Chapter 1

Don't You Know That I Love You...


 * Youngjae POV *  

Today the start of my 2nd year in TS high school. I get up early to prepare and went to kitchen to see my mother is preparing breakfast.

“Good morning mom. What will we have for this morning? ” I ask my mother while smiling at her.

“Since today is the first day of your 2nd year, I cook your favourite.”

“Thank you mom. You’re the best!!”

My mom smiles at me. Then I turn around to see my father at living room. He is reading newspaper.

“Morning appa.”

“Morning Youngjae. So how’s your condition today?”

“The best!! I think I can beat him in my condition right now!!”

“That’s the spirit!!”

You are thinking about who we are talking about right? I’ll tell you later at the school. Right now I need to eat my breakfast and hurry up to my school if I don’t want to be late.


----*at TS High School*----


Even though I already see all these since middle school, I still can’t bring my mind to believe that there is a school as my school in Korea. At this school seeing a student come in a limousine, BMW, Mercedes or any sports car is usual. Because TS high school is a school for rich people. But don’t misunderstand. I’m not rich. My father is just an owner of a small restaurant and my mom just help him in his restaurant. So why I choose this school? It’s not because I want to find a rich girl to become my girlfriend and the money from her or anything but I come to this school just because of him. Only him.  JUNG DAEHYUN. That is his name. A name that I will not forget until I die. He is the only one that has ever beaten me.

“Morning Jae.” That’s his voice. Great. The first person that greet me in the first morning in my 2nd year is him. I turn back to see him smiling.

“Morning Dae.” I answer him with the most unwilling voice of mine. He laughs.

“Don’t be like that Jae. If you frown in the morning like that you will get winkles you know? And then you will lost your handsome face.” He said.

I replied him with annoying smile. Suddenly a pair of hands wraps me into a hug. I know that hands. Its junhong’s or I may call him zelo. He likes that nickname. Why? He said it sound cute.

“Morning jae-hyung.” Zelo said.

“Morning Zelo.” I turn around to see Zelo and at his side there is Jongup. “Morning Jongup.”

Jongup just nod his head to me. And 10 seconds later we saw Himchan-hyung and Yongguk-hyung get out of their respective cars. I smile when I saw them. They walk towards 4 of us with smile plastered of their face. Suddenly a group of students start talking among them before someone shout.

“It’s B.A.P!!”

Then all the students start bowing to us. We become center of attraction. “We need to go to class now.” Himchan said. We all agree and start walking to our class. Our special class.

When we arrive at our class or dubbed as TS paradise, himchan start to make morning tea for everyone and serve it to us. It’s not that we asked him to do that but he said he willingly to do it.

“Hyung, you don’t need to this you know.” Actually when I first get to know himchan hyung, I really think he is weird. He always cooking or baking for us. When I ask him, he said he just enjoy it. That it’s fun. Actually in this class, I never saw anyone spend their time to study. Everyone is really carefree and just do whatever they want. But school cannot say anything to them since they still manage to keep their good grades.

“Oh youngjae-ah. I love to do this. You’re so cute to think for me like that.” Himchan said that while pinch my cheeks lightly.

“Jung Daehyun!! No works in the morning tea time!!” said himchan when he saw Daehyun working with his laptop.

“Yah, himchan. Pour me another cup.” It’s yongguk’s hyung voice.

“POUR IT YOURSELF!!” said himchan while throwing a small pillow that placed on the sofa to him.

They always like that. Always bickering every day. But that’s what makes this class more cheerful. I just laugh at them. They are so funny. Ah, I forgot to tell you why we even had a time for morning tea. This class has very special schedule. Actually we’re not compulsory to go to the lesson except for me since I'm in sponsorships. So except for me, all of them rarely went to the lesson. Even I don’t know how they manage to stay at top of the respective year. Even our teacher, Leeteuk has given up calling them to lesson. He said at least there is me in his class.

I look at my watch. “I need to go to class right now. Anyone want to go with me?” I said. Silence. I know that will happen.

“Do you need to go hyung?” said zelo with his puppy eyes. I smile at him.

“Of course I need to go. Don’t you remember how I get to study here? I’m not like you all.” Everyone looks at me. I know they don’t like when I say that.

“Hyung. You know I don’t like you said like that. You’re our friend you know.” Zelo sulks.

“I know my dear zelo. Just want to see your cute face one more time.” I hug him. I ruffle his hair, wave my hand to all of them and go to the lesson.




So, how is my 1st chapter? Hope it is okay. Feel free to leave comment. It’s a candy to an author. Will try to improve it in the next chapter.

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Chapter 7: Update soon!
Chapter 6: lol I just love BangHim so much ^^
Chapter 3: lol so funny ^^
BangHim Powa~~~!!!!
Chapter 2: great start !!! I will surely enjoy the whole story ^^
petalcha #5
Chapter 6: Oh Yongguk come on that's love you know!ㅋ I love HimJae's brotherly love here~ and yeah why so creepy Daeeee. ㅋㅋㅋ

And you update real fast author-nim! Thank you. :)
crossing_by #6
Chapter 6: Aigooo... yongguk u like himchan dont u?
Fufufuuu... so cute~
blueberry_muffin #7
Chapter 6: EEE!!! SOOOOO CUTE!! You eye stalker Dae!! lol

Awwww cute brotherly love between Jae and Himmie!!! Ohohohoho Yongguk's jelly~~~~

Thanks for this chapter authornim!! Can't wait til the next!! ^_^
petalcha #8
Chapter 5: Aaah Daehyun yes you're creepy! Even Yongguk's afraid of you. XDD I find everyone cute! This is so cute ㅋㅋ
petalcha #9
Kind of remember Special A in your description and foreword. ㅋ And I looooooove that anime! I think I'll love your story too. :) Got to read now. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
blueberry_muffin #10
Chapter 5: Hahahaha ohhhh Daeand your creepy laughs about Jae! lol It's ok, we understand!! XD

Soooo when's Jae gonna know about Dae liking his authornim? Soon?? XD

Thanks for the update authornim!! Made my early morning!! ^_^ Can't wait for the next chapter!!