And Some Things Change

Lollipops and Roses

The Following day, Seunghyun was too busy with finalizing his documents and other work-related matters so he wasn't able to meet with Dara. It was only a day but he sorely missed her. After not seeing her for years, he never thought that a day would be so long. It was like his feelings for her only intensified after meeting her again. He knew it was dangerous, especially now that she has a boyfriend but he couldn't help it. Having completed his tasks for the day, he went directly to Dara's house. As expected, he was welcomed by her family with all the warmth he needed. While having dinner, he noted that Dara still wasn't home and asked about her. He felt his heart constrict with the knowledge that Dara was on a date with her boyfriend and isn't expected to be home soon. While they were catching up, Dara's brother mentioned something about being worried about Dara. He said that he caught her crying on more than one occasion. He's worried that the relationship might be on the rocks and noted that Donghae hasn't been around in months. The look on his face was solemn but he quickly changed the mood by telling Seunghyun to hang out with him at a club tonight. Seunghyun politely declined saying that he still has matters to attend to and that he would join him some other time. 

After dinner, Seunghyun was helping out clear the table when suddenly Dara came home. She looked exhausted and sad, a look the family wasn't expecting since she supposedly came from her date. Noticing that her family and Seunghyun was there, she put on a bright smile and plopped on the couch. 

"It was such a long day! I'm pooped!" She sighed exaggeratedly. "Seunghyun! What are you doing here? Leaching off food again?" Dara jested looking at her best friend. 

"Hey! I resent that! I am helping out with the dishes, I'm pulling my weight!" Seunghyun countered, rubbing soap-soaked hands on Dara's face. This earned a high-pitched scream from Dara and roaring laughter from the family. Just like that, Seunghyun revived Dara's spirits again. 

As Seunghyun was about to leave, Dara's mother blocked him from crossing the door. She was staring intently at Seunghyun then flashed a bright smile at him and gave him a big hug. This took Seunghyun by surprise because even if the Parks were kind to him, this was the first time he was hugged by Mrs. Park. Being the awkward being that he is, Seunghyun stiffened a bit before returning the hug and said his goodnights. 

"Seunghyun, your mother called me and told me to remind you that you still haven't given her your new handphone number. Please tell me you didn't forget to get one?" Dara's mom shook her head when she saw him gaping. So he did forget to get a new phone. Sometimes she wonders if he really did finish his studies with high honors. He's still the clumsy and forgetful Seunghyun that they all knew and loved. Without waiting for an answer, she told Dara to help him process the phone line application first thing in the morning. 

------The Following Day-----

Seunghyun barely has his eyes open when he heard loud banging on his front door, it could only be one person. He groggily opened the door and didn't bother looking at who it was. He went to the kitchen and made coffee then to the bathroom to get ready for the day. He was finally feeling like a human being after washing up and getting some coffee in his system when he remembered that he had company...more than one, he might add. The shocked look in his face was priceless and the two people in his loft were laughing their asses off. His eyes nearly popped out at the realization of who the other person was, it was their other friend, Park Bom. Although Bom wasn't as close to him as Dara, she was still one of the few people he considers as a friend in Korea. Bom used to be at the receiving end of most of the prank he and Dara used to pull. She was their "test dummy" for a good part of their friendship. 

Their laughter died down and Seunghyun finally composed himself enough to offer the two lunatics coffee. He was eating his breakfast while the other two drank their coffee. 

"So, mind telling me what you're up to?" Seunghyun raised and eyebrow at two.

"Well, Dara here told me that you two were gonna hang out together today so I decided to come along." Bom beamed at him. She was always bright and cheery, often wearing her heart on her sleeve. A trait that he nor Dara didn't have and admired most about her. 

"Bom will help us with your paperwork for the phone. I have no idea what needs to be done, she was the one who did everything for me." Dara interjected. Bom casted a knowing look at Dara which Seunghyun found peculiar. He somehow felt uncomfortable. He felt like Dara was keeping something from him and that never happened before. Dara was an open book to him, until now. Seunghyun cleared his throat and told them that he was thankful for their help and that they should get going now. 

