Chapter 1

Frozen Hearts


I'm sorry to inconvenience you,” Kibum said once Hyukjae's parents were in his office.



Not at all,” Mr. Lee replied. “I'm just sorry to hear Dongmin died. He was such a good friend. I wish we hadn't lost contact.” After a pause, he continued. “So, what is this matter we had to speak about?”



Last night, along with your name and number, Mr. Lee wrote this short message which I assume is his dying wish. I wanted you to take a look at it.”


Kibum handed Mr. Lee the ripped-out sheet of notebook paper.



Hyukgi, I know my life is at it's end, but I wish for you to take care of my Donghae when I'm gone. He has no other living relatives. My good friend, please take him into your home as your own son. He's a good boy. I already arranged all of my savings to be placed under his name so money should not be a problem. I hope he will live a happy life with you.





Both of Hyukjae's parents read the note and nodded simultaneously. They agreed to take Donghae in as their own son.






That night, Hyukjae slept peacefully, completely unaware that his life was about to take a sudden turn.


Hyukjae rolled out of bed the next morning and fixed his oversized T-shirt before walking down the stairs. He smelled fresh coffee and could hear his mother humming in the kitchen. Hyukjae covered his mouth with the back of his hand as he yawned.



Entering the kitchen, he kissed his mother's cheek. “Morning, Umma,” he said sleepily. “How did it go last night?”



Hyukjae, we need to talk.”



His mother's tone worried him. “What happened?”



Hyukjae's mother proceeded to tell him about Donghae's father's last wish. She also told him that Donghae was going to live with them from now on.



Your father went back this morning to attend the funeral and finish signing the necessary documents. We're going to pick him up at the end of the month after he finishes his semester at his high school.”



Hyukjae fell silent. Wait...he was going to have a brother? How come his opinion hadn't been asked? Probably because he didn't have a choice, right? A million questions were running through his head, so many that he began to get dizzy.


The idea that some stranger he knew nothing about was going to be his brother bothered him.





I can't believe this,” Hyukjae said for the tenth time that day.



It was a cold winter evening and snow was lightly falling on the ground. Hyukjae stared out one of the windows at the snow and purposely fogged up the window to draw on it. He lazily spelled his name on the glass and wiped it away with the sleeve of his jacket. Blowing his bangs from his face and puffing his cheeks in boredom, Hyukjae sighed as his parents eagerly awaited for a certain train to arrive.



I'm sorry it was so sudden,” his mother said to him. “It was the right thing to do, honey.”


Yeah, whatever, Hyukjae sarcastically groaned in his mind.


The 10:00 train from Mokpo has arrived,” the voice over the loud speaker droned.



Oh! That's us, dear!” Mrs. Lee said to her husband. “Come on, Hyukjae.”



Yes, Umma,” the red head answered, standing up from his seat and following his parents to where the passengers were just getting off their train.


There weren't many people coming to Seoul on that train. Just a few business people and elderly couples looking for their grandchildren entered the greeting area. Just as Hyukjae was about to walk away, a boy his age stepped through the door with a worn suitcase and duffel bag.


The boy had chocolate-brown hair, slightly messy from what looked like bed head. He wore a navy sweater over ripped jeans. He made no eye contact with anyone but the floor. Hyukjae skeptically eyed the brunette and tried to read his face, but it was impossible because the boy wouldn't look up. He only lifted his head when Hyukjae's mother called out his name. The boy blinked, but his facial expression didn't change. He stared directly at Hyukjae.


What's this guy's problem? Hyukjae wondered, slightly put off by the blank look the brunette was giving him.


As the boy approached them, Hyukjae stared at him intently. He had dark brown eyes that seemed like they dulled by something and a tan complexion. He seemed to be slightly bigger than Hyukjae, perhaps a little taller. But from the way the guy walked, Hyukjae thought even the smallest breeze could knock him over.



Donghae, welcome dear,” Hyukjae's mother chimed, hugging the brunette tightly.


It's nice to meet you son,” Mr. Lee said, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.


Hyukjae rolled his eyes.



Donghae, this is Hyukjae. He's your new brother.”



Hyukjae sighed, “Nice to meet you, Donghae.” Being brought up to be courteous, Hyukjae held his hand out to Donghae.



Donghae didn't move. He just stared at Hyukjae's hand as if it were an alien or something. He lifted his head and blinked at Hyukjae.


You gonna shake it, or what?” Hyukjae snapped. When Donghae continued to stare at him, Hyukjae lowered his hand. He turned to his mother. “This is not going to work, Umma,” he stated, not caring that Donghae could hear him.



I'm sure you two will get along just fine,” his mother spoke calmly. “Now take his bags so we can get Donghae settled at home.”


What the hell...” Hyukjae muttered, angrily snatching Donghae's suitcase and bag. He grabbed the bag with enough strength to make Donghae stumble. Hyukjae didn't bother to apologize and slung the bag over his shoulder before rolling his eyes again as he pushed past Donghae.


In the car, Hyukjae overlooked Donghae's presence completely. He glared right through the brunette's head. He didn't want a brother, and he certainly didn't want this weird guy to be related to him. Sure, he felt bad that Donghae's father had died, but he never expected that the guy would suddenly become his brother.


Hyukjae shook his head and wondered why Donghae hadn't said a word since he arrived. Was he mute or just shy? Hyukjae swore that he would never be able to take this guy's attitude for very long.



Donghae closed his eyes and leaned his head against the car window. He watched the snow swirl around in the wind and melt against the window. He attempted to ignore Hyukjae's glares, but was failing miserably. As increasingly annoyed as he was becoming, Donghae's outward appearance never changed and he never said a word.


