Night Turns to Day

When Stars Fall


"I promise," Jinyoung said, his eyes sparkling. "Every meteor shower, we'll come out here together and watch, okay? Every time. I promise."
My pillow is wet when I wake up. Did I seriously cry in my sleep? How much of a baby can I be?
That really was a weird dream, though. A boy who cries sparkly tears and claims that he's a star... Sandeul oppa being in love with me... Weird stuff.
I roll over in my bed. Maybe I can squeeze out a few more minutes of sleep...
My eyes fly open. Two inches from my nose, there lies an attractive boy. He's smiling at me gently, and his smile is really cute, but that's beside the point.
Oh, great. It wasn't a dream.
"CHUNJI! I thought I told you to stay off of the bed!! I made you a nice little pillow and blanket temporary living space on the floor!" I push him off the bed roughly.
He rolls to the ground with a thud, but doesn't seem to care. "Well, you were so cute when you were sleeping, I just wanted to snuggle in next to you!!"
"That's no excuse!! Why were you watching me sleep, anyway?! That's just creepy!"
"Stars don't need to sleep," he explains as though it is the simplest idea in the world. "And I was watching you because, like I said before, you are super cute asleep!"
"You're a ert, aren't you?" I sigh for about the millionth time since meeting this guy. "Go away, I have to change."
"I won't peek~~~!" he sings, covering his face with his hands.
Yeah, right, like I believe that.
"Hey, you can't lock me in the bathroom!" he protests, pounding on the door.
"Sorry, can't be taking any chances. You are a ert and all." I take my time getting ready, then release him. "All right. Our options are sneak past my parents or make up a random excuse for a boy being in my room all night."
"Or we can just get married, and then we won't need an excuse," he says with a wink.
I roll my eyes. "Alright, Option A it is. So, on a scale of one to ten, how good are you at jumping from windows?"
"I don't mean to brag, but I'd have to give myself a solid three." He laughs at my raised eyebrows. "Kidding, of course. That's a piece of cake." He saunters over to the window, cracks his knuckles for no apparent reason, and full-on BACK FLIPS OUT.
Hm. I guess this guy really isn't human.
"Well, I'm going grocery shopping, so I'll see you later!" I wave goodbye to my blissfully clueless parents.
I have taken five steps from my front door when Chunji falls into step with me. "We're going grocery shopping?! Really? Can't we do something, you know, a little more romantic?"
"I'm not going to change around my whole life for some random guy who's one-sidedly in love with me. We're going to town center. Prepare yourself for a lot of nosy people. This is a small town, remember?"
"One-sidedly?" he whimpers, his eyes big and puppy-like.
"Are you even listening to me?!" I demand.
He pouts and ignores me.
Whatever. It won't be my fault when he gets mobbed by nosy house wives...
... Orrrrr attractive teenage girls, apparently.
"Ooo, who's your friend?"
"Oh my gosh, he's sooo cute!!"
"Have you ever seen him before?"
"Do you think he'll give us his number?!"
Chunji innocently looks around. "Town center sure is lively!"
"Not usually," I grumble. For some reason, all these girls are bothering me. Suddenly, I notice a familiar face. "Oh! Sandeul oppa!" I wave at him.
He's with his group of friends, but he sees me and waves back. He says something to his friends, then makes his way over. "Hey! I see the weirdo is still following you around. And he seems to be popular today."
I glance over my shoulder. A group of girls have surrounded him and are asking him about his phone number and hair products and shoe size and who knows what else. I just hope he has enough sense not to tell them that he's a fallen star.
Oh dear. "Chunji" and "sense" doesn't really belong in the same sentence, do they? Nope. I better get over there before he messes something up...
"Um, so, I wanted to talk to you," Sandeul says before I can make my escape.
"Uh, sorry, oppa, but can it wait? I kind of have to save someone really quick." My gaze is still locked on Chunji. Why is he laughing? Are those girls really that funny?
"I really need to talk to you. It's... pretty important."
I finally turn to face him. His eyes are earnest, pleading.
Well, I guess Chunji can survive for a few minutes without me. "Okay."
Sandeul and I stroll down the street. Once we are a safe distance away from the others, he stops.
"I was hoping for a more romantic setting for my confession," he says with sheepish laugh. "Well, here goes nothing." He moves to stand directly in front of me. We lock eyes. Blushing brightly, he slowly says, "I... Well, growing up, we were best friends. I didn't even realize my feelings weren't just friendly until junior high. But even when I realized it, I thought it was just a crush that would fade. But, now, I know." He takes a deep breath. "I'm in love with you." 
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HuTaoBoo #1
Chapter 9: Just get together already lol
Chapter 8: Really?What do Chunji want?
HuTaoBoo #3
Amazing story
Chapter 7: Dun dun dun