
Remember Our Love

Chapter 5


When Fei and Siwon met up with their friends, they kept stealing glances at each other, hoping one would give the signal of when to leave. After a few more hours of listening to the latest updates of their friends’ lives, Siwon finally gave the signal to leave. They waved their goodbyes to their friends with their last words being “keep in touch” or “see you next time.”

The couple wanted to escape the blasting music, crowded dance floors, and bright lights to something a bit more quiet and peaceful. After all, they were both very busy people so they had to take this chance to enjoy their time together and this night was it. It was a nice cold, breezy night, the night where couples found the perfect excuse to scoot close together and hold hands.

“It was a good date night.” He finally said, which made her break into a small smile.

“It was—I enjoyed talking to your friends, especially to your close friends, Hangeng and Heechul.”

“Oh really? What did you guys talk about?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“Let’s just say they told me some interesting stories about you.” She said playfully.

“Wait… did they tell you?” He paused then sighed. “Don’t tell me they told you.”

        “Oh yes, they did. They told me how you, the tough Choi Siwon, screamed like a little girl when they pulled a prank on you.” She covered to stop her from bursting out in laughter.

“Hey hey! That was a long time ago, alright?” He said in a defensive tone.

        “Oh really? Because the story that I heard was just about two weeks ago.” She stuck her tongue out then ran away from him. Siwon chased after her and grabbed her from behind then spun her around.

“Stop!” She began laughing. “I’m getting dizzy!” She couldn’t stop laughing, which made Siwon laugh.

As he brought her down to the ground, she slapped his arm, which made Siwon do a fake cry of pain. Fei gave a chuckle and asked him if they can continue their walk to which Siwon responded by offering his hand. They linked their fingers and continued their walk.

“But after tonight, I think I can tell my friends like you.” Siwon said as they walked side by side.

“Oh really, what makes you say that?” She raised an eyebrow, curious to know.

        “Oh, I don’t know… It’s kind of like a sixth sense kind of thing… It’s like I know what my friends are feeling. ” He put his left hand in his pocket, then sneaked a glance at Fei.

 “Ha. Ha. Very funny.” She said in a flat tone.

 “I know. I’m such a good comedian. I should do stand-up comedy from now on.” He gave a playful smile.

 “Yes, you totally should.” She said sarcastically.

        “Alright alright, rough crowd today?” He looked at her. “But—a lot of my friends told me that they like you—“ He said shyly. “You know as my girlfriend.” He scratched the back of his head. Fei smiled when he said that.

        “Well isn’t that supposed to be part of my job as your girlfriend? I mean I can’t always sit here and look pretty. I actually have a job to get to know my boyfriend’s friends so they know that Choi Siwon has a girlfriend who really cares for him.” Fei smiled. When Fei smiled, he couldn’t help but smile also. Everything that Fei said to him meant something special to him. She didn’t know how much he meant to her, he loved her and that told you everything. He loves her.

“You’re amazing, you know that.” He pulled her in for a hug.

“I know I am.” She said in a playful tone.

“Well, aren’t you conceited?” He rolled his eyes and smiled. 

“Hey, I was just kidding.” She hit his arm.

        “I know you were, dork.” He chuckled and ruffled her hair. They both laughed staring at each other, making jokes and calling each other stupid names like “loser” or “buttface.” They were that kind of couple who loved to mess with each other. As their laughs quieted down, silence was about to reappear in their walk when Siwon decided to ask.

            “Oh, I just remembered, why were you late for date night today?” He finally asked.

            “Oh, Victoria and I got into a small argument, but it was nothing that big.” She decided to push the subject aside and enjoy this moment together. She didn’t want Siwon to worry about her because she hated that. He had to worry about many other things and worrying about her will just add more stress to his stress meter, so as for her problems, she decided to keep them to herself.

            “Are you sure it wasn’t that bi—“

            “Yes, it wasn’t that big.” She gave a small chuckle. “So stop worrying about me and just enjoy the walk. This is probably the only time, I get to spend some quality time with you.” She swung their hands together.

            “If you say so…” He stopped and turned to face her. “But remember, if you need someone to talk to, just let me know. You know I’m here for you.” He gently cupped her cheeks and looked deeply in her eyes.

            “I know.” She gave a soft smile then gave him a soft kiss on the lips. It was her way of saying “thank you” to him. As their lips parted, the couple both smiled at each other, scooted a bit more closer as they held hands, and continued walking.

There was a silence between them as they strolled down the paved path of the park. Although, it wasn’t an awkward silence as others would have assumed. They had simply chosen silence over noise, because to them, silence was truly golden.  The tranquil silence showed how two individuals were comfortable with each other to the point that silence never bothered them or made them feel awkward.

It told others that words couldn’t even express how they were feeling at that moment. It told others that they were in love.

"Each minute, each second is so sweet. What is this man? I can’t help but to fall in love"

IU - Friday

Author's Note - I apologize for the extremely long hiatus. I was having a major's writer's block and I think I re-did this chappie about 10 times (Not lying, I literally have alternate versions of this chapter.). I'm not sure if you all will like this chappie. Sorry for disappointing you guys. I hope in the future that my chappies will be better for you. Thank you loyal subbies, I appreciate your guys' support. 


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riisya #1
Chapter 6: Hey hey! Omg, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw there's an update from you! Thank you so much for the time and effort! I thought you totally gave up on this story (but luckily you didn't!) Hopefully we'll get to see more updates soon! Fighting, miss Author! I'll still be here waiting for the story to progress! Have a good day! ^^
minswag #2
Chapter 5: I just found out about this fanfic and I think this is really great! Please update <333
ter_dj #3
Chapter 5: New reader
please update soon
Please make it JunFei cause I am so in love with that ship please author-nim
ssid1324 #5
Chapter 5: I found your story earlier this year and I can't help but keep on waiting for an update, fighting! :)
kingfei #6
Chapter 5: I just discovered this story and am already quite fond of it :). Update soon !
aarasa #7
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update! I can't wait to read the next chapter so hopefully you'll update again soon :)