The Uncertain Direction of the Wind

When Stars Fall


I stare at myself in the mirror the following morning. I kind of stormed off last night, huh.
Whatever. He should just be honest with me, and these things wouldn't happen.
Chunji still isn't here. I didn't expect him to be, especially after last night, but somehow it still feels too quiet. It's shocking how fast I got used to his presence.
Wait, did you just think that? Get a grip. You don't need him.
So, with uncertain thoughts, I head school.
The day's blur. Neither Chunji nor Byunghun-shi is here.
Everything feels weird now, but, to be honest, I kind of missed the normalcy. Everything's been so crazy lately that I had forgotten what it felt like to be a normal high school girl.
After school, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn. "Oh, hey!"
Sandeul smiles. "Hey, sorry to stop you. But I was wondering if you wanted to do something together right now. Ah, I mean, as friends!" He holds up his hands quickly, blushing brightly.
I can't help but smile. "All right, let's do something."
One short walk later, we're buying ice cream and giggling like five year olds. 
"And do you remember the time when I jumped out of the tree because you said you could catch me, and we both ended up breaking an arm!"
He's cracking up. "My right, and your left! Both of our dominant hands! We had the ugliest handwriting in the class!" He grins. "Then again, you did before the incident, anyway!"
"Hey! You're the one with the girly handwriting!" I give him a soft punch with my free hand, then dive into my ice cream. Unfortunately, it falls off the cone and onto the ground with a splat. "Um."
Once he finishes laughing, Sandeul blushes slightly, like he just thought of something. "I missed this," he practically whispers.
"Me too," I realize suddenly. "I missed this so much. And I didn't even realize how much I missed it, and now that I do, I kind of want to cry."
He nearly drops his ice cream. "Oh, no! Don't do that! Here, I'll buy you another ice cream!"
I laugh, blinking back tears. "You are adorable, oppa."
He freezes. Without warning, a blush lights up his face. He's bright pink, his eyes wide, mouth slightly opened. "Er- Uh-"
I laugh again, and then I wonder if it would really be so bad to go out with...
Before he can stutter anything else out, I feel someone grab my arm. Suddenly, I'm being practically dragged away.
"Well, uh, see you tomorrow! It was fun!" I call to a confused and still blushing Sandeul. He attempts a wave, probably still shocked from my previous statement, and slowly shrinks into the distance.
"Are you going to release me anytime soon?" I ask my captor once we are far enough away.
Chunji releases my arm. "Why are you hanging out with that kid?"
I sigh. "It's none of your business who I hang out with."
"Yes, it is!"
"Because I love you!" he practically shouts.
No. I'm not going to be dragged in that easily. Even if your eyes are wide and you're wearing such a pained, passionate look. I can't fall so easily. I won't let myself.
I take a deep breath. "I'm going home now." So I do.
But my escape is short-lived. A few hours later, telescope in hand, stumble across a glittering form at my stargazing hill.
"Oh, great," I groan. "You again."
Chunji doesn't even look at me.
I begin setting up for stargazing. "Is there something you want?"
He doesn't say anything.
"I'm serious. Why are you here, messing with my alone time?"
Finally, he turns. Are you dating that kid?"
"That kid?"
"The one you squeal 'oppa' over. Are you dating him?"
I sigh. "No, but he confessed to me. I'm thinking about it."
"What? Really? No! Don't do that!" He grabs my arm.
I yank it away. "I can do whatever I want with my life, thank you very much," I remind him coldly.
He bites his lip. "But, if you date him, we won't really be able to talk anymore, will we?"
I pause. Hadn't realized that. "...I guess not."
"We won't be able to be together. No, no, you have to turn him down!" He grabs me by the shoulders. 
I look away slightly, a tad embarrassed at the closeness. "I don't know what I'm going to tell him."
Chunji freezes. "Do... Do you love that guy?"
I pause. "...I don't know."
"You don't... know?"
I shrug.
"Oh. I see." He releases my arms. "You do love me, don't you?"
"Where on earth did you get that?" What is with this guy? "I'm still deciding on my feelings for him. You have nothing to do with it." My tongue feels heavy as I spit out the words.
"Nothing to do with it, huh? Well then, I can't imagine what's holding you back. Childhood friends, a match made in heaven. You two should be together by now if I really don't have anything to do with--"
"Shut up," I snap. "I'm never going to be in love with you. Because I'm just going to get hurt. And I still don't know your true reasons for being here. So, no. I guess there really isn't any reason for hesitating. I guess I'll just respond to his confession tomorrow. No need to wait for the full moon. Well, this was a lovely final conversation. See you never, I guess. Bye." I turn and begin to walk away. I feel a hand on my arm, stopping me.
"Stop it, you dummy!" He turns me around and flicks me on the forehead. "You always get mad and spit out words and then storm off. Listen to me, won't you?"
I shake my head, blinking back tears. 
He pulls me into his chest so suddenly that I drop my telescope case. "I love you. So don't say things like 'See you never.' It..." He swallows, clutching me tighter to him. "It makes my heart ache."
I pull back slightly. His eyes are closed tight, his gentle fingers my hair. "I'm in love with you, and you're in love with me. Just tell him no, and we can be together."
And, for a split second, I almost do the unthinkable. 
I almost tell him I love him.
But L. Joe's warnings come back to haunt me.
"I'm sorry," I whisper. "But I'm too unsure to love you." I push myself off him gently, pick up my telescope case, and, once again, leave.
A/N: Hi everyone, it's kawaiiko! First of all, I really want to apologize for taking about 23827316 years for this chapter. I've been super busy with the end of the school year and everything ==' Buuuut the good news is, now that the school year's over, I will go back to updating regularly! Thanks for all of your patience and for sticking with me! ^w^
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HuTaoBoo #1
Chapter 9: Just get together already lol
Chapter 8: Really?What do Chunji want?
HuTaoBoo #3
Amazing story
Chapter 7: Dun dun dun