them...I want food!


A/N: Seriously? 7 Subscribers in one day!!! I just beated my sisters! *dancing like a lunatic*



"Tao! You rat!" Heechul, my stepfather yells from upstairs. I sigh and run upstairs to my very weird and actually very handsome, except for his awful personality, stepfather. While running on the staircase I pass Sehun, who really has to make me trip. That annoying bastard with the brain of a peanut.

Finally I reach Heechul's favorite lounge. He gives me his evil smirk. Oh, I'm screwed. I just hope he won't make me feed the chickens again. Yeah I had some awful wounds at places you just don't want to know...

"How are you sweetheart?" he asks. Oh no...when Heechul's nice, he's even more dangerous than when he's a . Once he made me do the dishes while his . Not that I completely hated it...I mean he's HOT!

"I'm good and you?" I ask polite. I even bow for him but his smirk just grows wider. Pleaz don't make me do anything embaressing or painful...

"I've got a little task for you, love," Why is my life so ed up?! I just want to go back to the time when me and my mother were togeter, gardening, reading, just me and her. We were our own little family.

"What is it father?" I ask. He forces me to call him father... Father my , he's more like a sadistic crazy bastard. 

"I want you to get me some things at the mall for the ball prince Kris is giving," that doesn't sound that bad...

"Oh and take your brothers with you," Now I get why he is smirking. He knows that I hate those two lunatics. They're like super gay and super mean and I think those two have a crush on each other. Now before you go all: Oh my god I love sibling love (that's very ed up by the way) These guys aren't real brothers...they were both adopted by the devil himself *referring to Heechul*

"Here are the things I need....oh and one last thing: do you want to go to the prince his ball?" Duh?! Ofcours I want to's the party of the year and everybody of my class is going...

"Yes, I would love to go," I mumble, blushing a bit.

"You can't, you have to stay here and feed our poor Donghae," he says smirking. Yeah we have a fish called Donghae...He used to be human but he fell in love with Eunhyuk, the witch of the east, and she turned him into a fish...long story...

"But..." I want to protest since it's very unfair that I have to stay home for a bloody hell fish who doesn't even do tricks...that's just boring you know...

"No buts sweetie, someone has to guard the house too. We don't want criminals to rob our house, now do we?" his voice sounds so soft while his words are so harsh...aish! The bastard drives me crazy...As if a criminal would dare to rob our house. The entire country knows Heechul and his bad temper, they in their pants with even thinking about robbing him...

"Now go to the mall, your brothers need appropiate clothes for the ball. I bet the prince will only have eyes for them..." he sings. That guy's mind is so ed up! Seriously?!

I turn around and go downstairs. Ofcours Sehun is eating in the kitchen, poor kid will grow fat in no time. Luhan is watching him from afar. Those two must have no idea that their feelings are mutual. I cough and Sehun turns around in his chair.

"Hi rat," he says with his mouth stuffed with food. I sigh and roll my eyes. I can't believe I really have to go shopping with these morons. I'd rather kill myself! You know what...that's not even a that bad idea...No I can't do that...poor Donghae would be alone between all of these lunatics...

"Father asked me to take you to the mall for the ball," haha that rhymes. Sehun shoots me a death glare. What have I done wrong now again?

"I don't want to go to the ball," he mumbles.

"Why not? It's fun, I can't go. You don't have to dance with the weird prince you can also dance with Luhan or with some of the other guys there..." I say trying to convice him to go so I can have the house for myself.

"Dude! Why would I dance with my own brother?! You're really ed up!" he yells at me...Oops, I just hope Luhan didn't hear that. I don't hate these guys you know, even though they tease me all day I know that they're not completely ed up like their adoptive father. That guy should get a scan on his brains by the way to test if they're really human...

"Yeah, why would I dance with my brother?" Luhan asks from behind me. I can hear the disappointment in his voice. He must really love his brother. Sad for him that his brother is Sehun...who only cares about food...

"Let's just drop the subject and go to the damn mall or father will scold me again," I mumble. They walk out of the house, ignoring me completely. Well at least they're going to the mall...