The entire process of choosing a mobile plan and handphone were really annoying to Seunghyun. He just wanted the most basic plan and keep his old phone but Bom wasn't having any of it. She had to discuss about every detail and in the end, he just told her to pick what she wanted. He was pouting like a kid by the time they were processing the application. Dara was having a blast seeing that her friend was still incapable of understanding much about technology. Lunch time rolled in and Seunghyun insisted that he treat the girls to lunch as a form of gratitude for their help but Bom excused herself saying that she has other plans for the afternoon. That left Dara and Seunghyun alone for lunch. 

They ate the lunch while tinkering with Seunghyun's new phone. Surpisingly, it was his first smart phone and he was getting annoyed at how "complicated" it was just to send a message. Dara walked him through the basics of how to use the phone. She even installed games that she knows he will like. Everything was so normal and perfect, like they were meant to be like this. They spent the day catching up and reminiscing their old "conquests."

As the day wore on, Seunghyun finally managed to send an email to his mother without pressing a wrong button and deleting everything. Dara patted his shoulder in congratulations and proceeded to laugh at how Seunghyun raised his phone in victory. 

"You're such a dork! I sometimes wonder if you really are fit to be a professor in the university." Dara said in between laughs. 

"Just so you know, other people think I'm smart. I don't know how they came to that conclusion, but they do." Seunghyun said while taking a seat beside Dara. They were walking around the park they used to go to as kids. 

"How on earth did you finish your MA that fast anyway? Did you bribe someone?" Dara jokingly said, pointing an accusatory finger at Seunghyun while her other hand was covering in mock disgust.

"Hell no! I'm not rich! I just used my dastardly good looks to breeze through school." Seunghyun countered while flipping his hair. 

For the thousandth time that day, they roared out laughing not minding the glares they got from the people around them. For the most part, it seemed as if they were in their own little world. 

"You're so full of yourself, Choi Seunghyun. You really believe that you're handsome?"

"Of course I do! I was really popular with the ladies *andsomegentlemen* in Canada" Seunghyun wiggled his eyebrows at Dara "You should get your eyes checked or take a closer look" with that, Seunghyun leaned his face close to Dara. The movement surprised Dara and she pushed his face away from her on reflex. Of course she found Seunghyun to be handsome! Anybody who had eyes would agree to that. 

"Ouch! That hurt! Why would you do that to my handsome face?" Seunghyun pouted but you can see the mischief in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry but you were invading my personal space with your gorgeous face, prince of arrogance." Dara said in a mocking tone as she curtsied to hide a faint blush from her face.  

"It's getting late, I still have classes tomorrow. Let's go!" Dara started walking towards their car, leaving Seunghyun a bit confused. The sudden change in Dara's demeanor caught him off guard but he decided to just with it. He took her home and talked to her parents for a while before heading back to his loft. 



Sorry for the late update. Life is being a . I am aiming to finish the story in two more chapters within the month. Thank you for bearing with me. 


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Chapter 7: this is pure looooove <3
tabitabi #2
Chapter 7: Reread it for many times, and still get myself blushing for it. You are great!
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 7: fantabulous story... thanks
Chapter 7: I loved this. Funny, I wasn't really a Tabisan fan but I'm slowly being converted the more I read these stories. Love your writing style, the emotions, and ability to contain and convey the whole story in less than 10 chapters. I look forward to reading your other work as well. Thanks for writing and sharing :)
Chapter 7: I loved this story so much!!! It is brilliant! So romantic and full of raw emotions that feel really real! So amazing! <3<3
Chapter 7: It's very beautiful. It was pure love. No lust whatsoever. Is there really a person like this man? How I pray that I would end up with a man like this. T_T
Chapter 7: awww beautifully ended! Love it!
i feel the pains when Seunghyun confess to Dara.... then walk away from her
they both crying.... sobs
btw, how could Dara ignore him for ONE month..... omg poor Seunghyun lol
thanks for your story!
Panda90 #8
Chapter 7: i love the ending. Finally they're together. XD
Chapter 7: This is a nice story...Thanks for sharing it to us..Tabisan love FIGHTING!..more soon?..hhaahahah..;)
ellisd #10
Chapter 7: Aww. Nice story :) really sweet