As soon as they were inside the house, Hyukjae's parents told him to take Donghae upstairs.


Hyukjae's father had to return to work and his mother went to the store to buy food for dinner leaving Hyukjae alone with Donghae. As if he didn't feel awkward enough, they'd have to share a room until his mother finished furnishing their spare bedroom.



Groaning inwardly as he grabbed Donghae's bags, Hyukjae started up the stairs. He turned around and noticed that Donghae hadn't moved.



Aish, this guy is so weird, Hyukjae thought. He motioned with his head for Donghae to follow him. “You coming or are you just going to stand there all night?”



Donghae began to follow him upstairs. His head moved from side to side as he glanced at each room, getting a feel for where everything was. In Hyukjae's room, he figured that his new brother was a very tidy person. Everything had a place in the room, even his shoes. Donghae was jolted from his thoughts when Hyukjae dropped his suitcase on the floor.



Don't get too comfortable,” Hyukjae muttered. He sat on his bed and watched Donghae carefully. “You don't talk much do you?” he said after a few moments.



Donghae just looked at him.



Well? Are you going to unpack or are you too dumb to do that for yourself too?” Hyukjae didn't know why he was being so mean. The words just came out before he could stop them. He waited for Donghae to reply, but the brunette never did. That annoyed Hyukjae more than anything. Didn't this guy talk?



Donghae went over to his suitcase and ped it. As he leaned over, a silver chain fell from underneath the collar of his sweater. On the end of it was a small silver ring.


Where'd you get that?” Hyukjae asked.



Donghae glanced up at him through his eyelashes before continuing to unpack.



Is it from your dad?” When he still go no response out of Donghae, Hyukjae began to get irritated. “What is your problem? Look, I know that your father just passed away and everything and now you're suddenly someone else's kid, but seriously, you have some major issues. Usually, when someone speaks to you, you reply and I'm your hyung so you should have some respect. Or did your father never teach you any?”



Donghae grabbed the front of Hyukjae's shirt, clenching it tightly in his fists.


Don't you ever say that again about my father or I'll kill you,” he hissed darkly.



Hyukjae was shocked for a second but burst into laughter. Donghae raised an eyebrow at his reaction.


What?” Donghae asked, his tone still upset but with a hint of confusion behind it.



You talked,” Hyukjae said with a smile. He pulled Donghae's hands from his shirt and stared at Donghae seriously. “I take back what I said about your father. Relax, okay?” Donghae backed away and knelt down next to his suitcase. Hyukjae ran a hand through his hair. “I don't know how you feel about this whole brother thing. Honestly, I don't like it, no offense.”



I don't like it either,” Donghae whispered. “I still think I'd be fine by myself. I don't like people.”



And I don't like people.” Hyukjae continued to fix the front of his hair. “How about we make a deal? I stay out of your life, and you stay out of mine. We can pretend like we're brothers in front of my parents. Other than that, we have no relationship.”


Donghae nodded, going back to not speaking.



It was obvious to him that Hyukjae did not like him. That was an understatement. In Donghae's opinion, Hyukjae detested him. From the looks he received from the moment they met, Donghae could tell that the son of the family he had been entrusted to hated him for simply existing and coming into his life. Donghae trusted his father's judgment and Hyukjae's parents seemed like very loving people, so he didn't protest when he was told that he was going to legally become their son.


Donghae hadn't lied when he said that he didn't like people. Ever since he was little, Donghae never liked the other children at his school or in his neighborhood. They and bullied him, calling him names like “Fish boy” and telling him to drown in the sea. Little Donghae had been traumatized and began not to talk to people. Even if the teacher asked him a question, he would just stare into space and pretend he had never heard him.



However, his silence only led to more teasing. In order to defend himself, Donghae physically attacked his bullies, getting into fights or randomly lashing out at people who talked about him. Apparently it worked because no one bothered him again.



His father had often told him that violence and silence were not the answers to his problems, but Donghae refused to listen. So that's how he grew up. Alone. Isolated.



Even if it was painful sometimes, Donghae was determined to keep his life that way. He had learned that when you let people in and they leave you, it causes more agony than never knowing someone at all.

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Chapter 16: Wahhh I miss this story >________<
gotasdemiel #2
Chapter 16: Loved this fic! It was so cute and sweet! Loved how Hyuk and Hae got closer, and the fact that Hyuk’s parents took everything really well!
Laughed a lot at Hyuk jealousy over little EunHyuk! Maybe Hyuk should get Hae his own kid???? Hahahaha i loved the fic and how you told the story!
Chapter 16: Woah!!! i read it again...i really love it...thank u author for such amazing and wonderful story...^^
I already read this story and its so good n it made me cried :'( this fic remembering me about this korean drama^^so sad...i love it so much...i read this fic while listening this song with title uhh dduk ha jyo...yeah if u want to know hehe^_^
koutaroux #5
Chapter 16: His is really cute. I'm glad that their Hyuk parents didn't mind them being together and could cancel the adoption in time :) Hyuk jealous of little Eunhyuk? Haha
Thanks for the story♥
Chapter 16: so cutttteee.Love it so much..
Chapter 16: This was so cute. I loved it! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 16: Great Great Great story. I enjoyed everything about this FF, from Sungmin overly bunny and outspoken ways, to the always smirking and very smart (being the only person in the world to be able to erase video from someones phone lol)Kyuhyuk. I loved Hyuk's parents they were great also umma Teukkie. I even liked Jessica's part since the B got what she deserved, and ending it all with the sweetest EunHae ever.
By the way thank you for not turning this into an male pregnancy story. =D
Chapter 16: I love this... thank you for sharing... and sowwie if i cant subscribe... i just found it now... T_T but this is great ^_^