Chapter 9

You Are My Girl [third story for My Crush's younger brother]


(I am still using the song from their first and second mini album because Ignition is their first album and what I’m trying to do here is you working on their new album. Just saying if it’s confusing everyone~ and again, this is a fic so let’s not mix it up in everything that’s happening in real life, okay?)


When the clock reached 3pm, B1A4 started cleaning up their selves and then going to their usual salon to get ready. You on the other hand just followed them wherever they go since you were coming with them to the open concert. You have a coffee on your hand and drank it up, when it was finished you got bored again and opened your ipad to play some applications.


CNU was the first one who was done with his make-up and clothes so he sat down beside you and looked at what you’re doing.

“Are you bored?” he asked

“Super” you said and continued playing the game

“Mianhae~ the concert will start by 7pm and it’s still 4” he said


You put your ipad down and looked at him then chuckled “Why are you apologizing oppa?”

“I don’t know, maybe because I’m the one who asked you to come and watch us?” He shrugged

“And I’m the one who agreed so no harm done” you said and chuckled then looked at your ipad again.


CNU wanted to use this time to finally talk to you alone and ask how you were doing, so he did.

“Minah” he called, a bit too serious.

“mhmm?” you asked not looking away from your game

“What do you feel about all of this? I mean, working together with us” He asked

“Great” You said still playing.

“No… how are you REALLY feeling” He said, this time he wanted to know an answer.


You locked your ipad and put it down on the table. You looked around and saw the other were very sleepy while getting their hair done so you looked at CNU and sighed.


“You really wanna know?” You asked and he nodded.

You swallowed your saliva along with your pride, you know you can always trust him. You looked away from him and rested your back on the chair.

“To be honest I feel so blank” you said

“Blank?” He asked and you nodded

“When I saw all of you in that restaurant I told myself they’re probably just on vacation. I won’t have to see them all again so I should not be worried.” You paused and looked at him

“But when I saw all of you in our company’s conference room along with your manager, I just can’t help but feel that all of this is a punishment and I hate it! I just hate it! I did not do anything wrong… what did I do to deserve this?” You said and then sighed


“You know you can always reject everything, you can even tell your brother to not sign anything” CNU said


“And what… let you guys have a hard time to find another sponsor? Let you guys down by not helping you with your songs? To let you guys feel as if I hate all of you and lastly… to let myself run away from the problems?” you asked as you looked at him in the eyes and spoke again “No… I told myself before that I have moved on but seeing all of you just felt as if someone threw a rock at me with my words in it.”

“So you mean…” CNU started but you cut him off

“I agreed to this deal so that I can fully move on, I ran away to Japan and left all of you. You all probably felt that I hate you guys but no… I don’t even hate him too. I just felt that it would be easier to just ignore everyone and yeah it did, but the moment I saw you guys, I just realized that all I did was run away from all of you.” You paused and look away from him

“So how I feel about all of this, about working with you guys is a stage for me to finally move on and to at least make you guys my friends once again.” You said and sighed.


CNU looked at you, he felt like a proud brother. “I’m glad to know that… thank you for telling me” he said

“if this is one step to bring the friendship back… then I’m fine saying it.” you said

“It’s a much more step than you could ever think” CNU said and ruffled your hair


Little did you know, someone actually heard everything.


Everyone went out of the salon and proceeded to their cars.

“Noona, your car is really awesome” Gongchan said

“I know” you said and grinned

“It wouldn’t hurt to deny it a bit” Sandeul said

“Why deny when I can tell it to the whole world that this is mine” you said and somehow, Jinyoung felt a bit tense again.

“C’mon guys… Minah-sshi just follow our car to the venue” Their manager said

“Yeah sure” you nodded and went in.


On the road, gongchan and baro kept looking back to see you driving your car. It wasn’t heavily tinted so they can actually see you driving.

“She’s too cool now” Baro said

“She’s driving with one hand!!” Gongchan exclaimed. Sandeul and CNU chuckled while Jinyoung was secretly peeking but Gongchan’s sharp eyes saw him.

“AYY JINYOUNG HYUNG JUST LOOK NO ONE’S GONNA KILL YOU” He said and made Jinyoung look back to see you driving your car.


