He's imperfectly perfect

I'm inlove with this guy.

Your POV:

Days had past, and as expected, just the same days. I was in the rooftop, with my earphones on and just getting some fresh air. Just an hour left and afternoon class will start. 

While feeling the fresh air, thoughts about Jongin entered my mind. 

The way his body move, his perfect moves, his awesome expressions, everything about him is just.... perfect. I don't know that he's that good at dancing. We.. both love dancing. 

I hate him.. I mean, I am so annoyed with him. But why is he keep on talking with me, act like a close friend with me.. You know, he's just random guy who saw me tripped on a rock and ask if I'm okay, then that's it. But why does he want to be close with me? If I can only tell him that I never get close to the boys and I hate hanging out with boys, but that seems to be rude right? 

But my mouth just can't tell him that. He's so annoying, but kind. He's really talkative but he's cute. Yes, he's cute. 

Can I be friends with him? Can I let myself be free and be friends with him, just only him? Getting close with him won't hurt right? Cause his personality already explains all. I wish I was right, I wish his personality towards me won't change. 

But I will not take it too fast. I will slowly be friends with him. I will not make it so easier for him to get close with me. Right. I'll make it slow.

Then someone removed the earphones from my ears. I looked at the person, Jongin.

"Finished emoting?" He joked.

I just rolled my eyes at him and fished in my earphones into my pocket. 

"Oh, the air is so overwhelming that's why you're here." He said as he lifted up his head and closed his eyes. 

His jawline, his perfect shaped nose, and his.. plump lips. Every featured of him is just perfect. Aish, scratch that Minjung.

"So, why are you here?" I asked as the wind blows through my face and hair. 

,"Just wanted to show you something." He grinned.

I just gave him a questioned look.

"Come." He offered his hand.

I just looked at it, confused.

What the hell is wrong with him? In all of the things I hate is skinship. 

"Let's go." Before I ignore it, he already grabbed my wrist and led me somewhere. 

When he held my wrist, a spark felt my body. I hate this. He can just tell me if where are we going, not like this. Tch. 

Finally, we reached the.. bulletin board? I removed my wrist into his grip and looked at him.

"What are we doing here?" I raised one eyebrow.

"Close your eyes." He demanded.

"What? Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Just close your eyes." He repeated. 

"No-" Before I can complain, he covered my eyes with his palms. "Hey!" I said as I try to remove it.

Just a few seconds, he let go of my eyes and a piece of paper was infront of my face. 

"What's this?" I blinked for a few seconds.

"Here." He pointed out my name. "Did you see this?" He asked.

"Yea, I know. That's my name, so what?" I raised one eyebrow.

Showing my name for no reason? Tch.

"Look!" He pointed something again. "Read.." He demanded.

"Dancing Moonlight dance class.." I read. I paused for a second then looked at him.

"Ha.ha.ha. funny.. Stop making jokes Jongin." I rolled my eyes at him.

I wanted to believe what he showed me but, I must not be fooled. I want to make sure if he's telling the truth or not.

"Hey, I'm not joking. This results are true." He said.

"I do not believe in you. What if you just went to the computer room then printed a fake results?" I defended.

"Tch, you think I'm kidding? With Mrs. Lee's signature over here?" He said as he pointed to the signature. 

I looked at it, and there I saw the coach's signature. I know people can't just copy each other's signs right? It must be true. I must believe him. 

"Are you sure?" He immediately nodded. 

"And look, I'm also in!" He exclaimed as he shook my shoulder.

"O-okay.. I believe you now. Let me go." I said as I removed his hands on mine. 

"Yehey! Me and Minjung got in the audition!" He yelled as he pumped up his fist in the air.

"Hey!" I covered his mouth with my left palm. Aish! This kid. That's the reason I hate being with him, people starts staring at us.

He just keep on smiling while here I am, embarassed. 

I must treat you later!" He said.

What? Did I hear something?

"What?" Then unexpectedly, the bell rang for the afternoon class. 

"Let's celebrate later! Annyeong!" He waved at me as he run away.

I stood here dumfounded. Okay, so we'll going to hangout? Well, y'know going outside is a hangout right? Aish, this will gonna be a long day. 

I shook my head as I headed to my class, slightly smiling.


The last bell rang meaning class dismissed. I put my books on the locker and some other things. I closed my locker and as I turn around, Jongin was already infront of me, with hands on his pocket.

"Holy muffins!" I shouted as I placed my hand on my chest. He just chuckled at my expression.

"Let's go?" He said.

"But-" Before I can finish my word, Jongin held my wrist for the second time and walked outside the school.

