I'll make you melt like ice cream


*A/N: Thanks for reading my story! Hope you like it!*


"I'm going to someone, have fun at the ball." After saying that he walks away. Eulg...I didn't want to know that from my father... He can be so dirty sometimes...make that always... Once I caught him my teachers ...You'll say 'what's wrong with that?' Well, my teacher is a 88 year old grandpa. Yeah...I saw it with my own eyes..trauma for life...

"So..." Sehun starts. Aish I feel so uncomfortable again. It's stupid... I would have wished we met in an other life... Then I would definitely go for him without hesitating... It may be weird that I just don't hang around with other guys...but I just want to be with Sehun all the time...laying in his warm arms and say... 'I love you...' But that wont happen I guess...Why is my life this complecated...Why couldn't I just fall in love with someone who loves me back?

"You want something to drink?" I ask to break the silence. I can feel my voice shaking... hope he didn't hear that...

"Eum... Okay... Whatever you want... You pay." Aish! Why does he always needs to be this dry? Why can't he say something like... 'Good idea! That would be great!' And most of all: 'I'll pay for you!' But of course not... I'm just a piece of to him.



Aish! Sehun, what are you doing? I'm just acting like to him again! He's so nice to me and of course I need to be like this again... I don't know what's wrong with me... It's just that...If I get really nervous, I'm acting like a jerk. I should flirt with him not making him uncomfortable by saying nothing.

We walk to the bar. "Two cocktails,, please." Luhan asks. How can someone be this cute? Everytime hearing him saying just a word makes me spazz.

The man gives us our drinks and Luhan pays them. I take a nip of it. I smile. "Oh! It's good!" Just then a group of stoned teenagers pass us and one of them clashes accidentely to Luhan, which makes Luhan spill his cocktail on his new suit.

"Yah! Can't you look where you're walking?!" I scream, too late they're already gone. I don't know how...but one of these guys looked fimilair to me... Poor Luhan...he's almost crying... A tear escapes his eye.

"Don't cry...I..I'll help you with that." Together we walk to the male toilets. Okay... This isn't going as planned...Now I'll be cleaning his suit instead of kissing him...



"I'll get some other drinks for us." I say. Oh Gosh... I'm so stoned. I walk to the bar and let my arm support my chin.

Suddenly a young sameaged boy takes a seat next to me. I turn my head to him and smile like an old lady. Well that was attractive...

"Hi. I'm Kris." He's... What? I sharpen my eyesight. OMG he's the prince...And damn he's so y! 

"I'm Thomas. Nice to meet you!" Good job Tao! That sounded much better than my lovely old lady smirk. 

"Nice to meet you too, Thomas!" He laughs.

Suddenly the bar man interrupts our conversation. "What would you like?" 

"Something strong for me and my friend over here!" I say really drunk. This is embaressing...I'm laughing the whole time like a granny again...and I can't help it! 

"So...Where are you from?"  His voice is so warm and low... so y...

"China...You?" I smirk. 

He laughs. "Too!" Just then the barman gives us our drinks. Kris winks to me. Aish! So cute and y! I chuckle.

"Eum... Would you like to see the garden?" He asks.

"Of course!" I agree. We walk to the garden together. This actually can end up as a romantic night...



I don't mind that someone spilled his drink on Luhan...cause now he's standing next to me...shirtless. Come on... Sehun, brace yourself! This is the right moment... I turn to him and just stare at his great abs.

"Yah! Don't look at me!" He shouts, while covering his chest. I focus again on cleaning the shirt in the sink.

"No...Luhan..." I hesitate. Aish! My voice shakes like a !

He looks confused in my eyes. "What no?"

"I-I can't just not look at you...cause your beautiful..." Then there is a big silence. Damn... I screwed it right? Aish! Why do I always have to screw things up? No Sehun...You have done the right thing...I hope...

I continue. "...I-I know this is weird...but I really like you...I mean...I love you...Luhan! I-I love you! I always did...and always will...I know you don't...And yeah...Everything will probably get complicated now...but this is how I feel...I'm sorry." I feel like crying... He seems to be so confused and shocked... But that's logical, of course...what did I even expect? That he would love me back? How stupid have I been...

Then something happens what I never tought it would. Without saying anything he comes closer and kisses me on my lips. Feeling his toutch...his sweet lips on mine...feels like getting something you always dreamed of but always seemed impossible. And that's just how I thought about it. I grab his waist and press my body to his.

"I also loved you for a very long time... I was just scared you wouldn't love me back..." He smiles with tears of happiness. He really did? Am I dreaming?

I kiss him and let my tongue slip over his sweet lips. He gets the picture and opens his mouth a bit so our tongues can play with each other. He tastes even better like I thought he would. He tastes like sweet strawberries.

When we stop we look lovingly in each others eyes. My life is so great now...and it only can get better...





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Chapter 9: pls update pls
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 9: lol XD i wasnt suppose to read this since im still under age...but...oh well,This fic is too awesome to read xp ...
shinee_fan69 #3
Chapter 9: update soon pleace^^
Chapter 9: holy douchedick ohmeh ger hunhan and kris you go gull ~
kate64100 #5
Chapter 8: omg, a str8 stuff. wooooh, but str8 keeps on being totally awkward imo. uh.
"let's hope she's not pregnant", pffft~ lol~ ... and, tbh, I kind of hope for some magic to happen and for "the woman" to turn out to be Geng~ whoops~ ^^
and I'm still curious how our cute HunHan are doing~ <3
PetShawal #6
Chapter 8: WAHAHA the gif <3 and I don't mind some hetero~ especially with Heechul <3 (first time i've read it)
PetShawal #7
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaaw.....i guess i'll just wait for you then :)
Chapter 6: Very impressed :) I laughed so much- Heechul is still a diva! And I love HunHan- they are such dorks! Tao is so conniving- It was so mean to make whoever that girl was go and clean their house.. And he is just a little bit ty to be up for y times with Krisus on the first 'date' (that doesn't really count as a date) but then again Kris is super y so- Tao is forgiven!
*hwaiting* can't wait for the next chapter :D