
its not like you to say sorry...







I walked with an absent mind towards my class, my hand clenched on my engagement ring that is hanging around my neck…I never wear it at school, I don’t want trouble…and I can’t imagine how they will react when the know that I’m engaged to him…


You see…the two of us has been dragged into this engagement due to the merger between our parents business …we both agreed and pretended to be so madly in love…but the thing is; I never was pretending.  Before I really knew it, I realized that I fell too deep for him.  Believe it or not, the worst part is not that he doesn’t feel the same; the worst part is that he knows of my feelings towards him even though I never voiced it out to him and I thought that I was good at hiding it…but still; he knew. 


Shortly after the engagement my parents had some issues related to work and had to leave the country.  And for some reason; they thought it will be good idea to live with him under the same roof, share a room; and more importantly share a bed.


Sighing I took my place at the back of the class in the corner near the window…with eyes closed I rested my head on the table trying to clear my head from everything…but that’s almost impossible for me since I always end up thinking about him. 


My mind drifted to the kiss this morning, I wonder why did he do that? I mean he wouldn’t do anything intimate to me unless we were surrounded with those who know of the engagement. 


He never explain, never justify his actions, simply he doesn’t care ad he is just having fun playing with my mind.  So why are you getting so worked up when it comes to him donghae?




I raised my head upon hearing my name, I looked up to and my surprise it was my cousin kyu standing in front of my desk along with eunhyuk. 


“y-yes?” I blinked in confusion; I mean they never hang out together; they don’t even talk much aside from greetings…what is going on?


The two of them kept silent and just continued starring at me… what the hell??


Then eunhyuk spoke calmly giving me his hand “come with me”


Hesitated, weather I should take his hand or not.  Not wanting him to be angry with me I took it. 


He pulled me to the front of the class, he sat on the teacher’s table, he signaled me to come closer, and I did…suddenly his hands wrapped around my waist, and I found myself sitting on his lap with his lips moving on mine….


 The gasps around me made me snap out of it, he kissed me…in front of our class!!


He pulled out from the kiss , then he rested his head in the crock of my neck


He kissed my cheek before looking at our shocked classmates… and he smirked pleased with his deed. 


Why would he do that now???


Does he enjoy it that much? Does he like my misery that much??


I really want to crawl into some hole and die right now


He glanced at me, then his fingers wrapped firmly around my wrist…he looked at their still shocked faces… and said to all of them


“lee donghae is mine so keep your hands off him, understood?” he smiled all innocently to them which made the entire class tensed...





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Chapter 6: Awww poor Hae I feel bad for him T^T Hyuk is so mean treating him like this but he seems to start caring about him :) please update soon author-nim I really liked it :D
hima_kawaii #2
Chapter 6: someone is after hae?
Chapter 6: Wooooow ... niiiiiice .. hyuk is .. he is just amazing .... love you ^___^update sooon
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 5: whoa.... seems like hae made a move! XD
Chapter 5: HAHAHAHA!!! You go hae!!!! Fight
Chapter 5: hehehe ... cuteeeeee .. update soon ^_____^
shawolxelf #7
Chapter 5: This is getting exciting pls update soon gomawo
yeolris98 #8
Chapter 5: spechless.. Hahaha what a teenage drama...
Anyways it nice
Chapter 4: ohhh.. you didn't say that you will up date ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nicccccccccccccccccce , i like it ... update soon ^____^
hima_kawaii #10
Chapter 4: now now... what happened to hae?