Chapter 1: 100 Years Later

Futuristic Lover (Hiatus)
        "Unnie, are you seriously telling Minki that story again?" 
        "Ah, Baby Rin! It's a good story. There's nothing wrong with it." 
        "Yeah, CL Roo it's just a story and Minzy enjoys it." 
        Lee Chaerin, known as CL, Baby Rin, or CL Roo, sighed. "Dare Unnie, Bom Unnie that doesn't mater. The last time Minzy heard the story she wouldn't stop talking about it for weeks." 
        "And? What's wrong with talking about the disappearance of Big Bang?" Bom asked. 
        "You've heard what Seniors of YG have said, the Big Bang story has a curse on it. Any group that hears it before their debut has a chance of ruining their career." Chaerin sighed. "Even though I don't believe in the curse, I still don't want to take any chances." 
        "It's just a silly story. We'll be alright." Dara said.  
        Chaerin sighed and turned to Minzy. "Don't listen to those crazies Unnies." She murmured. 
        Minzy giggled. 
        "Yah! What did you say?" both Bom and Dara yelled. "We aren't crazy!" 
        Chaerin and Mizny collapsed in a fit of laughter with Bom and Dara joining them shortly after. 
        "Hey man, you need to check this out over here!" 
        "What is it this time, Kush?"  
        "I found something, Teddy."  
        Teddy made his way over to where Kush was kneeling. The two men were in the Amazon rainforest. They had gotten the lead on something they had been looking for for years and had flown out to South America.  
        In the ground, where Kush was pointing at, was what looked like doors to an underground cellar.  
        "Now what could this be doing here?" Teddy murmured. He nudged the padlock on the doors and looked at Kush. "Let's get it open. It has to be what we are looking for." 
        Kush pulled off his backpack, opening it. He reached into his bag and pulled out a Bolt Cutter. "I always come prepared." He smirked. 
        Teddy chuckled, taking the tool from his hand. "Of course you do." He began to get to work cutting through the padlock. "And there we go." He handed the Bolt Cutter back to Kush and began pulling the chains off the cellar doors.  
        "Alright, let's open this thing up." Kush grinned. "I've got a good feeling about this." He grabbed one door, while Teddy grabbed the other and they both pulled. The doors slightly creaked as they were opened. 
        Kush peered inside. "It looks pretty dark in there." So far all they could see were the stone steps that would lead them into the darkness. 
        "No kidding. You got a flashlight in the pack of yours?" Teddy asked. 
        "Make it two." Kush reached into the pack and pulled out two flashlights. He threw one to Teddy, who caught it. 
        "Thanks. Now let's head on down there." 
        The two began to make their way down the steps, the flashlights lighting the way. Reaching the bottom of the steps, they were met with a corridor.  
        "This place sure is creepy." Kush murmured. "Looks like something out of a horror movie." 
        Teddy chuckled. "Yeah, but it's the perfect place to hide something." 
        "Or someone." Kush added. 
        "Come on. Let's keep walking."  
        The two began walking along the corridor.  
        "Hey, there looks like there's a door up a head."  
        Sure enough, Kush was right. There was a door up a head. Teddy looked at him and nodded. That had to be what they were looking for.  
        Reaching the door, the two looked it over. "We'll have to pry it open." Teddy said.  
        "Here." Kush handed him a crowbar, he had pulled out of his pack. 
        "I don't even have to ask you what I need anymore, do I?" Teddy smirked. He took the crowbar and began to get to work on the door, prying it open.  
        "Alright, that should do it." 
        Kush took the crowbar back and opened the door all the way. The two stepped inside, shining the flashlights around the room.  
        "Well I'll be d*mned." Teddy whistled.  
        "What?" Kush turned to see what Teddy was looking at and his eyes widened. "So this is where they've been this whole time."  
        Teddy chuckled. "Hello... Big Bang."


It's been so long you guys. I'm so sorry! I just wasn't inspired to update this story. I coulnd't think of anything to type up and when I finally do think of something, it turns out to be a short update. I'm not satisfied with this. *Sigh* But I guess it's better than nothing, right? Once again I really am sorry it took me so long to update. Also thank you to all who have subscribed and commented. I love you guys!

Seriously I really do love you guys! 

Also thought I would add this, this is the link to my Tumblr. I'm really active on there guys. So don't be shy. Talk to me if ya want. Also here's a link to my Twitter
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SNSDHeart143 #1
Chapter 6: I'll wait for the next update. I'll be patient. Fighting! :)
Chapter 5: I'll wait for this goodluck =)
MissMonki #3
Chapter 6: I'm glad I refound your story. I hope you find some inspiration during your time away. I find it cute and different. So please take as much time as you need and continue. =)
Chapter 6: okay!!! please update as soon as possible!!!
Chapter 5: I think I can help you finish the story... But I will give up sometimes...
Chapter 5: Those girl are feisty!!! I love it!!! Cant wait for the teasing and loving!!
I so wanna see an update on this soon!
Chapter 5: wow congratulations on turning 2ne1...hahaha...anyways please update soon...really loving this story!!!!
Chapter 5: huwaaaaa so interesting <3<3
I can't wait to read more. please update soon <3
Chapter 5: wrote that 2NE1 born in the 1980s and 1990s..but bigbang went missing in 2013,and then here they are 100 years later.

I think you forgot to change their birthyear to 2084,2091 and 2094. :) anyway,i can't wait for their first lesson.