Chapter 9

Frozen Hearts


Hyukjae awoke to Donghae's soft, rhythmic breathing against his cheek. He glanced to the side and smiled. Donghae had his forehead pressed against Hyukjae's temple, his arm thrown over Hyukjae's chest and their legs were twisted among each other's and the blanket over them.


Careful not to disturb Donghae, Hyukjae leaned on his elbow and couldn't help but stare at Donghae's peaceful expression. He pushed back the hair that had fallen in the brunette's eyes.



He began to think that Donghae must be some kind of angel. After all the hardships that he had endured, Donghae had accepted Hyukjae's confession. Even though they were legally related and Hyukjae had treated Donghae badly for a while, the brunette still loved him.



His thoughts were interrupted by the shrill sound of the telephone ringing in the kitchen. Hyukjae mentally cursed the device when he saw Donghae's features contort because of the noise.



Sorry, Hae,” Hyukjae whispered before slipping out from beside the boy and off the couch. He padded into the kitchen and answered the phone. “Yes?”



Oh, Hyukkie dear!” his mother's voice rang through the receiver. “How are you?”



Hyukjae froze. He had totally forgotten about his parents. He couldn't possibly tell them that their sons had made out in the kitchen! “U-Um...fine, Umma. How are you and Appa?”



We're having a great time! How is my Donghae? Is he awake?”



Hyukjae swallowed and Donghae stiffened. He had gotten up and was leaning against the wall sleepily. His eyes widened when he heard Hyukjae's mother's voice over the phone.


He's right here....”



Put him on the phone, dear! I haven't heard my son's voice for weeks!”


Son. Donghae was their son now too.



Hyukjae helplessly handed the phone to Donghae.






Oh, Donghae! How have you been? Have you and Hyukjae been eating okay by yourselves?”



We-We're doing fine...thank you...”



Donghae, you know it's okay to call me 'Umma' like Hyukjae, right? You don't have to be so formal.”



Donghae's chest tightened. There was no way he could ever call her that now.


O-Okay,” he replied simply.



Well we have to go now. We just wanted to check on you and Hyukjae. Goodbye.”


Once the line went dead, Donghae turned to Hyukjae with a scared look on his face. He bit his lip and put the phone down. What were they going to do? To their parents, they were brothers. There was no way they would ever accept him and Hyukjae being together.



Hyukkie....” Tears welled up in his eyes.


Hyukjae went over to Donghae and hugged him around his waist. “Don't worry, Hae,” he told him as Donghae wrapped his arms around his neck. “No matter what anyone says, I love you. Understand? I won't even let my parents separate us.”



Donghae nodded against his shoulder. But, he still felt guilty. Hyukjae's parents had treated him so kindly and he was in love with their son. Of course it was a mutual thing, but Donghae still felt uneasy. He brought his arms from Hyukjae's neck and gently pushed the red head back.



Maybe I should have lied about my feelings last night....



Hyukjae must have seen Donghae's thoughts reflected in his eyes because he immediately grabbed a hold of Donghae's shoulders and stared directly at him.



Hyukjae spoke in a wounded tone. “Don't think that you regret this or that you should have lied to me. Don't push me away, Donghae.” His gaze shifted to the floor. “D-Do you regret this?”



Donghae was at a loss for words. No. He didn't regret it, not one bit.



When he got no response, Hyukjae sighed and let Donghae's shoulders go. He bit back tears. “I get it. It was a screwed up day yesterday. You were probably confused and I took advantage of you out of nowhere. Just forget I even told you anything last night.”



W-Wait. I—“


You don't have to explain,” Hyukjae cut him off. “I know you said what you did in the heat of the moment. It's okay.”



He walked past Donghae and up to his room, leaving the brunette standing there. He quickened his pace up the stairs so Donghae couldn't see that the tears had begun to fall. Once he had shut his door, he collapsed on the other side and buried his face in his knees.


It was the first time he had confessed to someone. Why did that someone have to be his brother? Why did his family have to adopt Donghae and make them legally related?



Is this what it felt like to have your heart crushed?



Downstairs, Donghae still hadn't moved. One phone call. That was all it took for him to doubt his feelings? Was he really that weak? He smacked his own forehead, sending a stinging sensation through his hand, which was still healing from the week before.



The pain got his mind working again. Hyukjae thought that he didn't love him. That was the farthest from the truth! His feet started moving on their own until he was in front of Hyukjae's door. He could hear faint, muffled, and haggard breathing coming form inside. Almost like the person inside had been crying hard.



Hyukkie?” Donghae placed his forehead against the cool wood of the door.


The noises stopped.


I didn't mean for you to think that I don't love you because I do. It's just that I respect your parents...our parents...and I don't want to disappoint them after all they've done for me. And I'm bad at expressing my feelings so when you asked me if I regretted loving you I couldn't say anything. But I don't regret it, Hyukkie. Believe me. I love you. Please open the door.”


The door swung open and Hyukjae pulled him into a passionate kiss. After the red head had finished ravaging the younger's mouth, he pulled away, leaving Donghae breathless.



That's the most you've ever said to anyone,” Hyukjae mused, almost to himself. He let go of Donghae only to poke the boy hard on his forehead. “You scared me. I thought you didn't love me.” He kissed the spot on Donghae's forehead where he had poked him. “Don't worry about Umma and Appa. They'll understand. And even if they don't, I won't give you up.” He held out his pinky finger. “Promise me you won't give me up either.”


Donghae didn't say anything but walked past Hyukjae into his won room, leaving the red head confused and a little dejected. But Donghae soon came back and grabbed Hyukjae's hand that was still held out in front of him. He slipped something on one of his fingers.


Hyukjae stared at his hand. Donghae's ring, the one his father had given him, was around his ring finger. Hyukjae's eyes widened more when Donghae kissed the ring.



