Your Gift

White Flowers and Pandas

Hey all! :D

Sorry, I can't update that much. I'm on vacation in our province. Aside from the crappy internet, there's too much activities going on around here that I barely have the time to even open my laptop. T.T. 

Anyway, here's the next chapter. I don't know if it will live up to your expectations, but I wrote this with all my heart. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did ^^

The next day, you were sitting beside the tree, with Ri on your lap. It was supposed to be a good day because there was no school for you. But instead, you’re already exhausted, and it was not even evening yet.

You sat there, looked at your watched and frowned. It was still an hour before Seunghyun’s classes will be over. That much you know because for the past 6 years, you always see him in his school uniform.

“Oh Ri, do you think he’ll like it?” you asked the panda, expecting it to answer.

“Of course he will!” you said, in a squeaky voice that’s supposed to animate the panda.

“Well he better do, my generosity got the best of me by the way,” you said, in your normal voice now. You looked at your watch again. It was ticking painfully slow.


You did not notice him arriving. Your boredom got you walking around the lake, circling it for the third time that day. After the third round, you already saw him doing some dance routines on his own. You don’t really know what goes around his head, but one thing’s for sure, he passionately loves dancing. He’s even a member of Ii Hwa, a dance group from Gwangju that’s very famous.

“Seunghyun!” you called, you waved at him and he waved back. You were about to run towards him when what happened yesterday clouded your mind. Once again, after several times that day, you felt guilty again.

“You’re practicing? When will you perform this time?” you asked, as you approached him.

“Oh nothing, I was just doing some exercise,” he said, blinking too much you took note.

The moment no one was speaking, you took the chance. “Can you stay here and wait for me?” you requested.

His brows furrowed, an inquisitive look showing, “Why?” he asked.

“Don’t ask. Just wait for me,” you said, and started running home. Wait a minute, you thought. You stopped, looked at Ri, and ran back towards him. “Hold Ri,” you said. He can be unpredictable sometimes, there’s a possibility that he would leave and just say sorry the next time you see each other. By leaving Ri with him, he can’t leave, because he knows how you love Ri so much, he would wait until the panda is returned to you. “I trust you,” you said. He nodded at you, confused at the same time.

You started running again, faster than usual.

The moment you woke up that morning, you sprang up from your bed and went downstairs. You grabbed a quick breakfast and started what you were supposed to do.

You checked the cupboards, grabbed some jars out with different contents and placed them on the kitchen table. You moved to a cabinet and pulled out some utensils. You went to the fridge and grabbed some chocolates.

Half an hour passed and you’re brother saw you whisking something furiously.

“Can I help?” he asked, as he saw you shaking your hands. You can’t feel it anymore from all the whisking you were doing. You were glad he offered help, because honestly, you needed it.

“Thanks,” you said. “You can the bowl afterwards,” you offered. Now let’s see how this cake will turn out. Baking skills, don’t fail me now, you encouraged yourself. You don’t want to embarrass yourself to that arrogant boy who will receive it.

You entered your house and made a dash towards your fridge. You grabbed something that’s in a box with a bow tied pretty around it. You smiled proudly at yourself. It’s a good thing I inherit my father’s baking skills, you thought, and closed your eyes to offer a prayer to him.

“Now who’s the special someone you’re going to give that too? He’s one lucky guy to have my sister,” your brother teased. He came to the kitchen to grab a drink.

Your face reddened from hearing the words “special someone.” “It’s for my friend. He’s not a special someone,” said you, making a face at your brother.

He chuckled. “So, he is a guy, huh?” he said, taking notice of the sudden change in your face’s color. “Make sure I meet him first before marrying him, araso?”

“I don’t like him!!” you shouted back, and walked out of your house. You can still hear him laughing.

He called after you and said, “We could start a bakery with your lovely pastries you know!”

Greedy brother, you thought. “I’ll think about it!” you shouted at him.



“What are you both up to, huh?” Seunghyun said, talking to the panda he was holding. He sniffed at the fur of the toy and hugged it, taking note how fluffy it is. Her scent is faint, but it was there. He realized how awkward his actions were. He drew back from the panda.

“Seunghyun!” a breathless you said. He looked up and turned towards you, his eyes falling to the box you were holding with both of your hands. As you near him, he stood up and approached you.

