chapter 6 XDD

My dad's a kkangpae leader...


the next day day gigi went back to the pet store to give hyunwoo the documents. at the same time chanhee was eating at a restaurant across the pet shop. chanhee finished eating,coincidentally gigi was stepping out of the pet store. he hid behind a trash bin.


chanhee: *gigi again?? way do i keep on seeing her* 


gigi yawned and go on her way home while chanhee was following her from behind.


chanhee: *i wonder where she live??*


meanwhile gigi started to feel strange so she stopped beside a shore full of mirrors  and bent down to pretend tie her shoe laces but she was really peeking to see if someone was following her. and she saw chanhee hiding behind a pole (like that would hid him -_-)




gigi stood up and slowly began to walk..


gigi: *why is he following me??... i cant go home like this...i need to get rid of him..*


gigi went to a restaurant and went straight to the comfort room. chanhee had no choice but to wait for gigi to finish. in the comfort room gigi got a chair and climbed out of the window and landed on the bushes at the back. gigi went home safely...the next day, after school they went to the cafe again. they were just talking about random things and gigi was staring at nothing with a serious 


gigi: *i cant wait for 5:30 ^^....i wonder if there's a uniform*


mei tapped ysa's shoulder and pointed at gigi, the three of them looked at gigi suspiciously. then gigi felt weird so she loked at the three...


gigi: what... is there something on my face??

ysa: no...what's wrong??you look like you broke up with your boyfriend.

mei: [gasp] who's the guy?

gigi: who??

mei: do you have a boyfriend??

gigi: oh gosh, no

mei: [pouts] was i saying...


mei went back to their conversation, then gigi saw baekhyun with his usual poker face; he came from the basement; he was on way to work, gigi guessed.


gigi: guys i need to go i forgot that today is my first day of my part time job [while 

      grabbing her things, eyes glued to baekhyun]

ysa: ok... see you tomorrow.


gigi waved at them then head out. 


gigi: baekhyun -shi!

baekhyun: [turns around] oh! gigi-ya

gigi:[goes next to baekhyun] going to work?

baekhyun: [small smile] yeah...come with?


the other girls passing by was swooned from baekhyun's small smile but gave death glares at gigi. but gigi ignores them..


gigi: sure ^^


while walking..


gigi: baekhyun-shi

baekhyun: just call me baekhyun without the "shi" or you can call me "oppa" if

          you want [still having that small smile]


gigi: *oppa?!? >///< * baekhyun's fine.. :))

baekhyun: so what were you going to ask me?

gigi: umm...your amy's brother right?


baekhyun's small smile disappeared  


baekhyun: eung...

gigi: oh~... *i guess i shouldn't ask...*

baekhyun do you have a brother??

gigi: eung... [lowers head]

baekhyun: how old is he??

gigi: hes one year older??

baekhyun: oh~ is he here in korea or with your mom??

gigi: he's dead


gigi's answer made baekhyun stop walking, he looked at gigi's eyes


baekhyun: im sorry...

gigi: its ok... im over it


gigi gave a small smile before turning her back to baekhyun and continues to walk. baekhyun just watched gigi's lonely back, he knew that gigi wasn't over her brother's death. he took a deep breath and jogged next to gigi.


baekhyun: we should go bowling sometime [smiles brightly]

gigi: ** sure... lets play with the mei and the others too. [smiles brightly]

baekhyun: yeah... *thats the smile that i was looking for*


gigi and baekhyun sat on the bench while waiting for the bus. meanwhile at the cafe, chanhee with the other guys were bowling. chanhee saw an envelope that has beakhyun's name. he grabbed it and ran to catch up with baekhyun. chanhee stopped when he saw baekhyun with gigi and hid behind a trash and started to talk to himself...


chanhee: baekhyun?? with gigi?? [peeks to see if he saw right]

         it is them!! what's going on??


at that time the bus arrived. baekhyun pretended to be a butler  that made gigi laugh and went in the bus. chanhee was left there confused, he went back to the cafe chanhee stopped at mei and the other's table. the three of them looked at chanhee...


chanhee: um... nevermind


chanhee left and went to the basement. the three of them looked at each other and the basement, they were still playing. then hyunwoo noticed that baekhyun went missing..


hyunwoo: where's baekhyun??

jonghun: work i think.

hyunwoo: oh shoots!! i forgot! why didn't he tell me! [face palms himself]

byunghun: why? you usually dont go to work...

hyunwoo: we have a new employee [while getting his things]

jonghun: boy or girl??

hyunwoo: girl

jonghun: hot or not.

hyunwoo: hot or not, im sure she wont like you. bye!!


hyunwoo left and jonghun pouted to himself.


byunghun: dont worry i still love you.. [while putting an arm around jonghun's neck]

jonghun: [shrugs] get away from me. are you gay or something?!

byunghun: i'll be gay for you, jonghun 


byunhun loves to joking with jonghun, and the other girls love watching the 2hoon couple. 


jonghun: [get away from byunghun] shoo..


byunghun chased jonghun around. then jonghun suddenly stops and byunghun bumps into him.


byunghun: why'd you stop? why did you realise that you love me too?? 

jonghun: look [points at chanhee]


chanhee was staring at nothing with bewildered face. byunghun decided to throw a piece of paper at him, but he missed his target. so he went to plan b. he sat next to chanhee and hugged him while saying


bunghun: OPPA~~~ <3


and chanhee snapped back to reality and stood up.


chanhee: YA!!! what are you doing?!


byunghun and jonghun fi-fived each other.


byunghun: yah... what are you thinking about?? i haven't seen you think so deeply since yur-


chanhee gave bunghun a glare of death..


jonghun:[puts an arm on chanhee's shoulder] you know he's only kidding.

chanhee: i know... im going home...[stands up]

jonghun: oh! me too!! ^^


the two starts to go to the door


byunghun: WAIT FOR ME!!


when he caught up with them he gave chanhee a apologetic smile. And so they went home....



chapter 6!! just a short one :DD


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...............................SARANGHAEYO!!! <3...hehehe ^^...........................................

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Chapter 41: And for me dongjun is really handsome. Haha
Chapter 41: Waaah chanhee finally admit that he likes her hahaha oh my gosh! And who's the girl that hyunwoo was talking about? He said when chanhee finally open his heart again something? Ooooh I'm curious haha
Chapter 40: the first time i hear dongjun's name i thought about ze:a's malnae haha and i was right hahaha Dw5
Chapter 39: If ever mei told byunghun that she's the girl that byunghun helped, will he treat her nicely? because byunghun thought that mei is just another fan girl though she is now but before.. she's starting to like him? i'm just curious hehehe
wenzhennie #5
Chapter 31: Yeeyy update !!
wenzhennie #6
Chapter 1: Woah .. new reader here. I'm kinda interest with your story author nim ><
oohlina #7
Chapter 29: Omgg :)) I have no clue who she should really pick now ^_^ chunji or baekhyun :) they are both so sweet & adorable ! lawl , I really like this fanfic :) please update when you have the time (:
chachu #8
Chapter 29: whoo!!~~~` so sweet!~~~~

opo! umma~!! XD hahahha

thanks sa concern umma!~ XD

please update~~~~
Chapter 29: i hope she ends up falling for chunji :$