
its not like you to say sorry...



"What? You don’t like it?! I don’t care" donghae hissed and eunhyuk slammed him to the nearest wall causing hae to hiss in pain " off"

The red haired whispered "its not that I don’t like it; hae" then he leaned in capturing hae's lips 


Donghae fought back with every cell in his body to break free from the red haired grasp, he was afraid to melt in the tight grasp of the elder, he knows exactly how it all starts; his traitor of a heart would skip a beat every time the elder was close, his heart would always win the battle against his conscious eager to the touch…he would melt under the red haired heated kisses, then the elder would  suddenly stop, smirking; and the he would leave the brunette to pick up the pieces … and the donghae would promise himself every time that it would be the last time…

But not today, not after his talk with his cousin kyuhyun; 'A/N: kyu knows about the whole acting thing and hae's feelings'

he was right; for how long will he keep on being in the receiving end, why should he just take it all in and not fight back, he can't keep on mending his hopeless broken heart .   

he  is sick of this routine, he doesn’t want to end up crying in the corner…and so he pushed, hit, and screamed but the red haired didn't even budge…the red haired hand slipped under donghae's shirt, his lips working on the younger's neck. And that’s when donghae leaned in sinking his teethes in the red haired exposed shoulder, he bit him so hard that actually broke skin.

Eunhyuk pulled away, if he was shocked or in pain, donghae wouldn’t have known since he had kept an expressionless face, donghae watched the red haired as he reached to his shoulder… hae was almost sure that the red haired would at least yell at him for biting him so hard that it bleed a little…but it didn’t happen., The red haired merely smirked  while eyeing him in a weird way…

Growing uncomfortable with those looks he was getting, he spoke with annoyance "what?"

The red haired chuckled as he spoke "you actually bit me"

"y-you asked for it!" donghae stuttered, he is nervous because this is the first time he talked back to anyone…and curse his stupid heart for racing upon hearing  eunhyuk's chuckling  because of him.

"get ready we are going to school" said eunhyuk as he picked up another cigarette to smoke.

"we have missed two classes already, why …"donghae said while looking at his watch

The red haired interrupted "it doesn’t matter" he ruffles the brunette's hair as he walks pass him. 


"Give me your hand" eunhyuk repeated for the second time..

They had been standing in front of their class door; the corridor was empty since everyone was in their respective classes.  Donghae had two classes with the red haired, English and science …they had already missed the science class, and now they are late for the English class.

"What are you up to?"donghae asked skeptically

"Give it to me, or I'm going to do more than just kissing you in front of our class" eunhyuk threatened. And reluctantly the brunette gave him his hand. 

Well; the red haired originally thought of just holding donghae's hand and that’s it. But since he is the selfish bastard he is.  He slammed donghae to their class door producing a loud bang, in the process of kissing the brunette senseless. 

Their English teacher opened the door to see what's going on out there, she expected it to be some kids fooling around p-ranking the teachers or skipping class, and oh she was so ready to yell at them for disturbing her class, Only that what she saw made her speechless.  Eunhyuk , the school's heart throb kissing donghae, the quite A student that all the teachers adore…

She then noticed that he had been looking at her straight in the eyes, he seemed amused with her reaction as he continued abusing the brunette's lips.

After getting over the initial shock, She coughed to get their attention; and then eunhyuk let go of donghae 's lips, his arms enveloping the younger's body…a gesture donghae had been thankful for, as he hid his embarrassed face in the elders jacket. Even though hae wanted nothing more than kill the red haired for doing this to him, but at least he knows why, they needed to show off their relationship for the mean time, that’s what the red haired told him on their way to the school.

"Sorry for being late" eunhyuk smirked as he walked pass their teacher, pulling the brunettes with him.  The red haired was more than satisfied as he saw the bewildered faces of his class mates as they eyed him holding hands with the brunette.

 Eunhyuk sat behind kyuhyun , while donghae  was about to sit next to the red haired, and all it took was a well placed hand and a a little tug to get donghae sitting on eunhyuks  lap.

"You are not going to stop it are you?" donghae whispered carefully, and the red haired chuckled quietly in response. 


It was lunch break when donghae got the chance to talk to his cousin. kyuhyun was sitting alone on his table, playing some game in his phone while waiting for his friend changmin  to comeback with food. 

Donghae took a seat "you were right I should've fought to have him"

Kyuhyun stated flatly "I'm always right" while donghae snickered.

"By the way" kyuhyun started "you better go see your fiancé before they steal him away from you"

Donghae turned around to see what kyuhyun meant; eunhyuk hade been sitting on his table with yunhoo the soccer team captain, and choi siwon  a guy that broke the hearts of half the girls in this school when he brushes off their confessions like it was nothing.  The donghae spotted one of the cheerleaders standing next to eunhyuk, he recognized her as Jessica, that blonde was a giggling mess, twirling her hair as she constantly kept on touching eunhyuks arm. Then Donghae noticed that the red haired was keeping his gaze on him, with a smirk gracing his lips. 

"You better be bold hae, if you don’t want her to take him "Kyuhyun said

Donghae  smiled to his cousin before he approached eunhyuk's table; once he reached there the brunette smiled at Jessica as he back hugged eunhyuk "I missed you" hae said as he kissed eunhyuks cheek.

Eunhyuk chuckled when donghae moved and sat on his lap, burying his face in the crock of the elder's neck…the red haired whispered in the brunettes ear "is this payback for today"



didnt read it after finishing writting 

so what do you think ?


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Chapter 6: Awww poor Hae I feel bad for him T^T Hyuk is so mean treating him like this but he seems to start caring about him :) please update soon author-nim I really liked it :D
hima_kawaii #2
Chapter 6: someone is after hae?
Chapter 6: Wooooow ... niiiiiice .. hyuk is .. he is just amazing .... love you ^___^update sooon
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 5: whoa.... seems like hae made a move! XD
Chapter 5: HAHAHAHA!!! You go hae!!!! Fight
Chapter 5: hehehe ... cuteeeeee .. update soon ^_____^
shawolxelf #7
Chapter 5: This is getting exciting pls update soon gomawo
yeolris98 #8
Chapter 5: spechless.. Hahaha what a teenage drama...
Anyways it nice
Chapter 4: ohhh.. you didn't say that you will up date ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nicccccccccccccccccce , i like it ... update soon ^____^
hima_kawaii #10
Chapter 4: now now... what happened to hae?