The First Warning

Love and Friendship


            The moment Dongwan first saw him, he knew he was special. The first thing that struck him was his beauty; he had never seen a man radiating with so much exquisiteness, as if a halo was framing his perfect face. He couldn't believe there was a person so attractive in reality... It was as if he was a character straight out of a fairytale...

            "Hi, my name's Hyesung," he said with a pretty smile. His voice was soft and on the verge of husky, but still sweet and delightful to Dongwan's ears. This guy's a singer, Dongwan instantly decided, certain that he was worthy of being his rival.

            A small boy beside him playfully punched him on the shoulder. He was also good-looking in a more easygoing kind of way. "No, it's not," he briefed Dongwan, confusing him. "It's Jung Pilgyo."

            The shorter boy laughed loudly, holding his stomach. Pilgyo blushed then sent a flying kick at his friend, surprising Dongwan. They're just a bunch of crazy boys, Dongwan told himself in dismay. Did they really have the potential to make it big? Would they really become famous stars?

            "Hyesung's my stage name... Although I don't find my real name funny at all," he explained, glaring at the boy who was still cracking up. "You can call me by either, I don't mind."

            "Hyesung, it is," Dongwan concluded quickly. Honestly, Pilgyo was the strangest name he had ever heard. It was pretty hilarious, how a boy with such angelic features could be named something so... weird.

            "I'm Minwoo," the guy who had been laughing nonstop finally introduced himself, a wide grin still lingering on his face. He extended out a hand which Dongwan gratefully shook. "Welcome to Shinhwa!"

            "Shinhwa..." Dongwan murmured, unable to believe it. Only days ago, he had been the main vocalist of a rock band, a handsome and popular, but still an average high school student. Now he was here in front of these two boys who were supposed to excite the whole nation with their music. Was their dream even reachable?

            "Eric, come out here!" Minwoo yelled, his voice booming throughout the house. Dongwan noted how great his tone was... Perhaps he was a vocal as well?

            The loud flushing of the toilet could be heard, followed by running water. Dongwan held his breath as the door of the bathroom opened, revealing the fourth member of his soon-to-debut group.

            The first thing he noticed was how tall the boy was. He was significantly taller than him or Minwoo, and height was something Dongwan had been sensitive about since middle school. If he could, he would give up everything to gain a few inches... Well, the human mind always wanted what it could never have...

            When Dongwan shook off his distressing thoughts, he took a closer look at the other boy's face. He had the largest eyes he had ever seen for a Korean. His lips were thick. Overall, every feature was very non-Asian... But there was no doubt about his masculine beauty.

            He seemed like the direct opposite of Hyesung... Like oil and water... Black and white...

            "Hi, I'm Eric. Or Jung Hyuk is fine." His voice was deep, a definite bass.

            "I'm Dongwan. Kim Dongwan." Dongwan made sure his words didn't waver. There was a strange aura around this guy... It was clear that he had power and charisma... Something about him intimidated Dongwan to the very core.

            "Where's Andy?" Eric asked the other two.

            Minwoo was the one to answer. "He went to get some groceries."

            "Ah, I see. You'll meet him later then." Eric looked around and kicked a t-shirt off the floor. "Sorry about the mess, but make yourself at home."

            "Uh, thanks," Dongwan answered, but Eric had already started walking away.

            Minwoo slapped Dongwan on the back, making him jump in surprise. "Don't worry about Eric. He's just shy with strangers. He's a great guy... although kinda weird," Minwoo told him with a friendly grin. "Let us help you get settled in." He took one of Dongwan's bag off the ground. Hyesung quietly followed.

            "Thanks," Dongwan said, letting himself be led throughout the house by the two.

            "Here's your room! You can have a single for now," Minwoo told him, pleasing Dongwan.

            "Is it just the five of us?" Dongwan asked, trying to make small talk.

            "Not sure, one more might be coming," Hyesung answered. Dongwan was again taken by surprise at how lovely his voice was.

            "Hopefully it's a dancer..." Minwoo murmured to himself before turning his attention back to Dongwan. "So how do you like it?"

            Dongwan looked around. The room was small and compact, but it was much better than anything he could've asked for. "It's pretty good," he said honestly.

            "Glad you like it," Hyesung told him with a smile that took his breath away. He was so dazzling... So much more beautiful than any other girl Dongwan had been with...

            What's going on with me? Dongwan was suddenly alerted by his strange train of thoughts. This wasn't right... Hyesung was a guy for heaven's sakes!

            "Um..." Minwoo eyed Dongwan suspiciously. "Hyesung, could you bring us some water?"

            "Whaa-- Am I your slave, Minbong?" Hyesung complained, his lips pouted. It was just... so darn cute.