“Listen,” you started, trying not to look him in the eyes. What you are about to do is really embarrassing for you, you felt like jumping off a cliff was better than this. “I know I’ve been a jerk yesterday, I’m sorry,” you said. You want the ground to swallow you up at that time. Saying sorry, especially to him, is taking up all your courage. “Here,” you said, and handed him the box. “It’s better late than never right? Happy birthday,” you said theatrically. You wanted to show more enthusiasm, but failed.

Not feeling hands grabbing the box, you nudged it forward to him. Up to now, you were not looking at him. You can feel your cheeks red hot. I hope this ends already, you thought to yourself. After a few more seconds without any movement, you dared to looks at him.

“Oh for Pete’s sake, just take it alrea…” you stopped, and gasped. Seunghyun was staring at the box, his eyes glistening, and tears about to fall. I can’t believe it! you thought to yourself. “Are you…crying?” you asked him.

As if he was in a trance, he snapped back into reality and shook his head. “What? No! I’m just…touched,” he said. He grabbed the box and played with the ribbon. He grabbed one end, and pulled.

Why is this making me nervous? you thought to yourself. You felt sick as he finished unlacing the ribbon and started opening the box. This is it! you exclaimed in your head, and move your eyes away. You can’t handle the tension. You don’t want to look.

Without any warning, Seunghyun hugged you. Your eyes snapped open. Your heart started beating faster, faster than you were running a while ago. The hug was quick, but it felt like a few minutes to you. He pulled away. You saw that he put the cake down while you were looking away. “Thank you,” he said, flashing that toothy smile of his.

You wanted to say “you’re welcome,” but found out you can’t do so. You were speechless. That hug turned your knees into jelly.

He moved away and grabbed Ri. He knelt down beside the box, and both of them peered inside. “Look, it’s our brother,” he said. The cake you baked was a chocolate cake. It was coated with white icing. You used chocolate syrup to carefully design a panda’s head. Your brother almost ruined your cake by slurping most of the syrup, good thing you caught him before he finished it. A Happy Birthday was also written in chocolate syrup on top of the cake.

“Where did you buy this?” he asked, looking up at you.

You shoot him a glare. “For your information, I baked that,” you said.

“For me?” he asked, grinning.

“Well…I…Ri asked me to bake it for you,” you pathetically came up.

As if he saw behind your lie, he talked to the panda, “Why thank you, Ri, how thoughtful of you.” He pinched the panda on his left cheek. You grimaced. “You did well,” he said, you realized he was talking to you. “Thank you very much. Can I eat it now?” he asked.

“Yeah sure. But how?” you said. He scooped up some icing on his finger and it. A contented smile played on his face, making you feel proud. You know for a fact that you were a good baker for your age, your family always tell you that. It was something you inherited from your father, that’s one of your reasons for making sure that you’re very good at it. “It’s delicious,” he said, he thanked you again for the nth time.


Your day ended with a full tummy and hands dirty from chocolates. It’s a good thing the lake was there to help you washed.

“Good job!” you congratulated yourself, as you turned in your bed to faced Ri. “And good job to you too, Ri!” you said to him.

You slowly drifted off to sleep. A smile was once again on your lips.

“Thanks for the cake,” the voice of Seunghyun replayed on your mind.

Thanks for the hug, you told him in your mind. 

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SoongYeong-a #1
Chapter 7: Oh this is cute!! And it's such a cute excuse from "me" that Ri is the one who told "me" to bake the cake. Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 7: ohh nice.........
thebluetifulfairy #3
Chapter 7: Ahjussi, good one ^_^ it really made me smile, hooray for awkward gift giving. This one was really sweet.
SoongYeong-a #4
Chapter 6: I wonder what gift "I" would give to seunghyun hahaha. Waa a cute innocent love ><
Chapter 6: ooo i see she is in denial...
i wonder wassup she wants to get the panda.
SoongYeong-a #6
Chapter 5: Are you up for daily update? *wish* hahahaha say happy b'day then hahaha "I'm" still clouded by "my" pride hahahaha.
SoongYeong-a #8
This story going to be great!! Waaa it's kinda hard for me to find seungri's fic.^^
Chapter 4: whoa nice!
but sometimes it tends to get confusing in terms of chronological order. how old is she?
MissGeeLuvsRiRi99 #10
Update soon unnie, i love your story so Much :D