Chapter 5

Don't You Know That I Love You...


I don’t even dare to think there will come a day that this story got 500 views and got 13 subscribers when i start writing this story… I don’t know how to thank you all… I don’t even know how to tell you all how much I love you all… I just can say that I love you all my reader!!! Please enjoy this chapter!! 

the main image credit to owner... i don't remove the marks... =)



 *Youngjae POV* 


Ah. I’m so tired. Even my teammates are dead tired after practice for 3 hours. We only stop for 15 minutes before to rest after practice for 1 and half hour. Actually I think I still can continue. But I don’t think it’s the same case for my teammates. They look so tired that I don’t think they can even move a muscle.

“Good job everyone.” I know that my teaching is horrible and I’m thankful to them for at least trying to follow my teaching.

“It’s because of you that some of us at can dunk at least a bit now.” Suddenly I heard a voice from my teammates. It’s N from class 2 F. I smile at him.

“When we are going to practice again?” Suddenly I heard from Ravi asking me question.

“I think maybe at Thursday morning we can have practice again.”

“How about other teams? I mean other sports. Football, volleyball and track teams?”  He asks again.

“I can have practice with them today evening, tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening. I will somehow make sure everyone get their portion of training. Don’t worry.” I smiled at them.

“Don’t you feel tired? I’m sure it’s tired enough to teach us.” Ken asks me. His face shows he’s really worried about me.

“It’s okay. I’m sure I can pull it off. Don’t worry too much.” I said while tapping his back.

“Okay then. I think you better rest right now so that you can continue this evening. Goodbye Youngjae.” N said while bowing to me. Others do the same. I replied the bow. They are so well-mannered.

After all of them leave the gym, I pull out my phone to send message to leader of track team that there will be practice this evening. I got his phone number during the meeting and coincidentally, Himchan hyung gave me this phone yesterday. If not, I’m thinking of borrowing member’s phone to contact them.

After sending that, I walk out of the gym and saw a team practicing outside basketball in outside court. I recognize only one person among all of them. It’s Daehyun. So it’s Daehyun’s team practicing there. I saw how he teaches them. I don’t want to admit this but he really damn good at teaching. Suddenly he stops. Why he stop? While me wondering that, he turns to his side to face me. He smiles. That evil smile!! It’s like saying do-you-like-what-you-see smile. I can feel my blood rushing to my face. I quickly turn and walk to TS paradise. I can feel his stare from my back. Aargh!! That guy is creepy!!

I arrived at TS paradise to see other members still relaxing at the sofa. Don’t they have practice to do?

“Hello everyone.” I said. Himchan who is sitting on the sofa looks up to see me. Suddenly his face become pale. I wonder why.



 *Himchan POV* 


I look up when I hear Youngjae’s voice. My favourite dongsaeng is back. But I almost faint from the sight. I lost grip of cup in my hand. Luckily Yongguk save it from fell on the floor since he is sitting at my side.

“Himchan hyung, what wrong with you?”

“WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME?” I shout. I saw him looking at me weird. “YOU MUST BE MEANING TO SAY WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU, RIGHT? LOOK AT YOU. YOUR FACE IS SO PALE AND TIRED!!” I quickly got up from my seat and go to him.  I hug him. he’s sweaty but I don’t care. My Youngjae always smell good.

“What wrong with me?”

“Look at yourself. Come and take shower.” I said while dragging him into a dressing room.

After arrive in the dressing room, I tell him to take shower. I give a towel to him and push his into shower room. After 20 minutes, he comes out from the shower, looking a bit better from before.  I give him his school uniform and let him change. After he finished wearing his uniform, I hug him again.

“Why hyung?” he sound worried.

“Don’t you know how to take care of your body at least a bit?”

“It’s okay hyung. I’m not that tired you know.”

“Yeah right. You’re trying to say you’re not tired but your eyes almost closed.”

“Hehe. Okay, okay. I’m a bit tired.” He said that while smiling at me.

