Who's Mad?

White Flowers and Pandas

Before anything else, I want to clarify something. In the first chapter, you had a flashback from 6 years ago when you were 8 years old. Moving to the present state, you are now 14 years old.

Anyway, thank you for all the lovely readers and subscribers. ^^.

“Hey!” you heard a familiar voice said, turning your face into a scowl. You don’t know why, but he talking to you makes you mad. “Are you mad?” he asked, and appeared in front of you.

“No,” you replied blankly, with no emotions. You move away from him and went to sit on your tireswing. You calm yourself as you realized you’re being unreasonable. “Why are you feeling this way? It’s not like he has an appointment with you everyday,” you told yourself. Nobody agreed that you’ll be seeing each other everyday, he likes being here, and you like being here, it just happen that both of you go to this place most of the time. “Well that’s how it is if you think about it,” you thought.

“You are mad,” you heard him say. “What is it this time?” He sat on his tireswing.

“I already said I’m not,” a hint of irritation clear in your voice.

“You’re not mad at me?”


“Then who are you mad at?”

Without thinking, you answered, “Myself.” You were surprised with what you just said. To avoid further questions to make you more exposed, you stood up and moved on the edge of the lake. A cold breeze swept at your being, making you shudder.

“I’m mad...at myself?”you can’t believe what you just said back there. “No! I’m not! That’s not even possible,” you told yourself. But deep inside your heart, you know you are. You hate yourself for letting things the way they are. Seeing each other everyday is suppose to be just a habit for you, as much as it is for him. So why are you acting this way?

“Look, I’m sorry,” you heard him say, not knowing he walked towards you.

“For what?” you asked.

“I think you’re mad because I didn’t see you yesterday.”

“Why would I be mad about that? It’s not your responsibility to go here you know. I can go on a day without you,” you said, not really meaning your last sentence and hoping you didn’t hurt him.

“But still...” he started, there was something hanging from his words, like he’s not sure if he should say it.

“Still?” you asked, prolonging the word to imply you wanted an answer.

“I made you missed me.”

You stared at him for a while, taking what he said to you bits by bits until it made sense. “Crazy!” you shouted, and walked towards the tree, bumping him angrily with your shoulder.

“Ouch!” he shouted.

“Now he’s done it, I’m mad now,” you complained in your mind. “How can he say that so straightforward? Doesn’t he have any fear? Or tact perhaps?” you rambled to yourself. But you already know the answer. From all the years you’ve spent time together, you know he’s very straightforward with his feelings. Fear is not really on his vocabulary. And tact? Well he is not really tactless; he just says what he needs to say. You might not have notice it, but those three characteristics of him is what you lack.

He grabbed you by the shoulder, a mocking smile playing on his mouth. You pushed him away, making him laugh in the process.

“Okay I’m sorry,” he said, after finished laughing. “You didn’t miss me from the looks of it.”

“Of course I don’t!” you said, pinching his face really hard and pulling it higher. He yelped in pain and pulled his face away. “Serves you right,” you said to him.

“But I did miss you,” you assured him in your mind.


A few minutes later, after both of you forgot what just happened, you asked, “So, where were you yesterday?”

He lifted his head and said, “Out with my family.”

“Oh I see,” you said, “had dinner together?”


“What’s the occasion?”

“Nothing much.”

You were not satisfied with his answer, you felt he’s hiding something. “Are you sure?”

He moved his gaze in front of him, avoiding you. “Your parents’ anniversary?” you insisted, not wanting to let this go.

He shook his head. You’re starting to get irritated by his actions; it’s not like him to be this way. “What then?” you asked, tweaking your voice higher.

He looked at you. Opened his mouth, and closed it again.

You groaned, you’re getting tired of his silly game. “Out with it,” you said.

“It was my birthday,” he whispered.

“Oh,” was all that you were able to say.

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SoongYeong-a #1
Chapter 7: Oh this is cute!! And it's such a cute excuse from "me" that Ri is the one who told "me" to bake the cake. Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 7: ohh nice.........
thebluetifulfairy #3
Chapter 7: Ahjussi, good one ^_^ it really made me smile, hooray for awkward gift giving. This one was really sweet.
SoongYeong-a #4
Chapter 6: I wonder what gift "I" would give to seunghyun hahaha. Waa a cute innocent love ><
Chapter 6: ooo i see she is in denial...
i wonder wassup she wants to get the panda.
SoongYeong-a #6
Chapter 5: Are you up for daily update? *wish* hahahaha say happy b'day then hahaha "I'm" still clouded by "my" pride hahahaha.
SoongYeong-a #8
This story going to be great!! Waaa it's kinda hard for me to find seungri's fic.^^
Chapter 4: whoa nice!
but sometimes it tends to get confusing in terms of chronological order. how old is she?
MissGeeLuvsRiRi99 #10
Update soon unnie, i love your story so Much :D