I promise,” Donghae said, linking his pinky with Hyukjae's.





Sungmin smirked at Hyukjae from across the kitchen table.



It had been a couple days since their episode that morning, and both Hyukjae and Donghae agreed not to keep their relationship a secret from their friends. Hyukjae figured that Sungmin would find out anyway.


But the look he was receiving from the dark-haired boy across from him, the red head suddenly regretted telling the not-so-innocent bunny lover about him and Donghae. Luckily, Kyuhyun couldn't be there or else Hyukjae would probably die from their double teasing.


I knew this was going to happen. Ever since that day Kyu and I saw you two on the roof being all lovey dovey, I knew you two wouldn't be able to keep your hands off each other.” Sungmin mused.


Donghae blushed a dark red and tried to hide behind his mug of hot chocolate. Hyukjae's mouth hung open.


You saw that?” Hyukjae asked dumbfounded. Donghae covered his face in embarrassment.





Donghae bowed his head and broke into sobs. He wanted to be vulnerable in front of Hyukjae. He wanted the comfort the red head gave him.



What he really wanted was for Hyukjae to hold him.



Tentatively, Donghae reached for Hyukjae. His fingers brushed against Hyukjae's arm, pleading for those arms to embrace him. More choking sobs escaped Donghae's lips as Hyukjae pulled Donghae onto his lap and hugged his waist. The brunette clung to Hyukjae's neck.


Hyukjae rubbed circles in Donghae's back, trying to ease the other's hiccuping cries. It broke Hyukjae's heart to see the brunette so frightened, like a lost child.


You can let me in, Hae. I won't leave you. You don't have to be afraid anymore. Please don't cry. Y-You'll make me cry too.”



Hyukjae knew his voice broke. He knew that silent tears were already falling down his cheeks. And most of all, he knew that he was no longer in control of his actions.



He pressed his lips to Donghae's cheek lightly, tasting the salty tears spilling from the boy's eyes. He kissed them away with feathery caresses. His fingers threaded into Donghae's hair, his mouth slowly nearing Donghae's. But as soon as Hyukjae laid the tiniest kiss on the corner of Donghae's lips, he froze.



End Flashback



Sungmin took a sip from his own mug and Hyukjae could see that the boy was smiling at them. He nodded. “So what are you two going to do?” he asked, suddenly serious. “Do your parents know?”



Hyukjae shook his head and squeezed Donghae's hand under the table.



Are you going to tell them?”



Eventually,” Hyukjae admitted. “But not while they're away.”



Will you be okay?” Sungmin spoke with genuine concern in his voice.



Donghae glanced at Hyukjae who smiled at him. “Of course, Minnie,” the older of the two replied, pulling Donghae closer. He found Donghae's pinky finger with his own. “Don't worry.”



Sungmin nodded. “Well, I'm glad you told me.” He looked out the window at the darkening sky. “The weather is supposed to be bad again tonight, so I better get going.”



He put his pink hat on his head and tugged it down so that is covered his ears. Grinning, a hint of evilness in his eyes, Sungmin warned them, “Be good you too.” He winked and was gone before Donghae could blush and Hyukjae could facepalm.



The weather did get worse. In just a couple hours, the wind picked up outside the house and snow pelted the windows.


Hyukjae was lying on his bed, fidgeting with his phone. Donghae was just changing into his pajamas when the lights blew out. Hyukjae heard a thump and soft curses coming from across the hall.



Hae? Are you all right?” Hyukjae felt around his room for his desk. In one of the drawers was the flashlight he had used to find Donghae's ring with. Hyukjae shined the light on his hand and smiled at the ring that swore never to take off as long as Donghae loved him.


Walking across the hall, Hyukjae directed the light at Donghae's closet. The boy was sitting on the floor, clutching his head which he must of banged on something in the dark. He made sure that Donghae wasn't hurt anywhere.



Need me to kiss it?” Hyukjae teased, earning a playful shove from Donghae.



The red head chuckled and helped Donghae to stand up. He gently pressed his lips against Donghae's forehead anyway.



In the next five minutes, they were both wrapped comfortably under the covers of Donghae's bed, the sound of the wind howling outside muting their tired whispers.

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Chapter 16: Wahhh I miss this story >________<
gotasdemiel #2
Chapter 16: Loved this fic! It was so cute and sweet! Loved how Hyuk and Hae got closer, and the fact that Hyuk’s parents took everything really well!
Laughed a lot at Hyuk jealousy over little EunHyuk! Maybe Hyuk should get Hae his own kid???? Hahahaha i loved the fic and how you told the story!
Chapter 16: Woah!!! i read it again...i really love it...thank u author for such amazing and wonderful story...^^
I already read this story and its so good n it made me cried :'( this fic remembering me about this korean drama^^so sad...i love it so much...i read this fic while listening this song with title uhh dduk ha jyo...yeah if u want to know hehe^_^
koutaroux #5
Chapter 16: His is really cute. I'm glad that their Hyuk parents didn't mind them being together and could cancel the adoption in time :) Hyuk jealous of little Eunhyuk? Haha
Thanks for the story♥
Chapter 16: so cutttteee.Love it so much..
Chapter 16: This was so cute. I loved it! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 16: Great Great Great story. I enjoyed everything about this FF, from Sungmin overly bunny and outspoken ways, to the always smirking and very smart (being the only person in the world to be able to erase video from someones phone lol)Kyuhyuk. I loved Hyuk's parents they were great also umma Teukkie. I even liked Jessica's part since the B got what she deserved, and ending it all with the sweetest EunHae ever.
By the way thank you for not turning this into an male pregnancy story. =D
Chapter 16: I love this... thank you for sharing... and sowwie if i cant subscribe... i just found it now... T_T but this is great ^_^