My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark







1996, Busan, South Korea- Poor Districts 


Three orderlies clad in nurse’s uniforms stepped into the shadows of an abandoned building. Brought into a deserted area all the way into Busan, they were promised ten million won each in return for their services. 
Life in the lower parts of the country side in South Korean territories is difficult. They made it their mission to take that money and put it to good use to the underprivileged and ignored schools and churches. 
Blindfolded and searched, the three females made their way inside the dark caverns of the decaying monument. A harsh odor hit their senses as they entered the cavern. They were escorted by invisible arms and a gun attached to their hips lest they decide to make a wrong move and compromise the mission. 
One of the women, petite in her stature, with short jet black hair and gentle eyes, cleared and hesitantly began to speak.
“Uh-um, exc-cuse m-me. Sir? Uh…Ma-madam?” 

She heard a single grunt from a male and acquired a slight jab on her ribs by one of the guns. 
Another voice spoke out, worn from years worth of smoking and alcohol.

“Shut the up,” the man shouted.

She was a nurse from a children’s hospital. Her local town’s Governor decided to shut down her hospital due to lack of funds. Her friend standing beside her had a brother who worked with some questionable individuals.
But, according to him this simple job would be easy for them to carry out.
 No dealing drugs, no dead bodies, and no illegal activities. All they had to do was transport an item. That was they were told. The whole ordeal went anonymously. 


The sun’s rays crept into the abandoned warehouse which they were now standing in. The blindfolds were taken off. As the sun’s rays darted into their retinas, they cringed backwards away into the shadows. They took in their surroundings. A van was not too far away parked inside. The interior was vast and did not hold any furniture. It almost looked holy. Thick layers of cobwebs and dust covered the floors and ceiling.
Four men came out of the van, fully covered in formal business suits. Guns were attached to their belts. Each of them had a buzz cut and sun glasses to cover their eyes and their emotions. 
There were also the two men standing behind them. They matched the oncoming quartet. Another male came out of the van. He looked young for his age. His head was bald, with a single tattoo of what appeared to be a dragon’s head began on his forehead, touched the end of his eye, and swirled to the back of his head. His eyes were fiery and his lips were plump, set in a single straight line. The furrowed brows meant business.
After him two older gentlemen stepped out.
“Greetings,” they both smiled. 

 To which the women cringed.

“Tsk. Now where are your manners?”
The man’s voice boomed throughout the empty crypt. The oozing devious voice of the gentleman made the women shudder internally in fear.

Chuckling the man introduced himself, “My name is Lau.”
The petite nurse, with her trained eyes and skill took note of the shady short man in the striped suit. His face was old and unkempt. His smile was disgusting and his teeth out of place. Liver spots and aging signs, including a bad comb over did not make his appearance any more pleasing. 
Once again Lau began to taunt the women in front of him. “Well, you guys couldn’t pick up better looking es?" He looked at them with derision.
The suited men at each side gave him no reaction. He rolled his eyes and turned to his subordinate. 
Old friend? Yu Huan-ah. What do you want to do now?”
Now, this, older gentleman- the petite nurse took note, looked much more presentable. Despite having such a nasty scar running down the side of his face, his jaw line was visibly noticeable, giving him a statuesque appearnce. His nose was prominent and his eyes were vicious. Full of dormant energy and emotion. At the moment they were indifferent. Half-lidded. But, she could feel the energy that radiated out of him. She feared to see what kind of power that man truly exerted on his most darkest of days. 

Yu Huan tapped a cane across the floor. Two guards quickly ran back to the van to retrieve his special package. His face did not hold many emotions, as two children, with brown clothed bags over their heads were being carried out of the van. Their hands were tied back. 
The three women gazed with shock as they looked at what was occurring in front of them. 
The petite nurse was horrified. She had no idea what could possibly occur in the next few minutes. She feared for her life and for the children’s
“This will be your mission,” Yu Huan's authoritative voice spoke. Everyone was frozen to their place.
Each guard held the children in place. Taking off the bags over their head. Sunlight hit their faces. They scrunched their eyes in derision. Young and pure faces. Innocent and wide eyed.

Small little girls. Not much older than four or five. 