As we were walking at the side street, there's an awkward feeling filling up our atmosphere. Aish, I really really hate this. 

*Jongin, can you please stop doing this?* I thought to myself. I wanted to say this to him, but I can't. 

"So.. where are we going?" I asked him. There's a bit distance from us while walking. 

"To my favorite hangout place." He said.

"Where?" Then he suddenly stopped from walking, so I did the same. 

"Here." He pointed out a Burger mini restaurant.

"You love burger?" I asked him. He nodded brightly then we entered the burger restaurant. 

I don't hate burger, actually I like it. But I feel like when I'm eating it more, I get fatter. I don't want to be fat, you know. 

We sat on the table near the window and ordered. Just a few minutes, our food came. He thanke the worker and we startes eating. 

The way he eat, it's kinda cute. He caught me staring at him. Oh, crap.

"Hey, you don't want to eat?" He asked while chewing his food.

I shook my head.

"Don't worry, let's just eat somewhere if you don't like burger." He said.

"No, no need. I like burgers but.. I'm not really into eating right now." I explained.

He stopped from eating and wiped his mouth with a tissue. 

"Why did you stop?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't want to eat alone. We're celebrating, means eating together. But if you don't want to eat, then I will not eat too." He cheekily smiled.

I was startled at his words.

"No, you don't have to. I know you love burgers and I'm not letting you to stop eating. It's just that.. I'm not hungry.." I said but he complained again.

While we're arguing about him not eating, the rain started to pour outside. I looked at the window, and yea I'm right.

"Oh, it's raining!" I gasped. He just looked at me.

"Jongin, I really have to go. My parents must be waiting for me." I said as I stood up.

"Wait, me too." He said as he stood up too. 

We went outside the restaurant, just right infront of it so that we'll not get wet. I fished out my phone and texted Taemin oppa to pick me up. 

While waiting, my body starts to shiver from the cold wind passing through us. I rubbed my arms with my hands and hugged myself. Right when I am freezing from coldness, a bus was driving really fast towards infront of us, and right infront of us is a circle of big water stucked on the ground. As te bus drive pass through us, I was expecting a water will flask through us.

But I closed my eyes, I felt nothing but a pair of arms hugging and covering me. I opened my eyes and saw Jongin's face infront of me with his eyes tight close. I looked at him and he opened his eyes, having us to have eye contact. 

I can already hear my heart pumping really hard inside my chest. After a few moments, he already let go of me. He lowered his head in embarassment, same as me but I threw it away and apologize to him.

"I'm really sorry Jongin.. You shouldn't do that.. You made yourself wet because of the bus." I said as I slightly bowed at him.

"No, it's okay. A girl must not get wet during a heavy rain. You might get cold." He gave me a reassuring smile. 

That makes my heart melt. The way he cares too much to a girl. Jongin, why are you doing this again?

I just gave him a forced smile. He is right, a girl must not get cold during a heavy rain.

Then from my sight, I already saw Taemin oppa's car just meters away from me. 

"Oh, Jongin.. I have to go. Oppa's already here. Are you sure you can go home with a heavy rain?" I worriedly asked. As a human, I also have the rights to be worried right?

"I'm fine.. I can take a bus." He said. 

Before I turned away, I forgot something. I opened my bag and found a blue umbrella. Just in time..

"Jongin.." He looked at me. "Here." I gave him the umbrella. "You might get a cold too." I said. He thanked me and chuckled.

I turned around but I forgot something again so I turned to him. 

"And Jongin... thanks for the burger... I kept it..." I showed him the burger that's still wrapped properly. I waved at him and entered the car. 

Jongin's POV:

Even though I got wet from earlier, I was still happy because she kept the burger I bought for her awhile ago. And.. the umbrella she gave me. I just chuckled at her cute personality towards me. 

All of that thoughts makes me just smile while sitting in the bus. 

Kang Minjung, can we get more closer starting right now? 

Then I looked outside the window with my earphones on ad a smile on my face.


Hey guys! I'm very sorry for the late update cause I arranged some of my things this last few days. Anyways, did you love this chapter? I hope you do. Cause Minjunh and Jongin are getting more closer. Can Jongin's personality won't change towards Minjung as the day goes by? 

Well, keep on waiting for my other updates! I'll try to double update today if I can. ^_^ 

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Byul-Ah #1
Chapter 7: awww <3 Its cute <3 jongin-ahh , are you already have feeling toward her ? kekeke xD Update soon !! :DDDD
Chapter 1: good job...keep updating pls..
xShinMinSeulx #3
Chapter 1: please update soon