“Okay. Let’s get you some rest.” I said while grabbing his hand towards the sofa where other members are sitting on. I walk to an empty one. This sofa is a bit far from others because I want him to rest without the background noise from other members. I sit and tapping beside me gesturing him to sit there. Luckily today I prepared black tea with drop of rose scent. Black tea is good to fight fatigue and rose especially yellow one is Youngjae’s favourite flower. I decide to prepare this tea because I know all members will have their practice today. I poured a cup for Youngjae and pass it to him. After he finished drink it, I take the cup from his hand. Then I pat my thigh. He looks at me.

“Here. Sleep for a while. I know you’re tired.” I said. He smiles. I almost can’t see his eyeballs when he smiles.

“Thanks hyung.” He said while landing his head on my thigh.

“Wake me up at 1 okay hyung?” he mumbling said that when his eyes already closed. My dongsaeng are just too cute. How can someone not love this child? He looks so pure when he sleep.



 *Yongguk POV* 


I saw Himchan and Youngjae. To think Youngjae gets to sleep on Himchan thigh makes me a bit jealous but I know between there is not that kind of love. It’s purely brotherly love. Eh wait!! Why I even jealous right now? It’s not like Himchan is my boyfriend or anything. Why I feel like this? Am I in love with Himchan or what? I slap both of my cheeks. Get back to your sense Yongguk!!

“What are you doing hyung?” I heard Zelo’s voice. He looks at me weird.

“It’s nothing.” I can’t possibly tell him about this. He just shrug his shoulder a bit and back to reading manga in his hand.

Not long after that, I heard the main door opened. I look up and see Daehyun. He just got back from his practice. How come his face doesn’t even show he is tired? That guy is a monster, you know?

“Don’t you all have practice?” he asks probably weird seeing us relaxing like this.

“Zelo and I will start this evening.” Jongup answered.

“I already went for 1 and half hours at 9 this morning. Same with Himchan.” I answered him on Himchan’s behalf as well because I know Himchan probably won’t say anything since Youngjae is resting on his laps. And he sits a bit far from us so if he wants to answer Daehyun he needs to raise his voice and that probably will wake up Youngjae. I look at Himchan and saw he smile at me. Probably thanking me for answering for him. I replied his smile. We also have a peace time like this, you know? It just times like this rarely come. It’s not like we’re arguing 24/7. We're not that crazy you know? =)




There are cameo from VIXX members in this chapter. Haha I don’t know why I choose them either. I know many groups and if you find any of them in this story, I hope you don’t mind. Probably I’ll insert other groups also. You want to know something? Right now I already remember many group. Too many. But the one that I really remember all the name of the members probably around 27 groups. Haha. My life resolve aroud k-pop. I really need to get a life. Haha. Hope you like this chapter. First time tried writing multiple POV in a chapter. Hope it’s not confusing.

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Chapter 7: Update soon!
Chapter 6: lol I just love BangHim so much ^^
Chapter 3: lol so funny ^^
BangHim Powa~~~!!!!
Chapter 2: great start !!! I will surely enjoy the whole story ^^
petalcha #5
Chapter 6: Oh Yongguk come on that's love you know!ㅋ I love HimJae's brotherly love here~ and yeah why so creepy Daeeee. ㅋㅋㅋ

And you update real fast author-nim! Thank you. :)
crossing_by #6
Chapter 6: Aigooo... yongguk u like himchan dont u?
Fufufuuu... so cute~
blueberry_muffin #7
Chapter 6: EEE!!! SOOOOO CUTE!! You eye stalker Dae!! lol

Awwww cute brotherly love between Jae and Himmie!!! Ohohohoho Yongguk's jelly~~~~

Thanks for this chapter authornim!! Can't wait til the next!! ^_^
petalcha #8
Chapter 5: Aaah Daehyun yes you're creepy! Even Yongguk's afraid of you. XDD I find everyone cute! This is so cute ㅋㅋ
petalcha #9
Kind of remember Special A in your description and foreword. ㅋ And I looooooove that anime! I think I'll love your story too. :) Got to read now. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
blueberry_muffin #10
Chapter 5: Hahahaha ohhhh Daeand your creepy laughs about Jae! lol It's ok, we understand!! XD

Soooo when's Jae gonna know about Dae liking his authornim? Soon?? XD

Thanks for the update authornim!! Made my early morning!! ^_^ Can't wait for the next chapter!!