Brother and Tires

White Flowers and Pandas

Thank you for those who subscribed and wasted time to read my story. :)

I’m not really in the mood when I was writing this, so I think you’ll find it boring. Nevertheless, I assure you the next one will be more worth it! :D

The next day, after school, Ri peering out of your bag, you went to your favourite place. You put your bag down and started climbing the tree, like how you did for 6 years now. You found a surface, sunken a bit, and sat there. After feeling comfortable, you scanned the view before you. Like the first time you saw it, the view still catches your breath away. The majestic lake sparkling with majesty, the surrounding trees making the scenery calm and fresh, and the moving clouds over the horizon making it dreamy still overwhelms you.

“Tripping back then was not so bad after all,” you thought to yourself. If you did not tripped back then, you wouldn’t discover such a wonderful place. If you did not tripped back then, you won’t have white flowers to make you feel pretty. If you did not tripped back then, you don’t have something to look forward to after school. And if you did not tripped back then, you wouldn’t meet...

You looked to you left and found the thickest branch the tree has. You found two ropes securely tied around the branch. Your eyes trailed the ropes down until you saw two tires tied and hanging a foot above the ground.

You climbed down and sat on one of the tries. Back then, you need to stretch your hands and take hold of the sides of the tire to keep yourself from falling. But now, your head is ducked uncomfortably to avoid hitting the top of the tire. “Best decision ever!” you thought happily, and smiled wholeheartedly.

One day, when you were just 10 years old, a knock came to your bedroom door.

“Dear, your brother needs help and I need to go soon,” your mother stuck her head in your bedroom. You don’t understand why she needs to knock, since this bedroom belongs to you, her, and your brother now.

You have 3 elder brothers. The eldest has a stable decent work in Seoul, providing for your family, along with your accountant mother. Your family is not really rich, but wealthy enough to easily finance your needs, and provide for most of what you want.

Your parents’ 2nd eldest is on his college years now, living on a dorm near his college, and going home on seldom weekends. Your brother that’s next to you go to another school different from yours. He’s 4 years older. Both of them are excelling academically; you were also not an exception of course.

Your family works hard for each other, each member loving the others. Your mother is particularly proud of your brothers. Ever since your father passed away, they’ve changed; they became the fatherly figure of your family, growing with a mature and responsible character. That’s why you love your family so much.

Your mother, your brother and you lived together for a while now. Your mother decided that the 3 of you share the same bedroom. Your brother and you happily obliged because both of you understand how lonely your mother could be during the night. It was very comforting to sleep with them, even if your brother snores loudly some nights.

“Ok, I’m coming,” you answered and hurriedly went down the stairs. You hugged your mother and kissed her cheeks as she went out to work. You saw your brother outside your house dragging tires with him.

“You need my help?” you asked. He beamed his head out of his work and looked at you.

“Yes,” he smiled, “our neighbour asked me to bring these tires to her garage. “She offered a very reasonable prize for it,” he said, grinning mischievously.

“Aissh,” you snorted. Sometimes you think this brother of yours is a little devil, but nevertheless, you love him dearly. You knelt beside him, and started moving, or dragging, the tires to the garage of your neighbour.

“Thank you love,” she said sweetly, and handed your brother some money. “And I didn’t expect you little missy, shall I get you some cookies for your hard work?” she offered nicely.

You don’t know what got in to you and you blurted out, “Can I have one of those tires?”

Your brother looked at you, confused. The lady is as surprised as he is. “I don’t know why a lady like you needs a tire for, but I’m sure my husband won’t mind if I gave one of these away,” she said. “Go on, pick one.”

You don’t know what got into you, or what you needed that tire for. You just grabbed the one nearest to you and started dragging it away. “Thank you,” you said, and waved a cheerful goodbye to your neighbour.

“What do you need that for?” your brother asked, helping you with dragging the tire to your house.

“Nothing. Who knows, maybe someday it will be of a service to us,” you said. You leaned it on one of the walls of your house.


A few hours later, during a lazy afternoon, an idea hit you good in the head. You searched for your brother and saw him in the kitchen. “Do you know how to turn that tire into a swing? I watched it in a cartoon once,” you asked him.

He smiled, “Nothing’s impossible for your brother!” he said.

He appeared outside your house with a coiled thick rope on his shoulder, a hammer and a nail. “I need to punch holes underneath it, so water can be drained from it. Wouldn’t want my sister to be bitten by mosquitoes now,” he said, chuckled a bit, and rustled your hair with his free hand. You didn’t protest, reflecting on how lucky you are to have a kind hearted brother.

“Thanks,” you said, and pecked him on his cheek. He returned it with a warm smile. He punched 5 holes underneath the tire, with the use of the hammer and nail. After that, he uncoiled the rope, manoeuvred expertly on the surface opposite the holes, and tied a knot. He did this a few more times.

“And, viola!” he exclaimed. “One tireswing ready to go! All you need now is to tie the other end of the rope on that tree over there,” he pointed to the tree across your house. “Come on, I’ll help you.”

“Um, I have something else in mind,” you said. He stopped midway and gave you a confused look. He walked back, coiled the loose rope around the tire, and handed it to you.

“Suit yourself,” he said. Your brother, although blinded by money, is a very understanding one. He noticed you going somewhere all the time but didn’t bother asking you. He just thought that whatever it is you are doing, it makes you happy, but that doesn’t mean he’s not worried. “Just take care, araso?”

And with that, you put the tire down and hugged him. He hugged you back. “I’ll be back in an hour,” you said, and dragged the tire out of his sight.


You were out of breath once you reached the tree. “That was suicide. I should have let my brother helped me,” you thought to yourself. Dragging that tire all the way here made you lost all your energy. And not to mentioned you’re awkwardly holding Ri on one of your armpits.

