His ink


I woke up feeling strangely good about the day. I was finally home after so long and it felt great. My arms stretched over my head as I headed into the shower. I got dressed for travel from early; there were a number of people I just had to see.


Mom had breakfast ready by the time I waltzed into the dining room smelling like banana shampoo. "Good morning!"


I kissed her cheek as she placed plated of food on the table. Minwoo, the man who had been a second father to me, was already seated, newspaper in hand. I playfully threw my arms around him and covered his eyes.


"You don't really think that I don't know that its you, right, Luci?"


"Right," I agreed laughing. "But if I didn't then I wouldn't have made my impression properly. This is the first time you've seen me since I left. I have to make sure you see me properly."


"So to make sure I see you," he summarized, "you're covering my eyes." Sigh. "Well, I still can't beat Lulu logic so I know your head's fine."


I hopped away from him and spun in a circle on my toes. He watched me turn, shaking his head despite his smile. 


"I take it that studying fashion has been doing you well."


He eyed the skirt I was wearing curiously. It was something I had made out of boredom from an old biker jacket.


"Either that or something good happened last night. I did hear that Jaejoong was here," he added with a innocent sip of his coffee.


My eyes narrowed at my mother. Of course she wouldn't forget to mention that. I didn't respond; sitting at the placemat adjacent to Minwoo, I tried to eat making as little sounds of anger as possible.


"Have you told Andrew about him as yet?"


Stop playing hard to get, Lu. Maybe when you come to the house tomorrow we can talk about what to do with your boyfriend.


I shook those words from my head. "No, Appa."


He casually turned to the next page of his paper. "Well, what are you waiting on?"


"She's scared that Andrew's feelings will be hurt," my mother replied, sitting in the seat opposite mine. "That he'll feel inferior to Jaejoong-ah and thus want to break up." Her eagle eyes landed on me. "Isn't that so?"


I speared a sausage with my fork in response. Minwoo noticed and sighed.


"Don't put words in , Hyojin." His reprimand was not very sharp, but it still carried a slight bite. "Let the girl make her own choices. There must be good reason, although, were Andrew to find out through a third party, it would not feel very good. You know this, don't you, Luci?"


I usually liked the fact that Minwoo was one of the only people who faithfully used my full name, but when it came to situations like this it felt like he was always scolding me. I nodded to let him know that I understood, choosing not express anything further.


"Well, that's my five cents on the matter." Conclusively, my appa stood.


Before leaving the room, he pat my head affectionately. Mom didn't say anything else since she was still kind of bitter about him pretty much telling her to take a seat and let me manage my own love life. Still, I gave her a kiss when I was done eating in gratitude for my full stomach. Everything aside, she was still my mother.


When I headed back to my room for my bag, I noticed that I had a unread text from an unfamiliar number. 


// I'm picking you up after I take a shower and get some breakfast. Jace says to bring his wallet  --JJ //


How in hell did he get my number? I wondered until I remembered that he had his hands on Jason's phone. It would've been like nothing for him to pull my number from the contacts list. Either that or some "helpful" person decided to give it to him in my absence. It didn't even matter. I hadn't forgotten how stupidly I gave in to him. My fingers slid up to my neck at the very thought of what he did. The reason I hated it so much was because no one else makes my melt with such ease.....not even my boyfriend.


// Don't bother. //  I texted back, suddenly angry.  // Tell Jace he can starve and walk home. I already have plans and won't be back until later. Don't waste your gas.//


I didn't believe that Jace slept out last night on his first day home. He deserved whatever he got. As the message sent, I flounced out the front door of my house. 


That'll teach you to order me around.



"I'm so jealous!"


I rolled my eyes at my old friend. "Its not that great, Chaekyung."


"Sounds pretty nice to me," Shinyoung, the elder of the two chimed.


"Doesn't it?" Chae heaved a big sigh. "We're here working and you can pretty much make your own wardrobe."


I shook my head. "I'm not that great. Come on, girls. You two own all of this and you envy me?"


