Chapter 2

Don't You Know That I Love You...


It’s been one months since TS high school open for a new year to start. As usual B.A.P class as noisy as usual.

“It’s tea time!!” said Himchan while bringing in a tray full of deserts and a jug of tea. This time he decided to use a tea set that he bought from Paris last year. It’s a cute tea set that is white in colour, decorated with pink and purple flower. It also has a unique shape.

“Why the cup are so weird?” said Yongguk. He just wants to chan because he knows Himchan will for surely fumes if he says that.

“SHUT UP, YOU FOOL!!!” Himchan put down the tray and sent a blow to Yongguk’s cheek.

Jongup who see this can only shake his head.

“Yongguk hyung, why you always want to make Himchan hyung angry?” ask Jongup. And he will answer as usual. That it is his hobby. This only bring out sigh from Jongup’s mouth. This hyung are really unpredictable.

“You’re weird, hyung. You know that?” said Youngjae. Yongguk just laugh at Youngjae’s words.

“Himchan hyung, don’t you have cheesecake?” suddenly a voice interrupt all this chaos. Its Daehyun’s.

“Can you just eat anything that I make? You are so hard to please.” Reply himchan to Daehyun. He start to sulk.

“I always like what you make hyung. Please don’t mind these 2 annoying boys.” Said Youngjae. Zelo who sit beside him also nod their head.

“Only you 2 know my heart. Why I even care about these 2 crazy boys when I have both of you?” said Himchan while hugging the 2 boys. Actually to makes Himchan stop his angry act, it’s really simple. Just some aegyo will do. But those 2 annoying brats are just hate to do it. Yongguk said he likes to see Himchan angry so why he would make it stop and Daehyun said he will never do cute things. That’s why Himchan always explode at them.

“By the way, school sport festival is coming up right?” said Jongup.

“Yeah. My mom said it will be in a month.” Said Yongguk. Being a son of principal giving his advantage to know what other students don’t.

“Really hyung? Waaah!! I really like it.” Said Youngjae. He always like festival especially sport festival. “And I can beat you, Jung Daehyun!!”

“Won’t we be in the same team since we’ll be in the same class?” said Daehyun. Youngjae gasp. He just realize that fact. He only can sigh.

“Yongguk do something!! Poor Youngjae. He’s so down. If you don’t do something no tea for you next time.” said Himchan while hugging Youngjae.

“Why no tea for me? It’s not my problem.”

“I don’t care whose problem it is. Just do something to cheer up Youngjae.”

“Wait a second.” reply Yongguk. He takes his smartphone from his pocket and dialed a number. No one knows what he is doing. After 2 minutes talking to his phone, he put it down while showing thumbs up to Himchan and Youngjae.

“What do you mean by that?” said Himchan.

“You said you want to cheer up Youngjae. And what Youngjae want is to compete with Daehyun. So I called my mom to do something about that. And she agree since she also said it’s interesting to see Youngjae and Daehyun fight head on.” Everyone except Himchan and Youngjae gasp.

“Yongguk hyung is really scary. He can change the school event with just a phone call.” think the two youngest boys while looking at each other.


----- *the very next day* -----


Youngjae wakes up early as usual. He has been an early bird since he was small. His father has trained him  from he was 5 years old. As usual Youngjae wakes up, takes bath, brush his teeth and then settle in front of his laptop. This laptop is his last year birthday present from Himchan. He can never afford to buy something like this. Before this he only used a 2nd hand laptop that his father buy for him. He opens school website to see what news posted there. He always opens it in the morning to check any news about the school there. Suddenly he saw news about school sport festival. He clicked it. His eyes were sparkling when he see the news. He totally loves it.

He closed his laptop and get ready to eat breakfast before going to school. He can’t stop his mouth from smiling. He can’t wait to go to school and thank Yongguk hyung for this.

“Why are smiling so wide in the morning?” said mrs yoo when she saw his son.

“Nothing. Just some good thing happen to me in the morning.” mrs Yoo just shake her head.


----- *in the school* -----

Youngjae quickly run towards b.a.p class. He can’t wait to see Yongguk hyung. When he opens the door he can see Yongguk relaxing at the sofa.

“Hyung!!” Youngjae shout while running with his arms spread wide. He hugs Yongguk tightly. Suddenly a cold chill run through Yongguk’s spine. He looks behind Youngjae to see Daehyun glares at him. He has ‘if you dare to do anything, I will kill you’ aura.

“Why are you suddenly hugging me?” Yongguk said while loosen Youngjae’s grip on him. He doesn’t want to die yet. He doesn’t even drink Himchan’s tea yet for this morning.

“I saw the news. You are really the best. You put all of us in different team.”

“Oh. That news. It’s not a big problem. Even my mom agrees to do that to makes thing more interesting.” Yongguk smile.

“What news?” said Himchan.

“Hyung, you don’t open school websites yet? Here I’ll show you.” said Youngjae while opening school website to show Himchan the news.

“What? Why you put me and Youngjae in different team. I don’t remember asking you to do that.” said Himchan towards Yongguk.

“That’s my mom decision. It’s not like I can do anything about it.” reply Yongguk. Himchan gets up and start chasing Yongguk.

Jongup and Zelo also sit beside Youngjae to see what news that make their hyung so happy.



TS High School Annual Sports Festival!!!

This year there are special rule that been applied to makes this festival more interesting and eventful.

All B.A.P class members will not be in the same team but will joins other class as their team leader. And all same class will be in the same team. For example, A class from 1st year until 3rd year will be in the same team.

The arrangement are :

Class A : Bang Yongguk

Class B : Moon Jongup

Class C : Kim Himchan

Class D : Choi Junhong

Class E : Jung Daehyun

Class F : Yoo Youngjae

The sports meeting for all the class will be held today after last class finished and all team leader need to divide each member position by the end of today and submit it to principal office this evening.




Zelo and Jongup mouth just form an ‘O’ shape. No wonder Youngjae hyung are so happy. This ways he gets to compete with Daehyun hyung. They just smile along with Youngjae hyung while Himchan chasing Yongguk all around the building.




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Chapter 7: Update soon!
Chapter 6: lol I just love BangHim so much ^^
Chapter 3: lol so funny ^^
BangHim Powa~~~!!!!
Chapter 2: great start !!! I will surely enjoy the whole story ^^
petalcha #5
Chapter 6: Oh Yongguk come on that's love you know!ㅋ I love HimJae's brotherly love here~ and yeah why so creepy Daeeee. ㅋㅋㅋ

And you update real fast author-nim! Thank you. :)
crossing_by #6
Chapter 6: Aigooo... yongguk u like himchan dont u?
Fufufuuu... so cute~
blueberry_muffin #7
Chapter 6: EEE!!! SOOOOO CUTE!! You eye stalker Dae!! lol

Awwww cute brotherly love between Jae and Himmie!!! Ohohohoho Yongguk's jelly~~~~

Thanks for this chapter authornim!! Can't wait til the next!! ^_^
petalcha #8
Chapter 5: Aaah Daehyun yes you're creepy! Even Yongguk's afraid of you. XDD I find everyone cute! This is so cute ㅋㅋ
petalcha #9
Kind of remember Special A in your description and foreword. ㅋ And I looooooove that anime! I think I'll love your story too. :) Got to read now. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
blueberry_muffin #10
Chapter 5: Hahahaha ohhhh Daeand your creepy laughs about Jae! lol It's ok, we understand!! XD

Soooo when's Jae gonna know about Dae liking his authornim? Soon?? XD

Thanks for the update authornim!! Made my early morning!! ^_^ Can't wait for the next chapter!!