Those two guys

The One I Love


>Dismissal Time<

I put my books, notebooks, and ball pen in my bag. The guys are left. I placed my bag to my right shoulder and Minjung and Park are coming to me.


“Sooo, how’s the day with the two guys?”

“Oh! It’s very boring.”

“Hahaha! We do that in purpose.” Minjung laughed. Emphasizing the word “purpose”.

“I know. It’s not really funny. They’re so rude, you know. They didn’t even talk to me.”

“YAH! We just wanted you to experience how it feels when you’re seating beside a guy.” Park said.

“Yeah! You’re always with us. Always with the girls.” Minjung added.

“AIISH! Fine, fine. Let’s go home now.”


>Rooftop:  Sungyeol’s POV<

Myungsoo and I are on the rooftop. I’m just staring and Myungsoo is texting. I think he’s texting the girl that he’ll be dating later. What a flirt.

Suddenly, the girl earlier pops up in my head.


“Hey! About the girl earlier …” I poked Myungsoo.

“Hm? About what?” He said as he keeps on texting.


I looked down and I saw the girl together with her friends. I can easily recognize her face. And,


“Look! That’s her right?”

“Yeah. You almost forgot the girl that you were talking about.”

“Uhh … Yeah! I think she’s not interested with us.”


He eventually stops texting and he looked at me.


“She’s not like the other girls who’re crowding and shouting when we enter this school. She’s just there sitting and reading a book.”

“Actually, the girls who’re shouting earlier are all cute and pretty. Except for her. So, forget about it. If she doesn’t care, I don’t care about her also.”

“Your right! Unlike her two friends whose also joining the crowds. Maybe I can date the girl with orangey hair (Park).” I laughed.

“Then, I’ll date the black hair one (Minjung).”


We both laughed. Not evilly but like just you were laughing about something funny.

>End of Sungyeol’s POV<


>The Next morning:  Your POV<

As usual, Woohyun-oppa always waking me up, making me a breakfast and he always prepare my clothes that I’m just going to wear it after I take a bath.

I rode a bus, arrived the school and walk with Minjung and Park to our classroom. And of course, still a crowd of girls on the hallway keeps shouting at those two boys. I’m irritated. Park and Minjung didn’t join the crowds. They say that they were just students here but popular and handsome. Yeah, I know. They have good looks that make the girls here fall in love with them.

I just read a book and keep quiet. Park and Minjung did the same thing, too. They’re just in front of the two guys. I can still easily talk to them. Then, finally the two boys came …

They just seat and just stare at the ceiling. They’re so rude. They didn’t even talk to me or I’m like an invisible girl on the middle. This feels me more embarrassed with everyone.


Suddenly, four boys excused the two guys. Maybe they were friends.


“Hmm … Seems like the two guys make the school like a concert. They’re on the stage and the girls are shouting. AIISH!” Minjung turned around to me.

I just keep quiet and make myself feel comfortable. The two guys came in to the room together with our Math teacher. The class’s starting. I quickly get my Math book, notebook and my ball pen.

Our Math teacher gives us a seatwork. It was pretty hard. I keep on erasing the mistakes. I wasn’t good enough at solving problems. But Park seems to be easy for her. She easily solves the problem. She’s smart.

UGH! Another mistake! When I’m getting my white ink, my ball pen fell on the floor. I was about to get when someone …


LOL. Sorry for the boring chappie!!!! XD It's so short. LMAO! HAHA! Thank you new subscribers! *O* <33333333 Keep reading okay? ^3^ Comment and Subscribe. :)

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thx 4 updating!! XD<br />
wow why did he do that? He likes her? O.o aigooo~~<br />
please update soon!<br />
Fighting!! ^^
wakh fighting for ur school^^<br />
thx for still updating^^<br />
this is chapter is cute<br />
i never knew Myungsoo gonna be like that :p
the-awkward- #3
its Yeol!! :) thanks for updating ;] please update as soon as you can :]
Yeollie~~ ^^ kkkk<br />
please update soon! XD
woo Sungyeol maybe u should give her that bracelet<br />
can't wait for the next chapter<br />
update soon please xD
louisenicole99 #6
@KpopholicRobotronic & dream-locket: I'll update as fast as I can. :D
the-awkward- #7
New reader! :] I like your story please update soon^^
dream-locket #8
Hello hello, I'm a new readerrrr~<br />
Anticipating your next update! ^^
louisenicole99 #9
@nammyunghee: umm ... read the previous chapter. ^^ hehehe. :)