I motioned to the comfortable surroundings of the coffee shop we were in. Since we were seated on the second floor, we could see the customers as they came and enjoyed their orders. ShinChae Coffee is what their parents named it years ago with full intentions of giving it to them someday. Now that their parents decided that they could  finally leave their various businesses between their 4 children, they left to tour the world like people with nothing to do with their money.


"This is nothing compared to what you can create with some more schooling," Shin went on. "Yah, when you finally launch your own clothing line, you better bring us something. "


I grinned reaching into my huge bag to pull out two tightly wrapped packages. The girls didn't even wait for me to explain, they each immediately took one and began ripping the paper open. 


"I figured I should do something friendly after my long absence," I teased. "Think of it as paying forward."


There were two similarly designed shirts: though both were flowy and very girly, one had holes over the shoulders and the other didn't have shoulders at all.


The squeals and hugs I got in gratitude almost made the customers look at us even weirder than they did when checking the source of the noise. A man at the counter in sweats and a white mask watched for a while longer than most, waiting on his order.


I avoided his eyes. "Guys, that weird guy at the counter is staring--don't look!" I hissed at Chae who let her curiosity get the best of her.


"He looks cute."


On a more logical note, her sister added, "He was here yesterday, too. You think he just moved here?"


I shrugged but tried not to look at the man. Was he cute? How was anyone supposed to even tell when there was a mask covering his mouth and nose?  Our eyes slid discreetly back over at him. He had turned to the cashier to pay and get what appeared to be his breakfast. 


"Omo, look at his booty!" My best friends shot me an odd look and I rolled my eyes. "Really, you guys, look at it. He has more than you do, Chaekyung."


My comment didn't bother her. "That's true. But he looks so fit though. How is that even possible?"


"Maybe all his jogging?"


We examined him curiously. There wasn't much to see since he had on a hat as well; all we had to work with was his athletic build. It looked good though, that was for sure.


"He's coming this way!" 


"Oh, sh--" I hissed trying to hide my face. 


There was an unspoken rule in the coffee shop: no one came upstairs while the girls and I were meeting. Obviously this guy was new and missed the memo. The regulars who were seated on the first floor glanced at his daring move little more than simple curiosity. 


I put my mouth to my straw; Shin and Chae busied themselves with their drinks as well. All was good until the jogger came up to our table.


Ever the good business woman, Shin raised her eyes pleasantly to meet his. "Yes? How can I help you, sir?"


He seemed to smile. "Ne, annyonghaseyo. I'm sorry to interrupt. But, um..." His eyes went over to mine which had risen in disbelief as he spoke. "Lulu-ah?"


My mouth fell open at that familiar voice. "Ducky, is that you?"


His eye smile made my excitement grow even more. I shot up out of my seat, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the view of the other customers. There was a more private room with a glass wall on the second floor that was reservation only so I pulled him in and shut the curtains. 


Shin and Chae scurried in after me. "What's going on?" they inquired at the same time, shutting the door behind them.


I was allowed to pull the mask off of his face with a grin; the girls gasped.


"Holy crap, its Xia Junsu."


Chae looked ready to faint. Even Shin was still in a state of shock. Only I was bouncing in happiness.


"Oppa!" I pretty much jumped into his arms . 


He hugged me tightly. "Lulu-ah, I missed you so much. Why didn't you come over yesterday?"


"Mmm..." My face nuzzled into his shoulder. "Your hyung ruined my mood, so I went to bed early."


"Ah. I asked Jace if you had come over too. When he said you had I was a little upset that you hadn't come to see me."


"But I managed to notice that duck of yours from all the way upstairs."


Self consciously, he took a step away from me, folding his arms. I wagged my eyebrows to let him know that I was going to get him later and was only going to behave because we were in front of my friends. Speaking of said friends, it would appear that by then they had gotten as close to normal as they could with Junsu around.


"How long have you two known each other?" Chae asked, 


Jun pouted his lips thoughtfully and I reminded myself that I couldn't do inappropriate things in front of my friends. "A while? I'm sorry, but I don't really remember."


