A Good News

White Flowers and Pandas


“Hey!” someone called you. It was Martha, your classmate. “I’ve heard there will be news today during our first period, I wonder what it is,” she informed you.

“I just hope it’s something good,” you said. You were a bit sleepy, school is getting stressful everyday. You’re not getting enough time to spend some good relaxation. Your classmates are not faring well too.

Just then, the teacher for the first period arrived, and everyone gasped in unison. Behind the teacher was the school principal, entering the classroom as well. Everyone was shooting glances at each other. A few are agitated for whatever the principal’s reason that he came here.

All of you stood up at once and greeted the guests. “Goodmorning!” everyone said in unison, saying it in a monotonous way. The greeting lost its essence ever since your class said it for a hundred times already, turning it into a senseless routine.

The principal motioned for the class to sit down. After a shuffling of seats and whispers were silence, the principal started with his speech. “Goodmorning dear students!” he said with a booming voice, “I have great news for you.”

Everyone sighed with relief from the word “good” being mentioned. At least we’re not in trouble, you thought happily.

“We know school is getting on your nerves,” he continued, “I know it because I am a student once myself,” he chuckled. “That’s why we’ve decided to give you a reward,” he said.

“A whole week without school?” somebody shouted.

“A trip in Seoul?” another questioned.

“A day at the beach?” and another one said. The principal was pleased with the students’ enthusiasm.

“We collaborated with another school not far from here, and organized an activity for you with young hearts,” said the principal, a warm smile radiating from his face.  “A week after today, you will be joining the students from that school for a ball. A ball to be held in the Central Park.”

There was a silence at first. Then there was a soft whisper. Then your classmates turned that whisper slowly into a cheer. The boys, you noticed, where bumping one another, smiling idiotically. While the girls where giggling to one another, sneaking a glance at the boys. Everyone was already choosing their partner, except for you.

You were not really ugly. As a matter of fact, you’re pretty, prettier than the average girl. You had fair skin, cute bubbly eyes, long flawless black hair, not to mention the ratio of your body suits you well. But the boys see you in an awkward kind of you. Especially now that you’ve grown up and still clutching a panda to school. Your girl friends already got used to it and accepted you. But the boys sometimes snickered and fun of you. They find you weird, and you can’t help but feel hurt. At least he doesn’t see me weird, you thought, or I just think he doesn’t. That started a lump in your throat. Seunghyun has been the only boy you’ve open yourself too. And so far, you didn’t hear him complaining about you yet. But he could just be enduring my company.

“Students!” your teacher snapped you out of your thoughts. “Let the principal finish.”

“Thank you, my kind lady,” the principal said, nodding at the teacher. “I want you all to be good looking and pretty on that evening, okay? We can’t let the other school beat us in terms of looks,” he said, giving everyone a wink. “We’ll issue you all with a letter to inform your parents. Details about that night will be posted there as well.”

“Which school will we be joining with?” someone asked, you acknowledge her questions’ sense.

The principal said “Gwangju Godeung Hakgyo!”

You stared at the principal’s mouth, expecting more. He can’t be serious, you thought. “Seunghyun’s school,” you muttered to yourself.


The day passed quite fast with everyone’s enthusiasm for the upcoming ball. You found yourself on a familiar path to your favorite place. Please be not there, please be not there,” you chanted to yourself. You know Seunghyun might already know the news about the ball, and that your schools will be teaming up for it. You don’t want him asking any weird questions.

The lake loomed into view. You slowly walked to the tree, searching around, and sighed deeply. He’s not there. You skipped the remaining strides towards the tree. You sat on your place at the tireswing, Ri sitting on your lap.

“I’m not really comfortable with the ball, Ri,” you talked to the toy. “It will be just awkward there. I can’t leave you right? Not that I am embarrassed about bringing you all the time, it’s just that…” you felt tears stinging the side of your eyes. “They don’t understand,” you fought back the tears.

You looked at the sky. The clouds are forming a series of shapes, the setting sun giving a nice swirl of color to the sky. “Another thing,” you started complaining again, “no one will ask me out anyway. I might as well not go anymore. It will be a miracle if I’ll get a date.”

You looked at the panda, fixing an unruly fur around his eyes. “Stupid ball,” you said out loud.

 “Oh, you have heard of it too?” a voice asked from above you. Startled, you staggered forward off your seat.