One of the nurses still in shock, “I-I don’t understand. What do you want us to do? I can’t do anything illegal or dealing with ....murder. I’m sorry. Let’s just forget everything and I will just forget your faces. Please just allow us to leave. This is all a mistake.” She began to plead.
Lau came up to her. Face to face, his whiskey breath on her nose.  She was too scared to push him away. He stood there and smiled. 
“You will do as we tell you. Understood? No- ifs, ands, or buts. You agreed to this, so you shut your mouth, before I carve it out, my dear. I’m pretty crafty with a knife.” He stepped back and gave them all a grin -with his snake eyes piercing through their protective mental barriers. 

Yu Huan stood still for a moment. Composed. Letting out a light sigh. He closed his eyes for a moment and gestured for all the guards, but one, to go back to the van. 
“Hsu,” he gestured to the tattooed man, “Hold onto the girls. Lau step back.”
Once again he composed himself. 
The little girls, now used to their surroundings, held each other’s hands tightly. They exchanged glances with each other, then looked pleadingly at the petite nurse. They were scared.
“Your job will be to take these children over the Korean border to China. I will give you a sealed envelope with exact instructions written inside. You are to follow procedure exactly how it is written. If you make a single mistake, I will find you and you won't have a very bright future after that. Or any future for that matter. Understood?”

The women nodded. 
“Good. Don’t ask questions. Do as you are told. I have already prepared a brief case with the cash for each of you. The funds for the hospital have also been taken care of. If you follow everything as I have written, once again, all your wishes will be fulfilled. There is another car parked right outside. The keys are in the ignition. Leave now. Everything else you will pick up from there.”
Hsu released the girls from his tight grip. Quickly they ran into the arms of the nurses. All of them ran outside to freedom away from the strenuous atmosphere they were in. 

Lau, pursed his lips in amusement. “Why did you insist on shipping them away to China? There are perfectly good orphanages here. Or better yet why not just kill them if you hate them so much. It’s like drowning puppies. When they will grow older, their legs will get longer and crawl after you like beasts. They'll haunt you like ghosts.”
Yu Huan gave a deathly glare to his old time friend. Lau stepped backwards and put his hands up in surrender. Clearly he went too far with his words.
“Lau. You are not wrong. But, they are still my daughters. You don't understand...I see my wife in them.”
He paused. His eyes cast down.
Lau glanced at his friend questioningly, “But, you hated that .”
“Like a two-sided coin, hate, is just another side to love. Without love, it wouldn’t exist. The time I spent with her... I cherish deeply. Hating her, means that I loved her all that much.”
Squinting his eyes, Lau looked up to the ceiling and replied, “Hmm, are you getting soft on me?”
“What’s all this romantic sounding nonsense you’re spewing?”
“What I truly hate, is that e I slept with four years prior to meeting my wife.”
Once again the balding man looked at his friend. But with endearment. He smiled gently and patted his shoulder. 
“My friend. Your greatest creation, Junnosuke came out of that. How can you regret it?”
Yu Huan snorted. “That little snot? He’s insane. I doubt he is my son sometimes. There is something beastly within him.”
Lau’s eyes widened, “This again?  He can become the ultimate heir to your empire. He can take over everything you worked so hard to get. Don’t tell me you are putting all of your hopes into that dimwitted son of yours, Changmin.”
Yu Huan looked at his friend’s moving mouth with disinterest. 
“I think I know my sons better than you.”
“I bet that wimp- no- ing shrimphow the hell did he even manage to disfigure you like this?” Lau gestured frantically to the faint scars on his friend's face. “I don’t understand. How could you let him get away with it?”
Yu Huan gave a low chuckle. Tracing the striations with his fingers lightly. “Changmin, somewhere deep inside has potential. Your job will be to break it out of him. Junnosuke, on the other hand, does not think like Changmin. Their personalities are different. He acts upon his initial emotions. His sense of pride is also too great. In addition to that, he has spent too much time with his gold digging mother. There is barely an ounce of humanity left in him. Yet, Changmin brings the humanity out of him. I saw glimpses of gestures of kindness come out of Junnosuke with Changmin’s presence. That is why I wanted them to be in a pair in the first place.”
“You don’t think he’ll run away? We'll be all the way in Jeju, it's secluded from the mainland anyways. I know Junnosuke won’t even bother he’s a very persistent piece of .”
“If he tries to run. Let him.”
Lau looked up at his friend in surprise. “What? I don’t understand.”
Yu Huan sighed and turned his heel to walk back towards the van, leaving Lau puzzled.

