Clouds Break

When Stars Fall


I wake. Chunji is not here.
Getting ready for school is quiet. In fact, everything is quiet. It feels like it was before he showed up.
It doesn't feel right. But I try to push down the feeling and make my way to school.
At school, girls all around are whispering and squealing. "What's going on?" I ask a girl near me.
"You haven't met the new student, ByungHun-ssi? He's so totally gorgeous!" She giggles and points at an attractive blonde.
L. Joe?!
I try to march over, but the group of girls is too thick. Every time I try to reach him, they shut me out.
Whatever. I'll confront him later.
But, if L. Joe is here, than does that mean...?
I study the crowds around me. This is a small school, so it shouldn't be too difficult to locate Chunji.
But, no. I guess he didn't show.
I pretend I'm not a little bit disappointed and make my way to the lockers. But before I can make it, I run (literally) into Sandeul.
"Oof! Sorry!" He takes a step back, and then recognizes me. "Oh, uh, good morning." He gives a quick bow, a little smile, and hurries off.
How awkward.
I sigh. I really need to respond to his confession. This awkwardness is frustrating. I mean, we used to be best friends, for crying out loud!
But first I need to decide how to respond, I remind myself. I pull out my phone and check the calendar. Oh, I know.
There is a full moon in three nights. I will make my decision by then.
I don't get the chance to talk to L. Joe until after school, due to his being surrounded by the girls.
It's strange, though. I don't feel the same discomfort as I do when Chunji is surrounded by girls.
I'll try not to read too much into it. 
Anyway, after school, L. Joe walks up to me at my locker, having somehow escaped from his army of  fangirls.
"Can I help you, Byunghun-ssi?" I ask sarcastically.
He rolls his eyes, then flicks my ponytail. "Let's walk home together."
"Not a chance. Never underestimate the jealousy of fangirls. See you later, Byunghun-ssi!" I give him a salute and shut my locker, hefting my backpack onto my shoulder.
"No, wait. I ditched my fangirls. I'm going to walk home with you." His face is serious now.
I sigh. "You're just spying on me, aren't you?"
"You saw through my evil plot?"
"It wasn't very hard to see through." We exit the school gates. "Anyway, I don't think you have to worry. I haven't seen Chunji all day."
He narrows his eyes at me. "Really?"
"Do I have a reason to lie?"
"Maybe." He stops suddenly, causing me to turn and look at him. "Are you in love with him?"
Am I in...? "What are you saying? Of course not! Who would be?!" I turn and continue walking.
He falls into step with me again. "Because, like I've said before, I would advise against it."
"I don't see what it's got to do with you," I snap.
"All right, all right, calm down, ice princess. I'm doing this for your own good,you know. You don't really understand, but... Chunji's a star. And that means some things." 
Now I'm suspicious and a little bit curious. "What kinds of things?"
He smiles for once, and it's a moment of blinding light. "You wouldn't understand. And I'm not at liberty to tell you. But just know that it would be a very bad idea for you to fall for him."
"Yeah, you've mentioned that." I hear the sounds of a stampede coming from behind us. "Uh oh. ByungHun-ssi, it looks like your fangirls have found you. And, since I'm not in the mood to get bullied by jealous fangirls, I'm gonna leave now. Later." And, with that,I rush off.
"No! Wait!!" he cries out, but his fangirls fall upon him too quickly and he's lost to the crowd.
I try very hard not to laugh. I'm unsuccessful.
After homework and a nap, I go stargazing. 
Unlike yesterday, the sky is clear. The moon is nearly full. The stars are dancing.
I breath in the night air scent on the way to my hill. I sniff again. Somehow, it seems... Sweeter.
I find Chunji at the hill. Of course. His night air scent is always sweet.
He doesn't see me. He's sitting where I usually do, his face upturned, shining in the moonlight. He's watching the stars.
I wonder if he misses his brothers. I know I do.
"What are you doing?" I ask, coming up behind him.
"Watching the stars. What are you doing?"
"Same." I unpack my telescope, taking care not to look at him.
Neither of us speak.
"So, where've you been all day?" I finally ask, breaking the awkward silence.
"Did you miss me?" He grins at me.
"That's not an answer."
"Okay, okay. I've been walking around. Trying to get my thoughts together." He smiles again, but there's a strange look in his eyes.
L. Joel's face appears in my mind. "You don't really understand, but... Chunji's a star. And that means some things."
What kinds of thoughts would a star need to collect?
"You're searching for something, aren't you?" I narrow my eyes at Chunji. "You want something."
He just watches me.
"You're using me to get to whatever it is you want, aren't you?" I stare at him harder. "You don't love me at all. It's just a farce."
"That's a lie," he blurts. "I really do love you!"
"Oh, really? Then where we're you today? 'Collecting your thoughts'?" I move closer slowly, piercing him with my gaze. "Because, if you really love me as much as you claim, you shouldn't have too much left to figure out." I grab the corner of his short sleeve, my eyes nearly pleading. "So what is it that you want?"
"I-" he starts, then stops. "I love you," he reminds me, but his voice is unsteady. Uncertain.
"I don't believe you." I release his sleeve and move back to my telescope. "And, even if I did, you're far too secretive and strange to be my boyfriend or anything. So maybe the best thing for you to do is go back to being a star. I mean, if you're even telling the truth about that."
"Please..." he tries, but trails off. He can't come up with a response. Because, somewhere in this conversation, I've guessed something correctly.
No. I don't want to be right. I don't want L. Joe to be right.
Again, I can see his face in my mind. "I'm only saying this for your own good. But if you fall in love with him, you'll only end up being hurt."
It's a serious face. Far too serious.
"Please what?" I snap, suddenly very angry. "'Please allow me to use you'? 'Please allow me to take advantage of your unsteady feelings'? 'Please allow me to lie to you an tell you I'm in love with you, when, really, you're absolutely nothing to me but a tool in something you don't understand'?!" I practically throw my telescope back into its case. "Save it."
And I leave.
I try very hard not to cry. Once again, I am unsuccessful.
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HuTaoBoo #1
Chapter 9: Just get together already lol
Chapter 8: Really?What do Chunji want?
HuTaoBoo #3
Amazing story
Chapter 7: Dun dun dun