


I wake up from the cool morning breeze on my face. A hot cute boy is laying in my arms, my little Luhan...still sleeping in my arms. Awww he's so cute! I give him a soft kiss on the forehead. The kid opens his eyes slowly and smiles when he faces me. "I don't want to get up.' His face turns sad. "Me neither..." I smile and wipe his messy blonde hair, "sadly we have to." I release the boy from my embrace and sit straight on the bed.

Suddenly I feel two hands grab my sholders. "Just a second." Luhan pouts and pulls me next to him on my back. I smile and put my arms around him. "Let's make that five seconds." I smile and kiss him on those sweet lips of his. "Ten." He replies and kisses me back. His head rests on my chest and he closes his eyes again.

"I like listening to your heartbeat." Lulu mumbles half asleep. I blush."I like you." I say before he falls asleep again.



Still in my pajamas I walk down the stairs and grab the remote form the tv. I jump up in surprise when I hear a female voice from the kitchen. Who is she? What is she doing here? And why does she sound so familiar to me? I get up from the couch, walk to the kitchen door and press my ear to it.

"You want some juice?" I hear my evil stepfather ask her kindly. Heechul...Kind? Am I still sleeping? The fact that he's kind to her makes me even more curious. She must have done something to him... let me guess: they had wild ? No... then she would be gone already... and he wouldn't be this kind either... 

"That would be lovely." She answers with a girlish laugh. Are they together? Like... a couple? No! That's ridicilous! Or maybe... "What are you doing?" Sehun's voice from behind my back surprises me. I grab at my heart. "Ssst! I can ask you the same thing." I whisper. "Eum... I'm just about to get something to drink for You?" He answers. Who's Luhme? Whatever...weird boy.

"You're never going to believe what I'm about to say... There's a... There's a woman in the kitchen with your father...and he's nice to her." He frowns his eyebrows. "You're kidding, right?" He asks not even believing a word I say. His eyes suddenly widen when he hears her voice. "So for the first time you're not..." He mumbels. "Anyways, I'm having better things to do." He says and walks away to the storage for Luhme's water. Whoever that may be...

When he's gone I try to focus again on the two love birds. I accidently lean to much on the door causing it to open. ! Well... this is embaressing. "I-I wasn't... listening or something... I-I..." I stuter looking to the ground, trying not to face them or catch them kissing or doing those kind of not too clean things...

"Tao? What are youd oing here?" The girl asks surprised. To hear her voice it sounds like she isn't that happy I'm here. I look up and fade when I see the woman's face. 

You've got to be kidding me! 

"Misses Hana?" I mumble more to my self then to the young lady, who seems to be my English teacher. This is bad... very bad... Let's start with the fact that my points weren't that well at the beginning of the year... Well, to be honest I might have told her some little things about my family and how hard it is to live with this pedofile, who listens to the name Heechul. And maybe I made some of the stories a bit worse than they really are, so she would feel sorry for me and give me some extra points...

Maybe it's wrong, but I really need these... If I don't pass this year I can't do audition for sm entertainment. Which is my dream by the way. "D-Do you live here?" She stutters pointing at me. I always feel like people don't want me to be around, but really... Now I feel like the ugly swan. "You know each other?" Heechul asks frowing his eyebrow just like Sehun did before. "I live here...Teacher." I reply.

"Y-You w-what?" She stutters wiping her forehead out of worry. "What's wrong?" My evil and way too hot stepfather asks confused as always. "I'm sorry." She only says, grabs her purse and leaves the house immediately. I hear the door fall close with a loud tud. I look at Heechul, who's staring while wiping his hair to the door and then in dissepointment leaves to his room.

No... I'm not going to feel sorry for him... It's not my fault that he's a terrible person. I take a seat in front of the television. "Aish...Thanks to them I don't even have time anymore to look." I sigh when I look at my watch. I normally watch Nail shop Paris everyday.Thunder is so hot you know...

Irritated I stand up and go upstairs. Would Heechul be okay? I think standing infront of his room. Wait. What am I thinking? "No pity..." I mumble to myself and walk into my room. 


Kris POV

I can't believe I'm doing this... But I must find him. He's the man of my dreams. The only butthole my huge member fits in... "Are you sure about this?" My best friend Xiumin frowns his eyebrow worried. Me and Xiumin have been friends since kindergarden. He knows I always have the craziest ideas, but this time I'm sure I astound him. I ignore him and knock on the first door the closest to the big castle I live in. I'm going to search for that damn hole...

The door sways open. "Can I help you?" An older woman asks. "Eum... sort of... Do you have a son?" I'm already getting nervous. I really hope I wont have to search too much... It's just very weird and impolite... Knocking on someones door and asking the males in that house to with me.

"Yes, I have two sons. Why?" She asks. "Eum... Can I come in, I'll explain you later after talking with your sons..." I'm so not going to talk with them... I feel like a ert. Whatever... everything for that one guy...



A/N: Sorry if it's kinda boring:( The next chapter will be better I promise! :D




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Chapter 9: pls update pls
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 9: lol XD i wasnt suppose to read this since im still under age...but...oh well,This fic is too awesome to read xp ...
shinee_fan69 #3
Chapter 9: update soon pleace^^
Chapter 9: holy douchedick ohmeh ger hunhan and kris you go gull ~
kate64100 #5
Chapter 8: omg, a str8 stuff. wooooh, but str8 keeps on being totally awkward imo. uh.
"let's hope she's not pregnant", pffft~ lol~ ... and, tbh, I kind of hope for some magic to happen and for "the woman" to turn out to be Geng~ whoops~ ^^
and I'm still curious how our cute HunHan are doing~ <3
PetShawal #6
Chapter 8: WAHAHA the gif <3 and I don't mind some hetero~ especially with Heechul <3 (first time i've read it)
PetShawal #7
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaaw.....i guess i'll just wait for you then :)
Chapter 6: Very impressed :) I laughed so much- Heechul is still a diva! And I love HunHan- they are such dorks! Tao is so conniving- It was so mean to make whoever that girl was go and clean their house.. And he is just a little bit ty to be up for y times with Krisus on the first 'date' (that doesn't really count as a date) but then again Kris is super y so- Tao is forgiven!
*hwaiting* can't wait for the next chapter :D