Chapter 2: Their Mission and the Arrival

Futuristic Lover (Hiatus)
        "I'm pretty you are wondering why I called both of you to my office." 
        "Yeah I was wondering something about this. It's not often we get called up here, unless we are in trouble."  
        "Shut up, Kush." 
        "Oh come on, Teddy. You know it's true."  
        Teddy chuckled. "So then Boss, what's up?" 
        Yang Hyun-suk, better yet known as YG by those he worked with, sighed. "Why do I even bother putting up with you two?" Shaking his head, he opened the file before him, turning it around for Kush and Teddy to see. 
        "Big Bang. Isn't that the group that went missing?" Teddy asked, reading the info. 
        "Yeah they're from the stories." Kush said.  
        The two men looked at YG. "So you called us up here about Big Bang?" 
        YG nodded. "Yes. As they stories have said, Big Bang went missing about a hundred years ago. You all know that the media tried to find out what happened and where they were, along with their many fans. Unfortunately they were not found, that is... until now. I have been able to do, what those before me have not. I have found Big Bang. I know where they are."  
        Kush and Teddy looked at each other and then back at YG. "Where exactly did you find them?" 
        YG smirked. "It seems this whole time they have been in South America. The Amazon rainforest to be exact." He leaned forward. "I need you two to go and retrieve them for me." 
        "Now wait a minute! They've been missing for one hundred years. How have they been kept in condition for all these years?" Teddy asked. 
        "Now that, I will explain to you once you find them and bring them back. It won't be too hard I'm sure. I'm counting on both of you to do a job well done."  
        Kush sighed. "Great. So we need to go find some fossilized idols. Well... if we are the only ones that can get the job done, might as well do it. It should be fun. What do you say, Teddy?" 
        Teddy nodded. "Alright. We'll do it." 
        "Good. I knew I could count on you two." 
        Working with YG Trainer Hwangssabu, was something that was apart of soon to debut group 2NE1's schedule.  
        "YAH PARK BOM! HAVE YOU BEEN EATING CORN AGAIN!" Hwangssabu yelled. 
        "No! I promise I haven't." Bom shook her head. 
        "She really hasn't had any corn lately, Oppa." Minzy spoke up.  
        Hwangssabu eyed Bom and she grinned back at him. He sighed. "Fine I'll let you go this time, but if I find out you have been eating corn, you know what will happen." 
        Bom nodded. "Of course." She waited until Hwangssabu had walked off to CL and Dara, to turn to Minzy. "Thanks Minki." 
        Minzy smiled. "Don't mention it, Unnie." 
(YG's Office)
        "Finally! Back in Korea. I'm ready to go get some sleep. Hauling those guys back here was a pain." Kush plopped down in one of the seats in front of YG's desk. 
        Teddy took a seat next to him, rubbing the back of his neck. He was exhausted. After finding where Big Bang was, getting them out of that room and onto the private jet they were using, they had endured the long flight back home, while making sure nothing happened to the frozen Big Bang members on the plane.  
        "So now you know that Big Bang has been being kept alive by the science of Cryonics." YG said. "My ancestor at the time that ran YG Entertainment one hundred years ago, realized how vital Big Bang was to the Kpop world and decided to use Cryonics to keep them preserved for future purposes." 
        "So, you've known this whole time about what happened to Big Bang?" Teddy asked. 
        YG nodded. "Yes. I knew where they were being hidden. I knew everything. My ancestor left instructions for Big Bang to be revived one hundred years later. These instructions were passed down to me." 
        "So you plan to bring Big Bang back, but for what. You're having 2NE1 debut, aren't you?" Kush asked. 
        YG nodded. "Of course I am. But I'm also bringing Big Bang back. They will be brought back to their rightful place in this company."  
        "Man, the media is going to have a field day with this." Teddy sighed. 
        YG nodded. "Yes, but it will bring publicity back to Big Bang." He looked at the two men before him. "Now you gave both Se7en and Gummy the file I gave you, correct?" He asked. 
        Teddy nodded. "Yeah they have the file and the Big Bang members are with them. Se7en said he would work on cracking the pods they are in open. Then Gummy will work on awaking them" 
        YG nodded. "Good. Things look like they are going as planned them. Soon 2NE1 will debut and I will also have Big Bang awoken and ready to perform again, where they rightfully belong."
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SNSDHeart143 #1
Chapter 6: I'll wait for the next update. I'll be patient. Fighting! :)
Chapter 5: I'll wait for this goodluck =)
MissMonki #3
Chapter 6: I'm glad I refound your story. I hope you find some inspiration during your time away. I find it cute and different. So please take as much time as you need and continue. =)
Chapter 6: okay!!! please update as soon as possible!!!
Chapter 5: I think I can help you finish the story... But I will give up sometimes...
Chapter 5: Those girl are feisty!!! I love it!!! Cant wait for the teasing and loving!!
I so wanna see an update on this soon!
Chapter 5: wow congratulations on turning 2ne1...hahaha...anyways please update soon...really loving this story!!!!
Chapter 5: huwaaaaa so interesting <3<3
I can't wait to read more. please update soon <3
Chapter 5: wrote that 2NE1 born in the 1980s and 1990s..but bigbang went missing in 2013,and then here they are 100 years later.

I think you forgot to change their birthyear to 2084,2091 and 2094. :) anyway,i can't wait for their first lesson.