Yong Seobang

You over Me

Kyuhyun's POV


Oppa! I'm back from the show! i'll tell u all about my yong seobang! c u l8r!

Kyuhyun cringed at the text. Who could be this Yong? She was calling him seobang already? He the TV and MusicBank was on.

"Next up, is the newest idol band, consisting of Jung Yonghwa from You're Beautiful,  CNBlue! 2 weeks into their debut and they're already on top of the charts! Well, here it is folks, I'm a Loner!"

Kyuhyun dropped the remote. Jung Yonghwa? His heart deflated even more. If Hyun's partner wasn't an idol, it might've been better. That way, she wouldn't fall for him. But this Jung Yonghwa... He played the guitar for heavens sake, and everyone knew girls found guys who play guitar irrisistable. He was also romantic from the drama You're Beautiful! Who could ever forget the Towel Guy?


Kyuhyun didn't see how Seohyun could not fall for a guy like him. But she was surprisingly calm about the whole thing.

"I mean, oppa, I'm glad I didn't get picked with someone like Hyungdon ssi because we all agreed, Taeyeon unnie was pretty miserable, but I'm afraid for anti fans. He's so great, and I'm just..."

"Seohyun, you're kidding me. If anyone's out of anyone's league, you are way out of his league. You can dance, you can sing, you're smart..."

"He's so funny and charming, "-and with this Kyuhyun cringed for a moment-"but he's not really like me. He doesn't read a lot, oppa, and his idol is Bon Jovi. I mean, yes, BOn Jovi's great, but idol is someone you look up to."

"Well, he's a guitarist and everyone has different personalities. We're idols, Hyun, and we don't have enough time to read."

"Oppa! You know me! I was hoping for a little 'more like me' kind of person. He's a complete opposite!"

"Well, you know what they say, opposites attract," Kyuhyun said nervously, trying to calm Hyun down.

"But HE DOESN'T READ!" Seohyun practically screamed.

Heads turned in the cafe into the corner they were hiding. Kyuhyun pulled down his disguise a little more. "Hyun, it'll get better, I swear."

"I thought you'd understand Kyuhyun oppa! But you're just like unnies! They're all like..He's so handsome, so funny, so much better than Hyeongdon... you're sp lucky.... but I'm NOT! Becasue although he's so great, he isn't my type!"

Everyone in the cafe was listening, and whispers began to echo. "Kyuhyun? Oh my god, is that Seohyun from SNSD? ARe they dating?"

Kyuhyun blushed and began to drag JooHyun out of the cafe by the hand.

"Oppa! Let go, this is making it more suspiscious! We are not dating!"

"They clearly think we are, and we're getting out of here before reporters show up!"

Seohyunh began to walk away, then froze. "OH no! I dropped my picture!"

Kyuhyun groaned. "What is it?"

" A picture I took with Yong Seobang! Can you imagine the scandal? It'll be like me and Yonghwas ssi are dating!"

"You're married, for heavens sake!"

"B-but, I don't want a s-scandal! My unnies, they'll make f-fun of me." Seohyun looked like she was about to cry.

Kyuhyun sighed. "Stay here, Hyunnie, I'll go get it."

"Thank you oppa!" Seohyun wrapped Kyuhyun into a hug... but didn't notice the dark shadow behind them. (Dun dun dun)

Kyuhyun, surprised by this hug but also happy, smiled. "I'll be right back."

"I'll be waiting in the car. Oh, and by the way oppa, aren't I a good actor?" Seohyun smiled, stuck her tongue out and raced to the car.

Kyuhyun shook his head and smiled. Fell for those fake tears again. But he'll do anything for Hyunnie. He walked back into the cafe.

Note: I'm cringing as I write that Seohyun wasn't in to Yonghwa and the part where Se hugs Kyu... my face right now: =_=

THis is gonna be yongseo at the end though, so never fear.

PS What was the dark shadow in the dark? STay tuned. (DUN DUN DUN)

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Chapter 13: Sooooo....
What happen to shinhye?
Chapter 11: Yes kyuhyun is good now
But shinhye aww... Disappointing
What if I post "it" on your wall author-sshi? >:)
hahaha kidding I'm yongseo shipper anyway xD
Chapter 4: Where do you get keep calm poster ? :o
sea0horse #4
Chapter 13: so cute~ it was a great story
sea0horse #5
Chapter 11: update soon~
sea0horse #6
Chapter 10: kyu is getting evil-er ~ he's so jealous... can't imagine him like this... get him a lover please
cnsdGirl #7