet—all of my clothes were hung up, alongside Hyun Joong’s clothes. Even my dresses from Jiyong where here. My mother’s dress was hanging up high by itself in the back. My bunny was in its big cage off to one side, sleeping adorably and peacefully. I stood, staring at all of my stuff, wondering how it all got here.

“Soo Yun ah?” Hyun Joong said softly from behind me.

“In here,” I squeaked, trying to compose myself before he came in.

I heard his chuckle. “Get dressed. Quickly.” He pecked my cheek before grabbing some jeans and a white button up shirt for himself. Oh, how I loved boys in white button ups.

I closed the door to the closet and found some jeggings and a loose white shirt that was longish in the back, but shorter in the front. I was really comfy. I went and brushed my hair, which only frustrated me, so I threw it up in a loose bun with my bangs down. Acceptable. I went out to the stairs and looked down, just catching Hyun Joong walking towards the kitchen.

I ran down the stairs and after him. I was glad I caught him so I wouldn’t get lost. This house was just too big. He was waiting by a big glass door that lead outside when I got into the kitchen. He pushed it open and motioned for me to go out. I slowly stepped outside and was hit by a cool night breeze, the smell of the ocean and the sound of waves close by. Torches were lighting up an enormous patio area. Off to one side, there were a couple of tables that were occupied by several boys. I turned to Hyun Joong, who was smiling at me. The sight of his hair and shirt blowing in the breeze with that smile on his face was too perfect for words. He tangled his fingers in mine and took me down to where the tables were.

I caught Bum and Joon’s eyes. They smiled and looked at each other. I was getting nervous and shy; I wasn’t used to being around people I didn’t know. Jiyong was one that always made me feel better about that. I was somewhat hiding behind Hyun Joong now.

I looked around, wondering who these guys were and why Bum and Joon had let them come here with all that was going on right now. I looked right into big, brown eyes that I would know anywhere—TOP. 

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loyal4ygfamily5ever #1
Chapter 27: ok, *Sigh* I give up. it's a beautiful story and I'm so glad the guy has made her happy. I still hope Daesung is ok but she and TOP are friends so that's a good start. I am completely back to loving this story :)
loyal4ygfamily5ever #2
Chapter 25: wahh so confused!! I'm so happy for her but but... Daesung!! and Seunghyun!! arhhhh WHY??? :'( :'( but it's really interesting, looking forward to reading more :)
Aw I cried already
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 23: This is a reallt good story! I'm crying & panicking right along with Yoon Soo Yun.
niknac #5
Interesting story. Good twist in it! :-)
I want to know what is gonna happen next...
choisavannah #6
Chapter 15: I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. I'm working really hard on it. I feel like it's stupid most of the time, but I am trying really hard. Please let me know how you're liking it! Thanks for reading. :)
loyal4ygfamily5ever #7
Chapter 12: arhhhh I reeeallly like your story!! can't WAIT to read the rest of it! :)