Lollipops to make it Better

Lollipops and Roses

Seunghyun was pleasantly surprised that Dara was in the same class as him. He thought that Dara would be a year or two younger than him since she was tiny. When he reported for school all bloody and beaten up, he was immediately taken to the infirmary. He was also scolded by the teachers and rumors of him being a delinquent spread around school. It didn't really bother him but Dara felt a little guilty. Seunghyun had unwanted attention; people were picking fights with him and nobody wants to be his friend. As time passed, he got better at fighting and people stopped bothering him. It also helped that his brother, Dongwook, became the best fighter in school and warned that if people bothered his little brother they would pay dearly.

Seunghyun still got in occassional fights and everytime Dara sees him with a busted lip or a bloody nose, she would give him a lollipop. This little tradition started on the day they met; Dara wanted to give something to Seunghyun so that he would feel better after being beaten up  by bullies and then scolded by the teachers all because of her. 

"Here, take this." Dara said while holding a piece of candy in her open palm. "My dad said it would make you feel better. It's my favorite flavor too!" Seunghyun had never been fond of sweets until that day. But since then, whenever he would feel sad or whenever he misses Dara, he would take a piece of lollipop and a warm sensation would fill him. 


Dara and Seunghyun were practically inseparable in school. They were being teased as the off-beat couple because both of them were practically poker-faced all the time. Unbeknownst to outsiders, both were troublemakers and secretly loved to joke. They would pull pranks on their classmates but wouldn't be caught because they can remain expressionless. They would breakdown laughing in their secret hideout, the AVR, during breaks and before going home. They would sometimes hangout with their friends but most of the time they would keep to themselves. For Dara, it was because she was most comfortable with Seunghyun while for the other, he just wants to spend all his time with the girl he secretly loves.

Seunghyun knows that Dara doesn't see him the same way he sees her, so he's contented with the fact that he's a special friend to her. They've been friends for two years, best of friends in fact. During those two years, his feelings seem to only grow for her. He's still willing to die for her but most of all, he wanted to be the best for her. He knows that someday, hopefully soon, he would have to confess his love to her. So before that, he needs to be a man worthy of her. He stayed away from trouble and studied well. He was never fond of studying but his father said that a man worthy of a woman's love was someone who uses his brains, not just his fists. 

By the end of Spring term, his parents told him the news that shook his life; they're migrating to Canada. He tried reasoning with his parents, telling them that he needs to stay here. He's just starting to adjust to his new life and his grades are picking up. Leaving now would ruin everything he's worked hard for. But all of them knew that academics was the last thing in his mind. His feelings for his friend was no secret to his family but he was too young to live alone and his father needs to transfer there for work. He wasn't selfish enough to have his family split in two just because of his feelings for his best friend. It took him three days to build the courage to tell Dara about the move. In the middle of the night, he ran out their door towards the house down the street. He rang the doorbell as if it was his lifeline. Mrs. Park opened the door for him and let him in and brought him to Dara's room. She knew that they were moving away, Seunghyun pleaded with her not to tell Dara until he was ready.

Seunghyun was a mess; palms sweaty and on the verge of crying. He thought he had his emotions in check but whenever it comes to Dara, his emotions gets the better of him. With a shaky breath, he tells Dara the dreaded news. Dara just sat on the floor quietly, for a moment Seunghyun thought that Dara was ok with the move. But then he caught sight of her face, it was contorted in a frown, trying to stop herself from crying. He moved closer to her and held her hand, that's when a sob was heard from her beautiful lips and a tear escaped her eye. In an attempt to comfort her, and to be truthful, himself, he enveloped her in a hug. He told her that everything's gonna be alright and he's coming back as soon as possible. 

In this world, nobody understood Dara better than her best friend. He always seems to know when she's sad and when she wants to be left alone. She wasn't really good at communicating with people and most of the time she kept to herself. She started opening up to others since she met Seunghyun but with him, words were never necessary. She felt like her life would change again and she didn't like that change. She felt uncomfortable having to explain to others what she wants, Seunghyun always did it for her. He spoilt her now, he was leaving her. With her remaining strength, she pulled away from the hug and smiled at Seunghyun.

"It's not like it's the end of our friendship, we could send letters and post cards and call each other. You will always be my Seunghyun, right?" She wiped the tears from her face and flashed her mesmerizing smile at Seunghyun again. 

"Yes, I will forever be yours. So possessive!" Seunghyun chides. He felt a little better after telling Dara but his insides were still churning. He wanted to confess to her before he left but he chickened out. He figures that Dara was only ready for friendship and confessing would only make things awkward between them. He wants to savor his last days with her. 

After a week, Seunghyun and his family boarded the plane to Canada. Dara was at the airport to say goodbye to Seunghyun's family and give her best friend a present to remember her by. From her backpack, Dara pulled out a huge jar of candies; lollipops of different sizes and flavors. "For when you feel sad and lonely. But don't open the lid yet. Open it when you land in Canada."

And with that, she hugged him goodbye and walked out the door. 


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Chapter 7: this is pure looooove <3
tabitabi #2
Chapter 7: Reread it for many times, and still get myself blushing for it. You are great!
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 7: fantabulous story... thanks
Chapter 7: I loved this. Funny, I wasn't really a Tabisan fan but I'm slowly being converted the more I read these stories. Love your writing style, the emotions, and ability to contain and convey the whole story in less than 10 chapters. I look forward to reading your other work as well. Thanks for writing and sharing :)
Chapter 7: I loved this story so much!!! It is brilliant! So romantic and full of raw emotions that feel really real! So amazing! <3<3
Chapter 7: It's very beautiful. It was pure love. No lust whatsoever. Is there really a person like this man? How I pray that I would end up with a man like this. T_T
Chapter 7: awww beautifully ended! Love it!
i feel the pains when Seunghyun confess to Dara.... then walk away from her
they both crying.... sobs
btw, how could Dara ignore him for ONE month..... omg poor Seunghyun lol
thanks for your story!
Panda90 #8
Chapter 7: i love the ending. Finally they're together. XD
Chapter 7: This is a nice story...Thanks for sharing it to us..Tabisan love FIGHTING!..more soon?..hhaahahah..;)
ellisd #10
Chapter 7: Aww. Nice story :) really sweet