I'm a genius and very modest...


*Already 14 subscribers! *Overflowing happyness* Also thanks for your comments that made me happy ^-^*



Together me and Sehun walk down the road. "Look! We can drink some coffee over there!" Sehun says happy while pointing at a crowded café.

"Maybe later...we already lost a lot of time at..." He doesn't even let me finish and pulls me inside. I really need to buy something to wear for Heechul...or he's is gonna eat me...alive...

"A coffee and two pieces of cake." Sehun asks the employer. Oh how cute! he thinks about me!

"That's 8749.29 won, please."

Sehun gives me his puppy eye look. No...not again... "Hyung...Please?"

I sigh. "Okay..." I give the woman the money and me and Sehun take a seat at a table at the window.

Sehun starts eating his cake. I try to grab one of the cakes, but he almost sticks it in my hand. "Yah! Don't take my food! You're old enough to order something for yourself!" He says mad.

I already thought this would happen... Why can't he treat me like he does with the food? I really like him...but I guess he doesn't likes me back...I mean...We're brothers...Who would be want to be togheter with his brother! Maybe he isn't even gay... Omo! The foam of his coffee is stuck on his upper lip... 

"Eum...Sehun..." I mumble. He looks up and his eyes twinkle. So cute! Then his mouth turns into an irritated grin. Still cute!

"Yah! I'm eating don't distrub me!"  Then you walk with coffee on your lips the whole day you idiot...

Would he mind if I... I bow to him and let my finger clean his upper lip. I go sit again and feel my cheeks getting red. His lips are so soft... In silence he looks at me. Aish...this is uncomfortable... 

"Thank you." He finally says and focuses back on his meal. fjuw...Oh God... I think I just peed in my pants...



OMG... I hope Luhan can't see me blush... When he touched my lips with his soft and tiny hands... I was getting so hard... No really... What would happen if he would kiss me? Then I would probably faint of excitement... What the fawk am I thinking! I mean... He's my brother... But he's so damn hot! Aish! Sehun just try to focus!

We leave the cafe and walk to my favorite shopping street. "Well... What are you going to wear?" Luhan asks suddenly.

I wipe my messy hair. I feel so uncomfortable... "I don't know yet... And you?"

"I think a nice suit...a classic black suit..." I look around and see a big suitshop.

"Yah!" I grab his arm."Look! You can buy one over there!" I point at the shop. 



Aish! Where are those stupid chickens! I'm so tired... I walk to a shop named 'The suit prince''. That's the most stupid name for a shop I've ever heard... However... They do have nice suits over there... I hate it that I need to buy a suit for Heechul! I mean... It's the ball of the year and I cannot go! Fast I take one of the classic black suits and pay it... He has the perfect body... So it will fit him... And if it doesn't he'll need to go .

That remindes me of a story... When Lunhan was 16 he was already dreaming about Sehun... so he put a camera in the shower and... you know what... this story is actually disgusting so it wont be this due if I would tell you... Anyway I found the camera and placed it on the toilet right before Heechul was going... I still remember that scream from Luhan... Good times...

Cause it's only five kilometers from the mall to my house I deside to walk. A couple of minutes later I arrive at home. 

"I'm home!" I scream and throw the suit on the kitchen table. I open my computer to check my facebook.



  Kim Jongin added a new photo.

   So happy with my new suit for ball! — with Kim Jongdae, Kim Minseok, Zhang Yixing and Wuang Zitao



                      · Like · · · 11 minutes ago via Mobile ·

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  Kim Jongdae and Kim Minseok liked a status.

   -----------RELATED POST--------------------------------------------------------

  Do Kyungsoo

  Can't wait till the ball of the year with the bro's.

  And don't forget to bring the drugs Wuang Zitao.

                   · Like · · · 18 minutes ago via Mobile ·

                   40 people like this.



  Zhang Yixing

   Is going to have the best time with his best friend! with Wuang Zitao.

   · Like · · · 20 minutes ago via Mobile ·

                  56 people like this.



Aish! This isn't making my day any better! I start typing.


Sorry guy's... I cannot go to ball...


"Good boy..." Heechul says from behind me, while looking on my screen. I fade! That creepy...Aish! I just want to go to ball. Everyone will gossip about me cause I cannot go... They'll call me a and things.

"Yah!" I cover the screen with my hands. Uninterrested he walks away.

Jub as I already thought...


   Wuang Zitao

   I'm sorry guys... I cannot go to the ball... Have a good time anyway...

  · Like · · · 1 minutes ago via Mobile ·

        Zhang Yixing No... Why? this .

                         25 April at 20:15 · Like · 24

                         Do Kyungsoo Tell your stepfather that he can my .

                         25 April at 12:15 · Like · 74

                         Kim Jongin You .

                         25 April at 12:16 · Like · 88 


I decide not to answer and just go to my room.

"We're home!" I hear the chickens scream from downstairs. They're so lucky in a couple of minutes they'll be at the ball... While I just need to clean their stuff...

Wait. Maybe... Nha... Or...

I just go with a mask! Sehun, Luhan and Heechul would think I'm cleaning home while I'm getting stoned with my friends! But... what if they come home and see their room still dirty... Oh! I have an idea! I just call Mirtha... She's a big nerd from my school who has a huge crush on me... she'll do it for free!

I press her number on my cell phone.

"Yo! Can you do something for me?" I ask.

Mirtha smirks. Eulgh I think I'm going to puke. "With what?"

"Can you clean up my house?"

"Cool. When?" Even hearing here saying cool makes me retch.

I sigh. "ten till eleven. I wont be there so I'll put the key under the door mat... Thanks." After saying that I drop the phone down.

Okay... I'm a genius!



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Chapter 9: pls update pls
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 9: lol XD i wasnt suppose to read this since im still under age...but...oh well,This fic is too awesome to read xp ...
shinee_fan69 #3
Chapter 9: update soon pleace^^
Chapter 9: holy douchedick ohmeh ger hunhan and kris you go gull ~
kate64100 #5
Chapter 8: omg, a str8 stuff. wooooh, but str8 keeps on being totally awkward imo. uh.
"let's hope she's not pregnant", pffft~ lol~ ... and, tbh, I kind of hope for some magic to happen and for "the woman" to turn out to be Geng~ whoops~ ^^
and I'm still curious how our cute HunHan are doing~ <3
PetShawal #6
Chapter 8: WAHAHA the gif <3 and I don't mind some hetero~ especially with Heechul <3 (first time i've read it)
PetShawal #7
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaaw.....i guess i'll just wait for you then :)
Chapter 6: Very impressed :) I laughed so much- Heechul is still a diva! And I love HunHan- they are such dorks! Tao is so conniving- It was so mean to make whoever that girl was go and clean their house.. And he is just a little bit ty to be up for y times with Krisus on the first 'date' (that doesn't really count as a date) but then again Kris is super y so- Tao is forgiven!
*hwaiting* can't wait for the next chapter :D