Chapter 12

Frozen Hearts


Donghae blinked several times to clear the sleep from his eyes. The sunlight pouring in from Hyukjae's bedroom window began to defog his senses a little. It wasn't until he felt his boyfriend's arms securely around his waist and the sudden spike of pain shoot up his spine that he remembered what had happened the night before. Donghae blushed furiously and hurriedly tried to free himself from Hyukjae's arms so he could grab any article of clothing from the floor to cover his body with.



But Hyukjae would have none of that. Donghae swore he felt the latter smirk against his neck at his struggling. The arms encircling his waist tightened.


You're so cute when you blush,” Hyukjae teased, kissing one of the brunette's pink cheeks.



H-Hyukkie, it's sticky.” Donghae was referring to the sheets and frankly, his own body. “W-We should shower...”



You want to take a shower together?” Hyukjae asked as a response to Donghae's previous statement. He knew that the latter didn't mean it in that context, but it was just so fun to tease the other. He felt Donghae's body temperature rise due to embarrassment. “I'm just kidding, babe. But I would like a kiss.”



Donghae couldn't help but smile at the innocent expression Hyukjae was giving him. He rolled his eyes playfully and flattered his boyfriend with a chaste kiss on the lips. As usual, the insatiable red head demanded more, rolling so that he hovered over Donghae.


School's already started by now, so there's no rush,” he reminded. Hyukjae kissed the tip of Donghae's nose.


Donghae was left panting by the time Hyukjae was done ravishing his mouth. A small moan escaped his lips. Hyukjae had shifted his weight so that he could lie next to Donghae again, but he accidentally brushed Donghae's “fishy” when he did so.



The brunette shot up, grabbing the nearest pair of boxers, not too concerned who they belonged to, and ran into the bathroom. Hyukjae chuckled at Donghae shyness, although he recalled how responsive Donghae had been when they were kissing earlier.



He got up as well and searched his room for some sweatpants and proceeded to change the sheets. He glanced at the clock on his desk and noticed that it was past noon. There was definitely no way they were going to school today.





Where were you two yesterday?” Sungmin questioned them the next day.



Home,” Hyukjae replied smoothly, his eyes darting between Donghae and the  Jessica. There was no doubt in his mind that Donghae loved him, and if anything, Jessica's little stunt a few days earlier had brought them closer together. He hoped that she would just leave them alone.


Sungmin eyed him suspiciously. He was going to press the matter some more, but the bell rang, interrupting their conversation.



After classes finally ended, Hyukjae went to where Donghae was sitting at his desk flipping through a book. He couldn't help but notice how adorable his boyfriend was when he was concentrated on something, the way he sometimes would pout, or the way the tip of his tongue peeked out from between his lips.... The older boy sneaked up behind the unsuspecting brunette and embraced his neck, startling the latter.



Hyukkie!” Donghae gasped, dropping his book. “D-Don't do that.”



Sorry, Hae,” Hyukjae said with a smile. “You just looked so cute. Did you know you stick out your tongue when you read?” Donghae blushed. “Anything you want to do now?”


Hyukjae watched Donghae's expression as he pouted, trying to come up with something. Just as the red head was about to claim those irresistible lips, Donghae jolted upwards with an idea. “I know! Let's go visit Teukie hyung!”



As they walked to Leeteuk's cafe, it began to snow. Donghae blew into his hands in an attempt to warm them. He was about to shove them in the pockets of his jeans, but Hyukjae grabbed one of them and held it, linking their fingers together. He rubbed his thumb over the top of Donghae's hand.



Their hands were still intertwined when they entered Sapphire Dream. Leeteuk took notice of them after a few moments.


Ah! Donghae! Hyukjae!”



Sungmin and Kyuhyun also appeared behind them. “Hey, hyung,” Sungmin chirped, pulling Kyuhyun over to a table.



I haven't seen any of you in days!” Leeteuk gushed, squeezing Donghae into a tight hug. Hyukjae cleared his throat. Leeteuk clung to Donghae and pouted. “What? You get to see Donghae everyday. Can't I hug my own dongsaeng?”