They were right. You were cool, he has never thought you would learn driving because back when everyone was still studying, you always loved to just walk. And now, he wondered what other things you learned for the past two years.

He looked at you driving for one last time and turned back again to his normal position.

*Then and now, driving or not, she’s still perfect.* He thought and smiled, but then he remembered what he heard from you and CNU at the salon and his smiled faded.


"So how I feel about all of this, about working with you guys is a stage for me to finally move on and to at least make you guys my friends once again" you told CNU


*is that it... just.... friends...* He thought and looked out at the road.


When everyone was at the venue, you were quietly watching everyone get busy while trying to fix up in the last minute.

B1A4’s other manager asked you if you wanted to watch them outside, he told you he would assist you to the VIP section and you agreed.

When it was their turn, you heard a lot of girls screaming and somehow you felt happy for the boys but felt sad for yourself.


*Maybe everything happened for this. Hearts should be broken for a lot of people to achieve their dreams* you told yourself and watched them performed.

They sang Beautiful target and My love wearing cute outfits that you saw them wear for the first time.


When they were done, you clapped and decided to go backstage. Their manager told them they did a good job and hi-fived them one by one. Being beside the manager, you did as what he did and hi-fived them. It was Jinyoung’s turn and he looked at you and your raised hand.

You kept it up for him to hi-five but he took so long. You raised your brow and spoke “it’s tiring”. He then blinked at you and then hesitatingly hi-fived you.

You gave one last smile and then looked away only to talk to Gongchan. “Noona! Let’s have lunch tomorrow!” He said and smiled

“Why don’t we have dinner tonight?” Baro said

“I think Lunch is better” you said

‘Chincha?” Gongchan asked

“Here we go again with the favoritism!” Baro pouted

“Ani” you chuckled “Because I can cook you guys an American lunch if you want!” you said

“REALLY!!!!?” They excitedly asked and you nodded

“Whaaaaa, I’d like that” Gongchan said

“Well then, I’ll give you guys my address and let’s meet at my house tomorrow.” You said

“Wait we know where you live~” Sandeul said

“E-eh?” you asked, confused. Your unit was just bought 1 year ago. How come they knew it.

“I mean, we used to go there a lot before” Sandeul said

“Oh… I—we sold that house already” You said and blinked

“Really?” CNU blinked and you nodded

“Wait… Jinyoung hyung still had some of his clothes and things there. He didn’t move everything up to our dorm when we were trainess” Gongchan said then looked at Jinyoung who was already looking at you.


“Well… Yoochun oppa threw it away” You said, looking at him and shrugged

“Wait what—… you mean… you threw my favorite earphones away and some of my good shirts and books?” Jinyoung suddenly said without thinking.

“I said Yoochun oppa threw it” you stated

“But you know it’s my favorite, you could’ve contacted me that time and--” jinyoung said, his eyes widening but you cut him off

“And what… we sold the house during… during… aish do you think I wanted to talk to you that time just a week after we broke up!!? Do you think you will even come and ditch training!! YOU WOULDN’T RIGHT??” you snapped at him.



And then it turned quiet.



No one spoke. not the managers, the members and even Jinyoung. And then you scoffed.

“Thought so.” You said and walked out to drive yourself home.




Forgive me please =))

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Hi guys! I will be updating this soon! I'm pretty sorry for the long wait ;___; thank you all for staying!


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Kangwoon0607 #1
Chapter 17: Authornim pls update we love your story imean i love your story so please update na hmmmm??
cynthia0818 #2
Chapter 17: "promise to be back soon" my ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jung2208 #3
Chapter 17: Update pls!!!
miss_alyrin #4
Chapter 17: Updateeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeee ! :(
miss_alyrin #5
Chapter 5: I'm crying in this chapter . T-T
cynthia0818 #6
Chapter 17: aww why wont you update? :c i miss this storyy
cynthia0818 #7
Chapter 5: chapter 5.. so many feels<3
cynthia0818 #8
pleeeease update this story!!<3 omgggg its so good<3
cynthia0818 #9
Chapter 17: pleeease update!! its been like 3 months T.T
somiabana #10
Chapter 17: oh please update!! i can't wait for the next chapter hohoho :))