            "Please?" Minwoo pleaded. Hyesung rolled his eyes at him and left the room.

            There was a moment of awkward silence between the two who were now alone in Dongwan's new room. Minwoo scratched his head uncomfortably before speaking.

            "Look," he said, looking away into space. "You can't have any feelings for Hyesung."

            This made Dongwan so surprised that he coughed out loud. "W-What?!"

            "I saw how you looked at him. I know that look."

            "This is ridiculous," Dongwan refuted. "Look man, I'm not gay."

            Minwoo shrugged. "I never said you were."

            "But you just said--"

            "Hyesung's different. I'm sure you've noticed that."

            Well, that muted Dongwan. He didn't know what to say because... Hyesung was different. There was something about him... Something Dongwan had never encountered before...

            Did Minwoo see it, too?

            "Well, I'm just warning you... You can't go for him."

            "Why not?" Dongwan couldn't help asking. Of course, it wasn't like he was going to go for him... He was a guy after all and Dongwan definitely didn't swing that way.

            "Because... He's marked."

            "He's marked?"

            "Yeah... Marked. By Eric."


            "Hey, quiet down!" Minwoo hushed.

            Dongwan stared at him in bewilderment. "Eric's gay?! Is Hyesung, too?"

            "Again, Eric's not gay. I told you Hyesung was special, didn't I?" Minwoo shook his head. His expression made it seem like everything he was saying was plain obvious. "There's something about him... And no, Hyesung's not gay either. He doesn't even know about... Eric..."

            "... Well, that's awkward..."

            "Yeah, anyway," Minwoo looked him straight in the eyes. "As a friend, I'm warning you. Eric's a nice guy and all, but he won't take kindly to you chasing after Hyesung--"

            "I get it!" Dongwan cried in exasperation. "I'm not going to go for him! I'm not interested in men!"

            Minwoo smiled, looking pleased with himself. "Glad we had this talk."

            "Yeah, whatever..." Dongwan couldn't believe what he had just been told... Should he leave now when he had the chance? These guys were definitely weird... and it didn't seem like a good weird...

            "So... Do you want something to drink?" Minwoo asked nonchalantly, as if nothing had happened.

            Dongwan wanted to know more about this Eric and Hyesung business but he decided it was none of his concern anyway. It wasn't like he was interested in Hyesung. Of course not. He shrugged casually and said, "I thought Hyesung was fetching us water?"

            "Excuse me, I'm not a dog. I don't fetch."

            Hyesung walked in with two cups of water in his hands, looking insulted. "Don't be influenced by Minwoo's poor choice of words." He handed a cup each to the two of them and Dongwan enjoyed the cool liquid running down his throat.

            "Thanks and sorry," he said, drinking everything in a matter of seconds.

            Hyesung smiled and a pleasantly nervous feeling swept across Dongwan's body. "You're welcome and I forgive you."

            Dongwan couldn't stop himself from smiling back. He found Minwoo shooting him a remember what I just told you glance.

            "Anyway, I was saying, do you want something to drink?" Minwoo repeated, his voice slightly irritated.

            Dongwan gave him a confused look and raised his empty glass. "And I was saying, didn't we just drink water?"

            Minwoo rolled his eyes at him. "No, silly. I mean, do you want to drink. You know, drink alcohol?"

            Dongwan stared at the clock then gaped questioningly at the small boy.

            "I'll take that look as a yes." Minwoo started walking out.

            "It's two o'clock in the afternoon!" Dongwan cried after him, flabbergasted.

            At his words, Minwoo briefly paused and turned to him.

            "So?" he said with one eyebrow raised, as if he didn't understand how the comment applied.

            Hyesung cracked up as Minwoo brought back three cans of beer. Dongwan accepted one with an astonished look pasted on his face. Hyesung winked at him, causing Dongwan's stomach to do a back flip.

            "Welcome to Shinhwa," he said, laughing heartedly.


            Over sixteen years had passed since then. Dongwan still remembered meeting the members for the first time as if it was yesterday. They had trained together, they had laughed together, and they had cried together. The six of them had shared every burden thrown at them and had made jokes about their struggles years after. What mattered most of all was that the six of them had stayed together. They were Shinhwa. They were one.

            Except Dongwan was now risking that. For his own selfishness. For his own desires.

            For breaking a promise made on that fateful day when he had shared his first beer with Minwoo and Hyesung...

            "So you did it," that same boy who had given him his first warning sighed solemnly.

            His voice had grown so much more deeper since then. There were also lines along his eyes, a gift of age no one could refuse. His face, once so youthful and energetic, looked grave and stern, making him look older than his actual age. He sipped his glass of soju and waited for Dongwan to respond.

            "Yes. I did."

            Minwoo sighed again. "I warned you."