B-But, hyung~” Hyukjae clenched his fists, impatiently. He wasn't angry, just anxious. Ever since the other day, he's been antsy about others hugging/touching Donghae. The eldest finally let him go, shaking his head.



Hyukjae hesitantly reached for his boyfriend's hand.



After Leeteuk left to attend some customer who had been staring at them, Hyukjae pulled Donghae by his waist over to the table.



Hyuk, relax. Donghae's not going anywhere.” Sungmin took a bite out of his treat, wiping sugar from his mouth with his sleeve. “You two live in the same house, and most likely sleep in the same bed, am I right?”


Kyuhyun smirked. By the horrified expressions of both of their faces, he figured Sungmin was probably right.



How much longer do you two have until Hyukkie's parents come back...your parents come back...?”



Hyukjae sighed, passing Donghae his hot chocolate. “I don't know.”



Are you worried?”



Of course, we're worried.” Hyukjae smiled sadly, grasping for Donghae's hand under the table. “Who wants to tell their parents that their sons love each other?”



Meanwhile, a person across the room nearly dropped her cell phone.





Hyukjae pushed Donghae against the wall of the rooftop.


Still upset?” Donghae asked, raising an eyebrow.



The older boy took a deep breath. “Perhaps a little,” he admitted.


Hyukkie, it happened over a week ago. If you remember, that led to us—“ He was cut off by Hyukjae's lips on his.


Hyukjae pulled back slightly and smirked. “What happened to my shy, adorable Donghae?” The question immediately triggered a blush to enter the brunette's cheeks. Hyukjae kissed him again.


Kyuhyun suddenly appeared in the doorway, eliciting a frustrated groan from Hyukjae who had to break the connection between his mouth and Donghae's. But when Donghae went to remove his arms from around his boyfriend's neck, the older boy held his wrists.



Sorry to ruin your moment, but class started five minutes ago,” Kyuhyun stated. He sighed dramatically and began complaining about how many stairs he had to climb in order to find him. “You know I get tired easily.”


That's a lie,” Sungmin added, popping out of nowhere, startling Donghae and Hyukjae in the process. “You always have plenty of energy when—” Kyuhyun clamped a hand over his mouth.



Anyway, I think it's time you two found a new hideaway,” Kyuhyun finished.



After class, Hyukjae and Donghae were forced to stay after and be lectured by their teacher about the evils of coming late. Both boys swore it wouldn't happen again, with fingers crossed, and hurriedly left the room for lunch.



To Hyukjae's surprise, Jessica didn't make any attempts to gain Donghae's attention. In fact, she sat at her table with her back to them and didn't drag Donghae with her. However, Hyukjae couldn't see the devious smile appearing on her face.



It was another week until Donghae and Hyukjae heard the voice they hoped they wouldn't ever have to listen to again.



Oppa?” Jessica smiled shyly at Donghae. “Can I talk to you? Alone?”



Donghae immediately rejected the offer. “No. Sorry, I can't do that.”


Oppa, please.” She sounded sincere.



I don't think I can trust you.” Donghae spoke firmly, but not coldly. He felt familiar arms around his waist. Hyukjae sighed against his cheek.



If you promise to keep your hands to yourself, you can talk.” Hyukjae glared at Jessica and released Donghae, kissing his neck briefly. Donghae looked nervous. “Don't worry, babe. I trust you.” He lifted his hand with Donghae's ring on it and winked.

After the classroom emptied for lunch, Jessica sat on one of the desks. She fidgeted with her phone in her hands.

Oppa, I wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way I acted. I should have never forced you to do anything.”

Donghae sighed.

Jessica continued speaking. “But I won't take back what I said that day. I really like you oppa, a lot.” Her face darkened. “And I don't think Hyukjae oppa is right for you.”

Jessica...” Donghae warned.

And I can prove it.”

Donghae tilted his head in confusion. What did she mean she could prove it? Jessica held up her cell phone to him and raised the volume. Donghae's eyes widened as he watched a clear picture of him, Hyukjae, and Kyumin at Leeteuk cafe a week ago. Sungmin's voice resonated from the video.

You two live in the same house, and most likely sleep in the same bed, am I right?”