I hear them what about me and how awful I am...well at least they're chatting with each other. I sigh and just follow them to the mall. It's fair day...great now I'll have to put extra effort in not losing the lunatics...I get pushed around by passing people and ofcours I loose sight of Luhan and Sehun. Instead of sticking with they have to walk around like two chickens...

I just pat a random person on the shoulder.

"Excuse me sir, do you know where I can eat something?" What? Thought I would look for the Pabo's? Ofcours not...I'm hungry... ^-^



We lost Tao again...! Father's gonna kill us...not like he cares about Tao but...else who would have to clean our own mess and we don't like to clean nor does father. I link arms with Sehun as a man nearly pulls us apart. I can't lose Sehun too...aish! We should've given Tao a phone!

"Yo, what are you doing?" Sehun asks a bit shocked by our sudden skinship. Aish! This brat doesn't even know how much I long for his touch...

"I don't want to lose you too...and it's so crowded here," I mumble as excuse. Luckely he buys it. He really is a moron, but a cute moron...When he told Tao he doesn't want to dance with me, my heart shattered...

"Ah...I think we'll find Tao when we're not really looking for let's go grab a bite," he says enthustiastic. There's only one love in Sehun's heart: food. Why did I fall in love with such a Pabo?!

"Oh! Hyung! They sell mandu over there!" he shouts like a kid. He drags me to a stand with dumplings. The older lady smiles at us and gives us each a dumpling.

"Hyung, can you pay please?" he asks with puppy-eyes. The bastard really knows how to make me pay. I cuhckle and give the money at the lady. Sehun eats the dumpling in one bite and as the good 'brother' I am I give him mine too. We stroll next to the shops and chit-chat a bit.

Suddenly we're being pushed aside by a tall blond guy with big black sunglasses. A crowd of camera's chases him. I kinda feel sorry for the guy...but who could he be???



I'm just strolling down the mall when I get hid by a flashing light. Great...they found me...I sigh and start to run. I push a couple aside and run down the big escalators, towards the exit. Lately everyone has gone crazy by that stupid ball I'm giving...litlle do they know that it's actually organized to un me.

Why is such a handsome and rich man as myself still a ? You ask...well I have a HUGE problem...I have a MONSTER and so I haven't found anyone who's butthole is big enough for my BIG member. I just hope I'll find someone at the ball or else I'd probably end up alone, and a for my entire life...

Just when I'm about to open the exit doors I bump into someone...he's tall, y and definitely my type. I'm about to say something but he just gives me a death glare.

"Look where you're going, moron," he says cold. He looks a bit like a angry panda but still...I want to pinch his cheeks. He walks away and I want to follow him but....those stupid reporters are catching up on me and I just run outside....I hope the panda will attend the ball too...


A/N: SO...what do you think? Is it  bad? Stupid? Lame? Leave your comments pleaz and thanx for subscribing XD





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Chapter 9: pls update pls
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 9: lol XD i wasnt suppose to read this since im still under age...but...oh well,This fic is too awesome to read xp ...
shinee_fan69 #3
Chapter 9: update soon pleace^^
Chapter 9: holy douchedick ohmeh ger hunhan and kris you go gull ~
kate64100 #5
Chapter 8: omg, a str8 stuff. wooooh, but str8 keeps on being totally awkward imo. uh.
"let's hope she's not pregnant", pffft~ lol~ ... and, tbh, I kind of hope for some magic to happen and for "the woman" to turn out to be Geng~ whoops~ ^^
and I'm still curious how our cute HunHan are doing~ <3
PetShawal #6
Chapter 8: WAHAHA the gif <3 and I don't mind some hetero~ especially with Heechul <3 (first time i've read it)
PetShawal #7
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaaw.....i guess i'll just wait for you then :)
Chapter 6: Very impressed :) I laughed so much- Heechul is still a diva! And I love HunHan- they are such dorks! Tao is so conniving- It was so mean to make whoever that girl was go and clean their house.. And he is just a little bit ty to be up for y times with Krisus on the first 'date' (that doesn't really count as a date) but then again Kris is super y so- Tao is forgiven!
*hwaiting* can't wait for the next chapter :D