My victim


*A/N: Sorry if this chapter isn't that good *sad* I didn't have that much time cause of school... Anyways! Thanks for subscribing, voting and commenting! SARANGHAE~*


Aish! I've been searching for hours for a partner now...Depressed and irritated I walk to the bar.

"Give me something strong." I mumble. I turn my head till my sight catches a brownhaired woman. Damn...She looks so natural and beautiful. She's the perfect victim! My eyes slide down to her ...cup size 'C' I guess. Well...that's nice. With my eyes I stare at her body.

"You like what you see there?" She smirks and takes a seat closer to mine. I look around. Is she talking to me? Of course she is. Who wouldn't want to talk to me...I mean...I'm ing hot! Not's a fact...

"Love it!" I say like a ert. She smiles and lets her head rest on her sholder. Aish! She's so damn hot! I've never seen someone this...pure... I smile back. What's wrong with me? Heechul...focus on the . Women and men are objects to me, which I just use to with... when me and my friend down there are done I just thow the object away! Keep thinking about that! Aish! But she's so...special...

" are you?" That's weird...I never ask that question...maybe it's better if I just go away and find someone else...

"I'm fine, you?" Omo! We're talking! I'm so nervous! Wait? This needs to stop! I-I can't like love someone...I mean because of love...What's the fun about that?

Fast I get up. "I-I'm sorry..." And yes...that's how I leave her behind...I just walk away...I'm a real jerk...Maybe ...Cause you love someone...isn't that bad as it sounds like...maybe I should try it...Yeah! I'm going back to her! I swear I'm gonna her like I never ed someone!

Oh . An other man is talking to her...What should I do? Aish! I screwed it all up! I walk up to her and the strange man. I tap her shoulder.

"Yah! What are you doing? You already said sorry...cause I'm not good enough to with right? Is that why? Aish!" She seems really mad...very mad...I bow to her and let my lips touch hers. Her lips are so sweet... First she resists but after tasting my delisious lips she just lets me take over with my tongue.

"I was just too mesmerized by your beauty...I suggest we look for some place...more quiet," I whisper with my husky voice into her ear. I take her hand and she follows me to the more private parts of the castle. As soon as we're out of sight I pull her closer and crash our lips togeter. 



I can't believe this! Me and Sehun are... together! I mean...I never expected he would love me...Like...Really love me, like I love Onew loves chicken...I'm so happy!

"You want to dance?" Sehun asks while holding me close in his arms.

I look up to his face. "I would love too!...but we can't...I mean...What if they see us...dancing together..." I get out of his embrace. I really want to dance with him, but...What if our dad sees us? 

"You're right...It's better to keep a secret for now...But we can also dance over here..." He grabs my waist back and starts dancing. I let my head rest on his sholder. I'm so happy with my Tehunnie! I let him lead and just follow the dance moves he's making. I look up and stare into his beautiful brown eyes.

"My Tehunnie..."I mumble blushing. He smiles and gives me a cute kiss on my cheek

Suddenly someone opens the door. Sehun lets me go out of his arms quickly. Fjuw...right on time... I don't want to know what happened if..."So here you are! I was looking for you the whole time! I think I'm going to stay a bit longer as expected at this party...but it's already late, so you better go home and go to sleep." Our dad says and throws the key to Sehun. He's never this worried about us...

"Okay...See you" Sehun says confused. 

"Bye!" And so dad leaves us alone. Well...that was weird... He's normally never like this...Mostly he just leaves without telling us that he'll leave...or he just stays and hides himself for us, for fun...because he's bored...he has a very ed up brain...

Sehun wipes my messy blond hair. "My Luhan." Him saying my name makes me spazz. He grabs my hand and leads me outside.



While holding his tiny hand I walk Luhan home. "What are we going to do now...with us...I don't want to lose you..." I blush. I sound so stupid...but I'm really worried...

"We'll see...Lets just keep it a secret for now..." He smiles and kisses my hand. I look down. I know we better keep it a secret, but...I just don't want to hide my love for him for other people...

"Yah! Look at that!" Luhan says pointing on my right. I turn around and try to find the thing he's talking about. Right then I feel his soft lips on my cheek, giving me a quick playful peck. I chuckle shy. He's so cute! I let his hand go and put my arm around him.

