First Day of 4th Year High School Life

The One I Love


>Your POV<

Someone’s disturbing me on my sleep. UGH! I open up my eyes and turned around to see who’s waking me up …


“Eunsook! Wake up! It’s the first day of your 4th Year High School! Come On! Rise and shine! You’re going to be late!”

“YAH! Woohyun-oppa! Why are you disturbing me from my sleep? I’m having a good dream … Idiot!” I shouted as I rub my eyes and get up.

“It’s a good thing that you have a brother to wake you up! You’re going to be late at school!”

“Oh really? Let me see the time.”


As I look at my cell phone, my eyes widened.


“See? You’re going to be late!” Woohyun-oppa scolded me.


I run downstairs, eat, take a bath, and put my uniform quickly.


Few minutes later,

I’m done dressing up all I’m going to do is to grab my bag and run to the school. I said ‘Good Bye’ to my parents and to Woohyun-oppa.

I always ride a bus when going to school. Woohyun-oppa used to fetch me at school when I was little. Now, I grown up, I’m going to school all by myself. It’s always a very bright morning and the cherry blossoms are falling. Yes, it’s spring.

The bus stopped to the school I’m studying. I ran as fast as I could and I saw Park and Minjung waiting for me on the class’s door?

I’m panting as I stopped then Park and Minjung come closer to me …


“YAH! You’re late again.” Minjung said.

“It’s okay, Minjung. Tomorrow she’ll be going here early. And Eunsook …”

I looked to her as she called my name.

“WE’RE CLASSMATES AGAIN!!!” Park and Minjung shouted.

“Really? That’s great!”

“Yeah!  I’m really happy!” Minjung said as she goes jumping up and down.

“Ahh … Let’s go inside before our adviser will come.”


As we go inside the classroom, I became quiet. I’m so shy when people are so many. I can be so noisy when I’m with Minjung and Park.

I look around the classroom and I saw girls gossiping about something. But I can hear them. They’re not so far away. I’m just there sitting and listening what are they saying.

Some of them say, “Sungyeol-ah and Myungsoo-ssi are going to be here in our school.”

And, “Yeah yeah! Some of them say that they’re so handsome and cute.”


I’m so confused about them. They must be so popular. But the first thing that comes up in my mind is “Are they nice? Are they friendly?”. Well, I wanted to be friends with them. I want to make sure if they’re interested to be friends with me.


Few minutes later,

The girls started to shout like, “AHHHH!!! IT’S THEM!” My ears are getting hurt. ;~;

Then, Park and Minjung are interested to join the girls take a peek in those boys. But I think I’m the only one who’s not interested. It doesn’t mean I don’t care about those boys. I just don’t want to join with the crowd of girls just to take a peek.

Then, Park and Minjung wanted me to come with them,


“YAH! Eunsook! Come and we take a peek about those two boys!”

“No Thanks. I don’t want. I just wanted to sit here. You can go without me.” I said nicely.

“Okay, then. Let’s go Park!” Minjung said as she hold Park’s wrist and run to the crowds.

I sighed. Then, I was shocked because everybody becomes quiet. I look in our class’s door and saw two good-looking guys who are actually looking to me.

I immediately looked down and trying to be cool. And I have a funny feeling, I think the guys are going closer to me and everybody is looking at me and the guys.


“YAH! Is someone sitting here beside you?” A tall guy who have black hair said.

I nodded slowly.

“Can we take this seat?”

Then, I saw Minjung and Park came rushing. And,


“Yes. You can take this seat.” They said as they get their bags on their desks.


I looked at them and I was shocked. I gave them a look like ‘NO! PLEASE! DON’T LEAVE ME HERE WITH THIS TWO GUYS!’ and all I can see that they’re laughing like they were so happy.

I sighed. The two guys sit down. I was in the middle and the boys are on my side. Then, our adviser came in and everybody sit down.

My heart beating faster like I’m nervous. But I just keep my mouth shut and listen to the teachers until dismissal time.


So guys what do you think? Sorry for the bad english. ^^" Comment and Subscribe please! :)

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thx 4 updating!! XD<br />
wow why did he do that? He likes her? O.o aigooo~~<br />
please update soon!<br />
Fighting!! ^^
wakh fighting for ur school^^<br />
thx for still updating^^<br />
this is chapter is cute<br />
i never knew Myungsoo gonna be like that :p
the-awkward- #3
its Yeol!! :) thanks for updating ;] please update as soon as you can :]
Yeollie~~ ^^ kkkk<br />
please update soon! XD
woo Sungyeol maybe u should give her that bracelet<br />
can't wait for the next chapter<br />
update soon please xD
louisenicole99 #6
@KpopholicRobotronic & dream-locket: I'll update as fast as I can. :D
the-awkward- #7
New reader! :] I like your story please update soon^^
dream-locket #8
Hello hello, I'm a new readerrrr~<br />
Anticipating your next update! ^^
louisenicole99 #9
@nammyunghee: umm ... read the previous chapter. ^^ hehehe. :)