As the younger nodded understandingly, her sister stepped forward. "Are you here alone? I noticed that you were here yesterday as well." She motioned to the couch that was against the wall. "Would you like a seat?"


"Aniya, aniya. I'm actually supposed to be heading home right now." He held up the paper bag that was in his hand. "Jaejoong-hyung wanted me to bring some muffins while I was out."


"'Jaejoong-hyung'?" Shin didn't hide her surprise when she met my eyes. "Are you all on vacation on something?"


"Or something," he replied with a chuckle. 


Junsu slipped his mask from my hand and began putting it back on. I guessed it was time to go. He gave me a look that informed me that he wasn't going alone and I frowned. I didn't want to see Jae now. Not after I turned him down the way I did. But Jun wasn't having it, if the way his eyes slid from mine was anything to judge by.


"Ladies, can I carry her with me?"


Behind him, I made an "X" with my hands and shook my head furiously.


Come on, you guys!


Chae tilted her head sideways; Shin narrowed her eyes at my antics. Those sellouts gave me up in exchange for an autograph. I was pouting for a full 15 minutes after we left. Since he jogged there, we had to walk to where they were staying. I didn't even speak to Jun who kept giving me these amused side glances.


"Lulu-ah," he called in a sing song voice.


I sighed. "What?"


He stealthily slipped his hand into mine tempting me to look at him, but I didn't give in; I just held his hand back.



The borrowed house was a nice, spacious place in a quiet part of town. I was enveloped in toasty warmth when I stepped inside which was a relief from the slight chill outside. Jason, who was lounging on the couch, hopped up from his relaxed position.


"Ah, Junsu, you're back!" My useless brother took the bag from his hands while we kicked off our shoes. "I had no idea you were leaving so early. I'd have gone jogging with you."


"With all the drinking you and Jaejoong-hyung were doing last night I didn't think you were going to wake up until 2," Jun replied, removing his mask as he spoke. "Where is he, anyway?"


Jace attempted to ruffle my hair, but I caught the offending limb before it could touch me. "I think he fell asleep again. He said he was going to take a shower but I haven't seen him since."


And like that, he retreated to the couch to watch some varitey show with the muffins in tow. Jun snagged one as well and put it in a container then in the microwave to keep out of view of the public. On his way toward the back of the house, he motioned for me to follow him, so I did. There was a corridor going to rooms to the left of the TV room and a corridor that went to the right; we stood at the mouth of the right corridor and I was angled like a mannequin to look down the hall.


"That," Junsu explained pointing to the last door on the left, "is the room that Jaejoong-hyung is using. Tell him his muffins are here, OK?"


He stretched his arms over his head then, abruptly leaving me as he headed to what I supposed was his room....on the opposite side of the house. I my heels, calling his name as loudly as I could without getting my oblivious oppa's attention but he kept walking, stripping his jacket and shirt as he went. Oh, he was so lucky that we weren't in that kind of relationship anymore or I would've gotten him together.


I looked toward Jae's room with a sigh of defeat. All I had to do was wake him up right? There was nothing hard about that, right?


Wrong, I concluded once I was standing over his sleeping form.


Not only was his hair still wet, but Jae had decided to sleep , like usual, which was probably why the house was so warm. Because he didn't have on a shirt, there was nothing obstructing my view of his tattoos. They weren't at all tacky on his pale skin though there were quite a few of them. They were so gorgeous couldn't resist reaching my hand out and allowing my finger tips to trail over the wings that covered his shoulders then the treble clefs that were inked over. His arm was hanging out of the bed so when his fingers twitched I noticed and stopped touching him immediately. Though not for long.


I went right back to tracing the words I hadn't seen in what felt like ages: TVfXQ Soul. They were his soul alright. I knew that better than most. But that was all that I could see; the blanket that was thrown across his lower back shielded the other three.....but I wanted more. I checked Jae's face for any signs of him coming to; thankfully, he was out like a light. I tried to tremble as little as possible when slipping the blanket down to his hips. My tongue dashed out to moisten my lips. Not many people knew this, but Jaejoong's body was very sensitive. Once he was in control he was fine but the minute we was under someone else, he was putty in their hands. When I had finally gotten him to make a sound, I gasped and his brows furrowed. I skimmed my fingers down his spine drawing the yummiest shiver from Jaejoong.


