No Longer Just Friends

Lollipops and Roses

The sun shone bright that day, oblivious to the hurricane in Seunghyun's heart and mind. He has decided to admit his affections to Dara, to take a gamble on his feelings and take that giant leap. But he soon realized that making that decision and actually doing it are completely different things.

He's losing his nerves and he barely set his plan into motion. Was he really prepared to lose her friendship? "She's avoiding you, do you have anything else to lose? Man up!" He said to himself. Despite predicting the worst outcome, he decided that it was time he was honest with his feelings. He needs to step up, he owes it to himself and Dara deserves the truth. "If she ends up hating me for it, at least she knows the truth. Our friendship deserves the truth." With those words on repeat in his head, he goes and prepares for his day.

He moved mechanically at work, his head and heart was floating somewhere else and his supervisor noticed it. Worried about his health, the professor told Seunghyun to call it a day. It was 1PM, Dara should be at home. It's now or never. His determination to confess to Dara was falling apart again. Form time to time, tears threatened to spill from his eyes. He was always too emotional when it comes to Dara.  

Instead of taking a cab to her place, Seunghyun decided to take the "scenic" tour and got on the bus. He decided to pass by the park before heading to Dara's house. His emotions were a mess, he wants to compose himself before telling Dara his feelings. He needs to clear his head and focus on making his feelings known. He needs to throw all expectations, negative or positive, out the window. What matters to him now is getting this off his chest. He repeats to himself that he's not confessing to steal her from her boyfriend. He doesn't want to confuse her or take her for himself, he just wants to let her know because she deserves it. He needs to be free from the secrets and the longing because it's eating him up. 

All too soon, he's at the park. As he was walking towards his destination, a figure of a girl sitting on a bench caught his attention. As fate would have it, Dara was sitting on the park bench lost in thought. There was an air of melancholy around her that broke Seunghyun's heart. Seeing her in that state made Seunghyun sad beyond belief. In a moment, he saw tears streaming from her eyes and his feet moved of it's own accord. He reached out instinctively and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Without warning, he wrapped his arms around her and her back. He embraced her wishing all the pain to go away. He doesn't know why she's sad all he wanted to do was comfort her. After a few minutes, Dara broke from his embrace and tried smiling at him. That smile quickly faded when she noticed that tears were also cascading from Seunghyun's eyes. He didn't notice that he was crying. Embarrassed, Seunghyun turned around to wipe his own tears only to be stopped by Dara. She took a tissue from her purse and wiped his tears for him.

"You are such a baby. Why are you crying?" Dara said, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Look who's talking?" Seunghyun said while reaching to wipe a stray tear from Dara's eye. He stared at Dara for a moment. He can't take it any more. It's now or never. 

"You haven't been in touch lately, is there a problem?" Seunghyun starte. 

"I was just busy. I need to settle some things first." Dara explained without looking at Seunghyun.

"I need to tell you something...before I turn back into the coward that I am." Dara stiffened, she knew where this was going. Without waiting for a response, Seunghyun started talking again.

"I know you don't believe in soulmates and fate but I do. I believed in it the moment I saw the love of my life." There was still no response from Dara. She was still looking forward, not sparing a glance at Seunghyun. This wasn't enough, he wants to convey his feelings to Dara and he wants to look into her eyes when he says it. He knelt in front of Dara and took her head between his hands, locking eyes with her he began again. "I've loved you the minute I saw you in that small alley. The more time I spent with you, the more my feelings grow. I thought that my move to Canada would stop me from pining for you but it worked in the complete opposite direction." Seunghyun was losing his composure seeing tears fall from Dara's eyes again. He wiped the tears from her eyes and Dara's hands wiped his tears.

"i know, Seunghyun. But I have a boyfriend. I can't..."Dara said softly, her voice cracking.

 "I'm just being selfish. I'm sorry. But I can't not tell you anymore. It's eating me up inside. I'm scared of losing you. You are the best thing that happened to me. Because of you, I don't dare to ask for anything more. As long as you are in my life, I would be happy." Tears kept falling from his eyes but he needs to say this "I'm willing to wait for you. I will wait a lifetime for you. I just want you to know that I love you more than my life." With that, Seunghyun stood up and left. He knows that Dara will not run after him. He doesn't expect her to return his feelings. He accomplished what he set out to do, he's still crying but he feels as though a huge weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

Weeks have passed and Dara was still avoiding him. He hasn't gone to her house during this time, he wants to give her space but he still sent her messages. She hasn't replied to a single message. The stabbing pain of losing his best friend and the love of his life left him lifeless for a couple of days but he needed to man up and face his responsibilities. He went to work like usual and lived his robotic life. He keeps on telling himself that it was all for the best. He would've broken down either way, at least now he didn't have to lie about his feelings any more. 

Every morning he would say good morning to Dara and before he sleeps at night, he would wish her 'sweet dreams." From time to time, he would send "I love you" to her but he knows he's pushing his luck. But sometimes he wants her to get mad at him just to get a reaction from her. Anything would be better than the silent treatment. He found out from Cheondoong that Dara broke up with her boyfriend and for a while, Seunghyun felt guilty but Cheondoong would remind him that it was headed to that direction anyway, even without his confession. 

A month of silence, still no response from Dara and Seunghyun was at his wit's end. He finally decided to confront her, he went to her house.

"Dara, please talk to me...i won't force you to love me back. I just want my bestfriend back. Please. I would do anything..."Seunghyun said, staring at Dara's locked bedroom door. Without warning, the door swung open and there was Dara.

"I'm sorry. But we're no longer friends. We can't go back to that anymore..."

"No. Please. I will do anything. Don't do this. Please"Seunghyun said. His voice cracking once again.

"No we can't be friends anymore..." Dara said while wrapping her arms around Seunghyun's shaking body "We can't go back because I've also fallen in love with you."

Dara's words took Seunghyun by surprise and he froze. Terror was quickly replaced by electrifying happiness as his brain processed what Dara just told him. His knees grew weak and he fell down, taking Dara with him. Neither of them moved from each other's embrace from the floor, each relishing in their mutual love for each other.

In that moment of honesty, everything fell into place and all the pain and fear they felt seem to be so distant. This is where they're supposed to be, in each other's arms enveloped in their pure love for each other.


The End.

 A/N. Thank you for reading and bearing with me. I hope you enjoyed walking on this little journey with me.  

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Chapter 7: this is pure looooove <3
tabitabi #2
Chapter 7: Reread it for many times, and still get myself blushing for it. You are great!
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 7: fantabulous story... thanks
Chapter 7: I loved this. Funny, I wasn't really a Tabisan fan but I'm slowly being converted the more I read these stories. Love your writing style, the emotions, and ability to contain and convey the whole story in less than 10 chapters. I look forward to reading your other work as well. Thanks for writing and sharing :)
Chapter 7: I loved this story so much!!! It is brilliant! So romantic and full of raw emotions that feel really real! So amazing! <3<3
Chapter 7: It's very beautiful. It was pure love. No lust whatsoever. Is there really a person like this man? How I pray that I would end up with a man like this. T_T
Chapter 7: awww beautifully ended! Love it!
i feel the pains when Seunghyun confess to Dara.... then walk away from her
they both crying.... sobs
btw, how could Dara ignore him for ONE month..... omg poor Seunghyun lol
thanks for your story!
Panda90 #8
Chapter 7: i love the ending. Finally they're together. XD
Chapter 7: This is a nice story...Thanks for sharing it to us..Tabisan love FIGHTING!..more soon?..hhaahahah..;)
ellisd #10
Chapter 7: Aww. Nice story :) really sweet