"I really like you." I smile, while looking in his shining eyes. His eyes are so pretty...actually he's pretty everywhere...Probably also ...for me to find out...But...Now that I'm thinking about it...Would it be okay if Luhan and I ever would...have ? I don't know...We'll see... can wait...But not too long of course...

"I really like you too!" His voice is so cute! It even makes me spazz. I wink, just then we arive at the house. I take the keys out of my pocket and open the door. I need to admit Tao is a real clean princess! It all looks so clean...

"Tao did well..." Luhan mumbles more to himself then to me. I nod. Where would he be? Probably sleeping...Together we walk upstairs. 

"Well...see you tomorrow." He stutters shy. Aww...I don't want to leave him now...but it's late and we need the sleep...

"Jub..." He turns around and opens his room door. Suddenly, unaware of it myself... I grab his arm and pull him in my arms and kiss him on his sweet mouth. can someones lips be this sweet?

"Good night~" I whisper. I wish he just came to my room...but maybe he would be scared that our dad will see us...

"You too, babe." He smiles and goes to his room. He just...called me babe? I'm so fangirling over here! Finally I also walk to my room and drop myself on my bed. First I need to free myself from this suit...



This is oficially the best day of my life! Forever! "Wo ai ni, Thehunnie!" I mumble on a singing tone. While singing I pull my cothes of and put my pajamas on. I crawl under the blankets and try to sleep... unsuccesfully...After a minute a the creepy noise of the wind going through the trees gives me chills. 

"It's just the wind..." I try to reassure myself. I'm freaking scared! What should I do? I try to relax again and close my eyes. Aish! What was that noise! I'm starting to panic! Quickly I get up and put the lights on. Slowly I open the door and hurry to Sehun's door. Should I...But maybe he would laugh...or think I'm a ...Actually...I am. But that doesn't mean Sehun needs to know... I pull the knink down and open the door a bit.

I take a look in his room. "Sehun? Are you still awake?" He sleeps with a night too! Really...without that I can't sleep... My eye falls on Sehun's sleeping face. So cute! Slowly I walk into his room and close the door behind me. I walk to his bed.

"Sehun? I-I'm scared..." I whisper. Well, that sounded handsome...

Suddenly he opens his eyes half asleep and pulls his blankets up. "You can sleep here, Lulu..." Aww...he really called me Lulu? That's so sweet! Quickly I crawl next to my boyfriend and close my eyes again. A creey noise holds me again from sleep. My body shakes. Sudden I feel Sehun's body against mine...we're laying in spoon position. 

"Don't be scared...I'm here..." Sehun whispers and wipes my hair. His warm body gives me a protected feeling which makes me relax. And so we both fall asleep...


A/N: What do you think? Too much fluff? Next chappie will be XD I PROMISE ^-^

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Chapter 9: pls update pls
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 9: lol XD i wasnt suppose to read this since im still under age...but...oh well,This fic is too awesome to read xp ...
shinee_fan69 #3
Chapter 9: update soon pleace^^
Chapter 9: holy douchedick ohmeh ger hunhan and kris you go gull ~
kate64100 #5
Chapter 8: omg, a str8 stuff. wooooh, but str8 keeps on being totally awkward imo. uh.
"let's hope she's not pregnant", pffft~ lol~ ... and, tbh, I kind of hope for some magic to happen and for "the woman" to turn out to be Geng~ whoops~ ^^
and I'm still curious how our cute HunHan are doing~ <3
PetShawal #6
Chapter 8: WAHAHA the gif <3 and I don't mind some hetero~ especially with Heechul <3 (first time i've read it)
PetShawal #7
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaaw.....i guess i'll just wait for you then :)
Chapter 6: Very impressed :) I laughed so much- Heechul is still a diva! And I love HunHan- they are such dorks! Tao is so conniving- It was so mean to make whoever that girl was go and clean their house.. And he is just a little bit ty to be up for y times with Krisus on the first 'date' (that doesn't really count as a date) but then again Kris is super y so- Tao is forgiven!
*hwaiting* can't wait for the next chapter :D