Be my Girlfriend in just One Week.

The One I Love


“You …” I was shocked and he’s smiling evilly. So, he stole my ring! My face turn into a mad expression.


“Give me back my bracelet!” I shouted. I clenched my fists.

He’s getting something in his pocket. “It’s my bracelet.” I thought, gasping.

“Only if you tell me your name.”

“E-Eun-Eunsook!” I gulped.


He’s not yet giving me my bracelet. What’s up to him? I already said my name and he’s not giving me the bracelet.


“Umm … My bracelet!” I said emphasizing the word “bracelet”.

“AH! I forgot! There’s still one condition …”

“What is it?” My heart’s beating faster. I’m nervous what is he going to say.











“Be my girlfriend for a week.”


I was shocked and blushed. “Just for a week.” He repeated.

“Why?!” I shouted as I ready to throw my bag to him.

“I’ll tell you the reason if you agree or else I won’t give back your bracelet. I’ll throw it and let it break.”

My heart crushed into pain, I don’t have choice, and I have to accept it in order to give back my bracelet that I cherish. Yes, I’m going to be her girlfriend. It’s just for a week.


“I accept it to be your girlfriend.” I looked down.

“Here’s your bracelet!” He throws it to me … Whew! It’s a good thing it didn’t break. It’s glass with a diamond on it. A purple diamond.

I wear it immediately and I think he’s coming closer …


“Starting tomorrow, I walk you to your home and I’ll call you … Oh yes, Eunsook!”

I nodded softly.

He goes downstairs leaving me alone at the rooftop.

“Really, that person …” I thought.


“WHY IS IT HAVE TO BE ME!?! I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM!” I go shouting like a crazy lady.


I walk downstairs and go back home. It’s already dark or maybe it’s starting to dark. Woohyun-oppa will scold me. AIISH! =_______=


And tomorrow, the day that will start my nightmare. My real nightmare.







So, guys. I'm in very late update. I'll be updating so late because school starts this June. Let me take some time to update the fic. Sooo, what do you think about the Chapter 5? X3

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thx 4 updating!! XD<br />
wow why did he do that? He likes her? O.o aigooo~~<br />
please update soon!<br />
Fighting!! ^^
wakh fighting for ur school^^<br />
thx for still updating^^<br />
this is chapter is cute<br />
i never knew Myungsoo gonna be like that :p
the-awkward- #3
its Yeol!! :) thanks for updating ;] please update as soon as you can :]
Yeollie~~ ^^ kkkk<br />
please update soon! XD
woo Sungyeol maybe u should give her that bracelet<br />
can't wait for the next chapter<br />
update soon please xD
louisenicole99 #6
@KpopholicRobotronic & dream-locket: I'll update as fast as I can. :D
the-awkward- #7
New reader! :] I like your story please update soon^^
dream-locket #8
Hello hello, I'm a new readerrrr~<br />
Anticipating your next update! ^^
louisenicole99 #9
@nammyunghee: umm ... read the previous chapter. ^^ hehehe. :)