"Mmm," he moaned. "Dashi (again)...Tto (pronounced toh = more)...."


I blinked slowly. If I didn't continue would he wake up? Was he waking up already? A mixture of panic and lust bubbled in my chest causing me to graze my fingers down his back again, adding my nails very lightly the lower I went.


"Ah..." his mouth kind of fell open on a breath.


My knees rubbed together to relieve the tingling happening further up. There was no doubt that I still loved Jae's body. There was no doubt that we could still make each other all hot and bothered. And there was no doubt that it made me oddly happy.


And brazen.


I inched closer to the bed and leaned over until my mouth was at the same point as my index finger. Right above it where the Roman numerals on his lower back began, I pressed my lips once, twice, three times each time making Jae's eyes squeeze tight. My kisses went straight up his spine to his shoulders to the melody of his senseless sounds of approval. My teeth nibbled between the blades and he moaned out again, this time murmuring something I couldn't understand.


"Mworago?" I whispered near his ear, having difficulty controlling my breathing. "You have to tell me what it is you what me to do, JJ."


"Well, aren't we eager?"


My eyes widened dangerously and there wasn't even time to scream before I was yanked into the bed and forced under him. He may have lost weight between my departure and my return, but his strength was still intact, that much was clear. He smiled sleepily at me, his hand on my face. His thumb ran over my cheek lovingly and I almost lost myself.


I stared at his tantalizing mouth as he spoke. "Call me it just once."


I pursed my lips. There was too much going on in at the moment. My consciousness was slowly coming back, however, my sense was lagging behind. So much so that the the impression of the hard on that I knew was my doing and the feeling of my hands on his chest had me reconsidering my stance at the moment.


"Hanbonman (Just one time)," he requested again. "Let me hear you say it."


It was always this with him. Whenever he didn't hear it for too long, he got antsy. Its been years since I last said it, so maybe it was time to oblige him? In the midst of my indecision, he tilted my face up with his hand. Our gazes locked and his eyes were full of heat; the longer I looked, the hotter I felt. I was done.


"O-oppa..." came shakily from my lips.


Jae smirked. "Atta girl."


I was speechless when his lips covered mine as a reward.

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I'm so sorry for taking so long, but I was so constipated with this story for so long


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Chapter 11: Oh god! This stoey is so amazing, i can't describe. I loved it. It has so much tension. . I really like the scene when she was talking to herself. I m looking forward to it. I really wanna know what would happen next! :-)
Chapter 11: Hmmm, I wonder who she will choose, but the scene where she was talking to herself through the reflection was well-written. You should do more that gives the reader more insight to Luci.
Chapter 9: Strangely, I feel connected to Andrew, so I'm glad that he didn't get mad? Hm, I wonder what will happen next?
Chapter 9: Know what's funny is that I've been feeling that way lately with some people. I understand Andrew.
LovelyReader16 #5
Chapter 9: i'm happy to see an update from u
Shimuken #6
Chapter 8: Awesome story ! I can't wait for Jae to meet Andrew.
LovelyReader16 #7
Chapter 8: ohhhhhhhhhh wow................she better get her to together
man1727 #8
Chapter 8: I meant to say if she can't reciprocate his feelings then she should distance herself and she is also making herself look like a hoe..
man1727 #9
Chapter 8: Hmmm..she said something interesting, she said she couldn't love jae the way he would want her to.. She really needs to be honest here, being greedy is getting her into a lot of trouble..if she can reciprocate his feelings equally then she needs to distance herself from jae until she can sort out her feelings for him and Andrew..she's making herself look like a how..she better get her together
Chapter 8: You skipped the ?! Aww it's okay tho cause the gist was given and the fear of her bf soon to be ex is showing up. I'm ready.