Nearly a Supernova

When Stars Fall


“I don’t believe you,” I say flatly. “I’m leaving now. Bye.”


“Wait!” He grabs my arm.


His hand is warm. I flash back to the toy maker’s son.


It feels like the paper star is growing warm in my pocket. "What's... your name?" Could it be him? My first love?




That wasn't his name. I try to hold back my disappointment. "So, um, where are you from, Chunji?"


“I told you. I’m a star.” And his eyes and smile are so bright that I almost believe him.


But I don’t. “You’re crazy.”


“I… I’ll prove it. Um…” He runs his hands through his hair, obviously grasping for an explanation. “You come here every night and watch the stars. Well, not every night, but almost.”


“This is a small town. Everyone knows that,” I remind him, not convinced.


“Wait! I can prove it! Sometimes you cry while you’re out here! I bet no one knows that, right?” He’s walking nearer to me, and I’m a little bit scared, but I also kind of want to touch him.


“… Are you a stalker, Chunji?”


“I…” He covers his face with his hands, peeking out between his fingers. “Well, you were stalking me and my brothers first!”


“Whatever. I’m going home.” I don’t really want to, though. I’m curious.


He reaches out his hand and grabs mine. I feel my heart rate speed up.


"I saw you every night, watching my brothers and I, and I fell in love with you and begged the King of the Night to let me visit earth. But he would not allow me to descend. I took my chance when the meteors fell and snuck to the earth by hiding amongst them.”


“You… fell in the meteor shower?”


He nods.


He’s still holding on to my hand, but I’m trying to ignore it. “I still can’t believe it. Sorry.”


In a moment, his eyes well up with brilliant tears. They’re shining and glimmering like the stars themselves. A tear slips. It looks like a shooting star as it falls down his face.


It is not human.


“Oh my gosh.” I take half a step back. “You’re not human, are you?”


He blinks back tears. “You believe me?”




“Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you!!” Chunji wraps his arms around me.


My face is buried in his chest. He smells like night air. His heart is beating so fast I think it’s going to explode, like a supernova. But so is mine.


“What? Who are you?”


I pull back from Chunji’s chest.


Sandeul oppa is holding a jacket. His eyes are widened to a ridiculous size. “Who are you, and why are you hugging her?”


Chunji just stares at him curiously. “You’re the boy who’s with her sometimes, right?”


“Who are you?” Sandeul’s voice is shaking. I feel like I should say something, but my mouth won’t work correctly.


Suddenly, Sandeul charges forward and pulls me out of the way. “Don’t touch her.”


Now Chunji looks suspicious. “Why not?”


“Because,” Sandeul says, straightening up, “I’m in love with her.”

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HuTaoBoo #1
Chapter 9: Just get together already lol
Chapter 8: Really?What do Chunji want?
HuTaoBoo #3
Amazing story
Chapter 7: Dun dun dun