
Remember Our Love

Chapter 4


“Fei, do you have plans for tonight?” Victoria threw her arm around her friend as they were cleaning up the kitchen.

            “Date night.” Fei responded while washing the dishes.

            “Aww boo.” Victoria did a raspberry while giving a thumbs down on her right hand. “You’re no fun.”

            “Sorry, he wants me to meet his friends at the Illusion.” She looked over at her friend who shot her a look.

            “I’m telling you, that guy is ruining our fun together. He’s taking you away from me!” She said dramatically while making fake cries. Fei laughed at her friend who made an awkward pose while crying.

            “Well, you know how he is.” She said as she blew a strand of hair out of her face as she began rinsing the soapy dishes.

            “Clingy and cheesy…” Victoria walked beside her and started to wipe the wet dishes. “Yeah, yeah. I know.”

            “He’s not clingy.” Fei wiped her hands then started to put the pots and pans away.

            “Right.” She said sarcastically, still wiping the dishes. “Well, at least he’s better than that—“ She froze realizing what she was about to say. Fei turned to look over at her friend. “That guy on T.V who cheated on his wife.” Fei sighed as she walked over to get the dry plates.

            “You know I’m not that stupid…” Fei began. “I don’t get why you guys aren’t telling me about what happened to me in the past.” Fei sighed as she took a quick glimpse at her friend before kneeling down to put the pots back to their usual place.
            “We have told you about your past.”

            “I already know what happened in the past. I just want to know who did it.” She couldn’t stand not knowing who did this to her. She wanted to know, she needed to know.

            “Fei, you know why we can’t tell you.”
            “It’s because you’re all afraid that I won’t be able to handle the truth. Why do you all think I’m weak? I’ve told you many times that I’m strong enough to handle the truth, but you guys still don’t believe me. ” She argued.

            “We don’t think you’re weak, Fei.” Victoria said calmly which made Fei scoff.

            “Well then, tell me.” Fei’s hands were on her hips. “Tell me who made me wait that night, tell me who ran away on my wedding day, tell me who made me lose half of my memories. TELL ME!” She slammed her hand on the table. She felt her tears forming, her blood boiling with anger, and her hands shaking.

            “Fei…” Victoria slowly walked towards her.

            “No…” She said shaking her head while trying to compose herself. “I’m done. Just put away those dishes and lock the door before you leave.” Fei turned around and headed towards the employee lounge then quickly changed from her chef’s uniform to her casual clothes. She grabbed her bag then ran straight out of Bon Apetit, going to the place where she could calm herself down.

            Her footsteps slowed down as she arrived at her favorite place, the Han River. She took a deep breath while closing her eyes. She let all the air out as she opened her eyes. She walked over to a nearby bench and sat there, contemplating about her life. Why is it so hard for them to tell me? Whenever I ask them about anything that happened in the past, they immediately change the subject. I can’t even find anything about my past because they hid everything. There was a sudden image that interrupted her thoughts, which made her realize that they didn’t hide everything from her. Fei looked through her bag and grabbed her red notebook. She opened it and flipped through the pages to find that specific page holding a part of her past. She stopped when she saw a crumpled piece of paper that was taped on the page. Kim Junsu. That was the only thing she could read from the worn piece of paper.

            “Kim Junsu. Could you be the key to my past?” She sighed realizing something. “But how many people have the same name as you!” She groaned as she tilted her head back. Her phone rang while she was cursing at the sky. She brought her head down and looked for her cellphone. When she found her cellphone, she looked over to see the caller ID. Her eyes widened when she saw the caller ID. Date Night!


            “Hey!” She said while running.

            “Hey, where are you? My friends are looking for you.”

            “I know, I know, I’m sorry. I’ll be there.” She hit her forehead a couple of times.

            “I called Victoria and she said you ran off. Did you guys fight? What happened? Are you alright?” He said worriedly.

            “It’s nothing. I’ll tell you about it later.”

            “Are you sure?” He asked.

            “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry, I’ll be there in…” She glanced at her watch while running. “20 minutes.”

            “Alright… Hey Fei…” He cleared his throat, which made her slow down her steps. “I love you.” His friends in the background began cheering and whistling. She stopped and smiled when he said those words.

            “I love you too, Siwon.” She hung up and then started to run again.

"Here I am baby, I've got a crush on you girl (my love)"

-어반 자카파(Urban Zakapa) - Crush

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riisya #1
Chapter 6: Hey hey! Omg, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw there's an update from you! Thank you so much for the time and effort! I thought you totally gave up on this story (but luckily you didn't!) Hopefully we'll get to see more updates soon! Fighting, miss Author! I'll still be here waiting for the story to progress! Have a good day! ^^
minswag #2
Chapter 5: I just found out about this fanfic and I think this is really great! Please update <333
ter_dj #3
Chapter 5: New reader
please update soon
Please make it JunFei cause I am so in love with that ship please author-nim
ssid1324 #5
Chapter 5: I found your story earlier this year and I can't help but keep on waiting for an update, fighting! :)
kingfei #6
Chapter 5: I just discovered this story and am already quite fond of it :). Update soon !
aarasa #7
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update! I can't wait to read the next chapter so hopefully you'll update again soon :)