“Seunghyun!” you shouted at him. “Stop scaring me that…” you said, but stopped as you realized something. “How long have you been there?!” you asked.

Noticing your horrified expression, Seunghyun teased, “I won’t tell.” He stuck his tongue out at you.

“But,” you started, but paused as you realized something. I think it’s good if I didn’t know, you assured yourself.

“So…” Seunghyun trailed his voice to catch your attention, “you don’t have a date yet?”

His question made you upset. He’s been here longer than I thought, you thought, as you realized what you were just saying a while ago. You looked up at him in his position on the tree, “It doesn’t matter,” you told him.

He stared at you; you can’t read his facial expression. He seemed to be in a deep thought, mocking, and happy at the same time. How the hell can he do that? you asked yourself. You saw he was looking down at you. You don’t like that; he seems to be more arrogant in his place, being higher than you.

“I don’t have one either,” he said and looked away.

You didn’t expect what he said. But you’re not worried. You know for a fact he’s good with getting what he wants, so getting a date is a piece of cake for him too. “Well you should start asking out girls. I find it unfair that boys get to choose their partner. I mean, us girls can choose, but it doesn’t seem right if we go out and asked boys to date us ourselves. And if the boy we like would not ask us, then we have no choice,” you started complaining to him.

“So, who do you like to ask you then?” he asked, as he carefully went down the tree. You did not answer.

“I told you, it doesn’t matter, he won’t ask me anyway,” you told him as a matter of fact.

“You said girls could choose their partners too right?” you nodded. “And if the boy you like doesn’t ask you, you have no choice?” you nodded again, not getting a hint to what he wants to imply. “And you said you’re sure that the boy you like won’t ask you, right?” he continued interrogating. All you can do is nod to his demands.

He paused for a while, scratching his chin knowingly. “Since you’re very sure he won’t ask you, does that mean if I asked you to be my date for that ball, you don’t have a choice but to say yes?”

You were dumbfounded, trying to absorb what he just said. “Since you have no choice, I’m taking your silence as a yes,” he said, grinning at you. You were speechless. You can’t believe what was just happening.

He started making his way home. “I’ll pick you up at 7pm in your house that evening. Don’t be late!” he called out to you.

Up to know you were just standing there without a word and a nudge. But the moment he was out of sight, you collapsed to the ground. What the hell happened? you asked yourself. You looked at the panda and asked it the same thing.

“You just fell right into his trap,” you said in the panda’s voice. You were mad at yourself for not saying a word, and for letting Seunghyun get the best out of the situation. You felt like an idiot.

But after a while, you stood up. Brushed of the dirt on your knees and fixed your hair. You made the panda face you. “You just got yourself a date,” Ri said.

“Yes, I guess I did,” you said to the panda. “But he was wrong at one thing,” you continued.

“And that is?” you said in the panda’s tone.

“I did not say yes because I don’t have a choice,” you smiled at the panda. I said yes because the boy I want to be my date just asked me out.

“Wait a minute,” you said. “How can he pick me up if he’s never been to my house?”

I want to make this realistic by looking for Seungri's school before college. Sadly, I failed. So I just searched for a famous school in Gwangju, and the one mentioned above is the result of it. If any of you knows his school, please tell me :D

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SoongYeong-a #1
Chapter 7: Oh this is cute!! And it's such a cute excuse from "me" that Ri is the one who told "me" to bake the cake. Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 7: ohh nice.........
thebluetifulfairy #3
Chapter 7: Ahjussi, good one ^_^ it really made me smile, hooray for awkward gift giving. This one was really sweet.
SoongYeong-a #4
Chapter 6: I wonder what gift "I" would give to seunghyun hahaha. Waa a cute innocent love ><
Chapter 6: ooo i see she is in denial...
i wonder wassup she wants to get the panda.
SoongYeong-a #6
Chapter 5: Are you up for daily update? *wish* hahahaha say happy b'day then hahaha "I'm" still clouded by "my" pride hahahaha.
SoongYeong-a #8
This story going to be great!! Waaa it's kinda hard for me to find seungri's fic.^^
Chapter 4: whoa nice!
but sometimes it tends to get confusing in terms of chronological order. how old is she?
MissGeeLuvsRiRi99 #10
Update soon unnie, i love your story so Much :D