Donghae's heart rate increased as he watched the scene unfold.

How much longer do you two have until Hyukkie's parents come back...your parents come back...?”

Hyukjae's voice came next. “Who wants to tell their parents that their sons love each other?”

Donghae clamped his mouth shut. He hadn't realized that it had dropped. He looked up at Jessica, his eyes scared. “H-How did you?” He stared as the video changed to one of him and Hyukjae making out on the roof.

I took the second one for good measure,” Jessica said smugly.

Why are you doing this?” Donghae asked, his voice small.

I like you, Donghae oppa.”


Do you know how fast rumors spread? Imagine if everyone in school found this video on their phones tomorrow morning.”


You wouldn't want these to accidentally find themselves on the principal's desk would you? If he finds out, I'm sure parents would be called.”

We're not blood related,” Donghae tried to reason.

Yet you're still brothers.” Jessica leaned back on the desk. “There's a simple way to avoid all this, oppa. Dump Hyukjae.”

Donghae was stunned. “W-What?”

Leave Hyukjae oppa me.”

Shaking his head in disbelief, Donghae let out a short laugh. “There's no way I'd do that to him. How could I face him every day if I just left him?”

Not my problem.” Jessica replayed the video. “But this could become yours.”

Donghae stared blankly at the screen.

Jessica smirked, brushing blonde hair out of her face. “You have one week to end things with him, oppa.” She hopped off the desk and glided past the frozen brunette.

Donghae sank to the floor, suddenly feeling nauseous.

That night, Donghae wouldn't let Hyukjae hold his hand. Hyukjae didn't want to press why but was getting increasingly worried when the younger boy went into his room and locked the door behind him. With each passing day, Donghae continued to distance himself from Hyukjae.

He left early in the morning, disappeared during lunch and breaks, and closed himself up in his room at night.

Hyukjae was slowly going insane.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. Before Donghae could escape after school, Hyukjae grabbed his wrist and practically dragged the brunette into the hallway. He pinned the other boy to the wall, his hands on either side of the younger's head, and leaned in.

Hae, what's the matter? Why are you avoiding me?” Hyukjae's voice cracked at the end against his will.

Nothing,” Donghae replied, his voice empty. He sealed his mouth shut, afraid that he'd start crying if he opened it. He looked away, not wanting to hold Hyukjae's gaze.

So we're back to not speaking?” Hurt was evident in the older's voice. “What did I do, Hae?”

Y-You didn't do anything.”

Then why are you ignoring me?”

I-I don' you anymore.”

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Chapter 16: Wahhh I miss this story >________<
gotasdemiel #2
Chapter 16: Loved this fic! It was so cute and sweet! Loved how Hyuk and Hae got closer, and the fact that Hyuk’s parents took everything really well!
Laughed a lot at Hyuk jealousy over little EunHyuk! Maybe Hyuk should get Hae his own kid???? Hahahaha i loved the fic and how you told the story!
Chapter 16: Woah!!! i read it again...i really love it...thank u author for such amazing and wonderful story...^^
I already read this story and its so good n it made me cried :'( this fic remembering me about this korean drama^^so sad...i love it so much...i read this fic while listening this song with title uhh dduk ha jyo...yeah if u want to know hehe^_^
koutaroux #5
Chapter 16: His is really cute. I'm glad that their Hyuk parents didn't mind them being together and could cancel the adoption in time :) Hyuk jealous of little Eunhyuk? Haha
Thanks for the story♥
Chapter 16: so cutttteee.Love it so much..
Chapter 16: This was so cute. I loved it! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 16: Great Great Great story. I enjoyed everything about this FF, from Sungmin overly bunny and outspoken ways, to the always smirking and very smart (being the only person in the world to be able to erase video from someones phone lol)Kyuhyuk. I loved Hyuk's parents they were great also umma Teukkie. I even liked Jessica's part since the B got what she deserved, and ending it all with the sweetest EunHae ever.
By the way thank you for not turning this into an male pregnancy story. =D
Chapter 16: I love this... thank you for sharing... and sowwie if i cant subscribe... i just found it now... T_T but this is great ^_^