After resting a bit, you uncoiled the rope around the tire, and took hold of the loose end. You started climbing up the tree. You looked around to find a sturdy branch. After being satisfied with a branch of your choice, you started edging closer and closer towards the middle of the branch, balancing and holding for dear life. The fall might kill you, or leave you with broken bones.

Somebody shouted your name angrily. You were startled and grasped tighter around the branch. You opened your eyes to see your brother beneath you, obviously angry. “Oppa!” you called in surprised.

“It’s a good thing I followed you here, I knew you were up to no good! What do you think you’re doing?! What if you fall from there?!” he angrily shouted. “Get down now!”

“I am so dead,” you horrifyingly realized. You went down, while your brother keeps scolding you all the time. You reached the ground, and rambled, “Oppa! I was just...I...”

“SHUT UP!” he said. He rubbed his temples. You were shocked and hurt to see your happy brother before turning into something like this. You couldn’t contain it and started crying quietly. He saw you and sighed deeply.

“Okay I’m sorry,” he said, calmer now, “but you’re got me worried. When did you find such a place? What if you fall from there, huh? You think I’ll forgive myself?” You started crying all the more. You hate how he can still be so kind. “You like it here?” he asked. You nodded, one hand rubbing the tears from your eye. “Araso,” he said.

He grabbed the loose end of the rope and started climbing the tree himself. You followed him. “Stay there,” he said. You nodded. You stopped crying now and can’t believe what you’re seeing. Your brother awkwardly balanced himself on the branch where he caught you. He put the rope around, lifting the tire in the process. After estimating a height he wants the tire to hang, he tied a knot around the branch. And another. And another. And another.

“There,” he said, and started climbing down again. He looked at you and asked, “What are you waiting for? Try it now,” he flashed a grin at you.

You walked slowly towards the tireswing, turned your back to it, and sat. You started rocking back and forth. A figure stood in front of you, placed the panda he was holding in his hand in your lap. You looked up at your brother, a warm smile forming in his face.

“Oppa!” you started. You jumped out of the tire, hugged him and cried your eyes out at him. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you so much. I love you,” you cried on his back. You were so happy and guilty at the same time.

“I love you too,” he said. “Next time, ask me for help, araso? And don’t do something stupid ever again,” he rustled your hair.

“Yes!” you said. You sat on the tireswing once more, this time, he pushed you back and forth.

“That will be 10 wons per push,” he said teasingly. “And your school allowance for a day for making me worried,” he added.

“Eh?! Not fair,” you protested.

“Let’s go home and make dinner now. A hungry mom is the last thing I want to see,” he suggested. You jumped off your swing, grabbed Ri by the other hand, and held your brother’s hand with the other.

“Thank you, God, for giving me such a wonderful brother,” you said a prayer, and started walking home.

“And of course, the ever competitive Seunghyun got jealous,” you said to yourself. You remembered how he saw you one day, sitting on that tireswing. He was so jealous and frustrated because you wouldn’t share with him.

You remembered how he also dragged a tire and a rope there, pathetically creating knots on it. After being satisfied with himself, he climbed up the tree and tied the rope on the same branch, a little close to the trunk. He went down to see that the tire is grazing the ground beneath. His second attempt made it too high for him to climb up. He tried and tried multiple times. But, he miserably succeeded anyway.

You smirked as you remember watching him, not offering him help. “He didn’t ask for one anyway. What a stubborn kid,” you thought to yourself. It would be easier if he only asked for your help. “He should thank me for punching the holes for him, otherwise his will be soaking wet by now,” you said. He didn’t know that you secretly did that for him.

As you reflected on it now, you realized, behind all those stubbornness you witnessed, there was determination in his eyes. Like a burning passion to succeed in everything that he do. You can’t help but feel proud a bit for finding such a person. “I should learn from him,” you decided.

A soft drizzle started pouring down. You zipped up your bag and started running home.

You’ve never admitted to it yourself, but when a day like this passed without seeing him, your heart sank a bit. Just like now, you are sad as you are running towards your house. You don’t know why, but you feel empty. Like you want to do something to ease the pain a bit, but you don’t know what.

“Stupid rain,” you muttered.

“Stupid Seunghyun.”

And there you have it. Honestly, this is not my favourite chapter. It’s too long if you ask me, and there’s no Seungri in it. *boooo*

I just felt the need to make a story of how those tireswings started, and a bit of your family background. Please forgive me. Next chapter coming soon!

Please hold on dear readers. 1 or 2 more chapters before I’ll start with the present story already.

Hope to see you again! 

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SoongYeong-a #1
Chapter 7: Oh this is cute!! And it's such a cute excuse from "me" that Ri is the one who told "me" to bake the cake. Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 7: ohh nice.........
thebluetifulfairy #3
Chapter 7: Ahjussi, good one ^_^ it really made me smile, hooray for awkward gift giving. This one was really sweet.
SoongYeong-a #4
Chapter 6: I wonder what gift "I" would give to seunghyun hahaha. Waa a cute innocent love ><
Chapter 6: ooo i see she is in denial...
i wonder wassup she wants to get the panda.
SoongYeong-a #6
Chapter 5: Are you up for daily update? *wish* hahahaha say happy b'day then hahaha "I'm" still clouded by "my" pride hahahaha.
SoongYeong-a #8
This story going to be great!! Waaa it's kinda hard for me to find seungri's fic.^^
Chapter 4: whoa nice!
but sometimes it tends to get confusing in terms of chronological order. how old is she?
MissGeeLuvsRiRi99 #10
Update soon unnie, i love your story so Much :D