            At his words, Dongwan felt the pangs of guilt. He didn't have anything to say, no excuses that could justify his actions.

            "Why did you do it? Was it the alcohol?" Minwoo asked.

            "No. Yes, we were tipsy. Maybe Hyesung was drunk. But I certainly confessed to him of my own will."

            Minwoo remained silent, his expression serious and disconsolate.

            "I love him, Minwoo. I know there will be... consequences... but I couldn't hold it in anymore. I really love him and I couldn't bear to live anymore without him knowing," Dongwan said the words he should've said so many years ago. He should've told at least Minwoo who had been his friend from the start...

            Minwoo's complexion softened but his eyes remained sad. "This is... not good. Not good at all. Eric will be very unhappy."

            "He is." Dongwan remembered how Eric's eyes fumed with anger and rage. But most of all, hurt from betrayal...

            Minwoo sighed for the third time. "He already knows?"

            "He was there. He heard. He saw..."

            "Saw what?"

            Dongwan hesitated, but what was the point from hiding it from his best friend? "I kissed him."

            Minwoo's eyes widened in surprise. "You are quite the idiot, you know that?"

            "I am," Dongwan agreed.

            "Well, I'm glad you know." For the first time since they started talking, there was a hint of a smile forming on his face. "I guess there's nothing I can do, but be on your side."

            Dongwan had not expected such a response. "W-what?" he gasped. "You're going to support me?"

            "Well, yeah. I love Eric as much as I love you," Minwoo looked quite displeased at the thought of going against the co-CEO. "But I never agreed with how he's so possessive about Hyesung. If you like him, I think you have every right to tell him how you feel."

            A wide grin stretched across Dongwan's face. "Thank you! Thank you, Minwoo!"

           Minwoo waved his hand in dismissal. "Don't thank me. I still think you're a . And don't expect the other members to support you just because I am."

            Weariness overcame Dongwan again as he remembered the fact that he had to tell the rest as well. He was frightened by what their response would be... and how it would impact their friendship. But joy quickly replaced all negative emotion as he realized that even if the other three refused to support him, at least Minwoo would be on his side.

            "I... I really love you, Minwoo. You know that?"

            Minwoo rolled his eyes at him. "You better. You always make life so hard for me."

            The two laughed and held up their glasses.

            "Let's drink! It's not good to waste alcohol!" Minwoo said and at least for that very moment, Dongwan felt as if everything was the same as the first day they had met. They were just two careless teenage boys, free from all the worries of the world.

            Maybe, just maybe, everything would turn out alright...

[A/N]: I'm sorry this took so long but I hope you guys liked the chapter! I'm having so much fun writing this WanSyung fic! (Love them!) This is purely from my imagination so... no hatin, okay? ;) Please continue to support and comment! I really enjoy writing for you guys and it's always nice to hear back :) Next chapter: How will the other Shinhwa members react? Who does Hyesung like? Tune in! Love yo faces <3

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Got the basic story down now! Writing brute is too hard >


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Ayame-Senpai #1
Chapter 12: I've always been a fan of RicSyung but I really do not know in this fanfic. I like the idea of ​​MinSyung as well as WanSyung. I do not know who would make Hyesung the happiest but I hope he will be happy.
Ayame-Senpai #2
Chapter 12: It's an amazing fanfic, please update it soon. Please let Hyesung be happy ❤
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update! I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad you picked this back up, I always wondered what happened that night after Eric found Hyesung......
liyana6196 #4
Chapter 12: Welcome back author-nim.. Thanks for the update^^ get well soon.. Fighting~~
Chapter 12: I absolutely remember the plot!! And I'm happy you came back!!
shsngi #6
Chapter 12: oh my lord I suddenly feel in 2013 again!! This update is a very pleasant surprise, I still remember the plot and I was thinking about this days ago, I'm glad you're back to play with our heads again haha. Also, get well very soon, I'll be waiting for the next update. <3
Chapter 12: Aaw . Time to read from the beginning ^o^ *excited squeal*
Ayame-Senpai #8
Chapter 11: Please you do complete this fanfic? You complete this fanfic ? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE !!
Chapter 11: I always dread that this is happening in the music industry. i know a dark place also and this shined a light on it. this made me experience a range of emotions and i'm sitting here, drained. i want you to finish because they have to have, need, deserve a happy ending.
Chapter 11: Every time I get to red this fic it surprises me how very realistic and sordid it can get. I really love the way the characters develop their own deep and secret personality outwards, the way "always oh, so happy Shinhwa" members peel off coat after coat of themselves in order to let show how deep the scars and horrible past events really run.
I relate to this because I also have that sort of dark and sordid side to myself. I really enjoy reading your writing.
Keep the passion on!!!