“You know... Sometimes I truly hate myself.”


While driving the van, they were almost at the airport, they were on there way to Beijing
The girls introduced themselves as Soo jin and Joo jin. Twins. The whole way they begged and pleaded to be released. 
“We want to see our oppa! Take us to our oppa!”
“Girls, I’m sorry but we can’t.”
“Where are you taking us?” Soo jin said in a small high-pitched voice.
“Somewhere nice. Don’t worry. It is a nice place there. Don’t be scared.”
Joo jin began to cry, “I want to see my umma. Where is Changmin-oppa.”
The nurses exchanged glances with each other.
 As women in the medical field of pediatrics, this was a heart breaking scenario for them. 
But, what were they to do? For the good of the many they had to break their vows of morality. They had no choice.
Upon arrival to China, they were greeted by another van and taken to the place written inside the envelope. 

Happy Dragon Orphanage Co. 
They were welcomed inside by a short Chinese elderly woman. She had fluffy white hair set in a round perm. Her glasses were half-way down her nose bridge. Her eyes were squinting due to her bad eye sight. The cheeks on her face nearly drooped to the floor, the elasticity was quite visible, but she maintained a beautiful wide smile.
The girls quickly took a liking to her. She took out candies from her apron, “Here girls, go to the playroom on the left. If you behave Grandma Lim will give you some more candies.”
Soo jin and Joo jin suddenly forgot all their troubles, grabbed their candies and ran straight into the playroom.  Children were really easy to satisfy.
The nurses  showed the old woman all the paperwork. She nodded in agreement. Grandma Lim didn't know what reason they came for, but cases such as this were obvious to her. The girls came from an unwanted family. Abandoned. Just from the appearance of their dirty clothes, they lacked the care of a mother. Still, she will take them in with no questions asked. It is far better than to let them roam the streets and end up in a ion ring at a young age, especially with their lack of knowledge of Chinese language and culture.


The nurses left after the completion of all the paperwork. With chests heavy with regrets and fear. Their minds were full of disturbing thoughts.
“Was this the right thing to do?”
“They are in God’s hands now.”
“We had no choice.”
“I’ll pray for them.”
“Soo jin look! I found some paper and crayons!” Joo jin quickly ran to her sister with drawing supplies filled with awe. 
Joo jin kept herself in a corner. She was timid and scared of the crowd of eyes that were all staring at them with questions. 
Soo jin, on the other hand, was more outgoing. She didn’t mind the other children there. Grabbing her sister’s hand she seated her on an empty chair and table and handed her a crayon with papers. 
“See, draw on this.”
The two girls preoccupied themselves, completely forgetting about what had occurred in the past ten hours. They were already used to being tossed around back and forth. 

As Joo jin began coloring her drawing of a deer, a taller little boy came up to her.

“Those are my crayons,” he said in Mandarin, anger in his voice. 
His thick eyebrows crowded together, further emphasizing his anger. 

Joo jin shrunk back but didn’t put down the writing utensil.
The angry boy grabbed the crayon out of her hand harshly, scratching her.


Joo jin began to cry. She was scared. 
Soo jin quickly ran to her sister's side and pushed the boy away. “How Rude! Go away! Don’t touch my sister! !” She copied her mother’s usual sassy reply to mean and rude people.
The boy’s eyes widened and he stepped backwards.
Just at that moment another little boy ran up to them, “What’s going on? What’s happening?”
Both girls gestured to the other boy with their hands.
Quickly realizing they must not speak Mandarin, he began to speak in Korean,“Ugh, I’m sorry. My brother isn’t always like this. Yi Fan, apologize.
Yi Fan looked at the girls menacingly. He kicked over a chair in anger and ran out of the room.
Sighing, the older brother of the boy picked up all the distraught materials. 
“Sorry,” the older boy gave them a wide smile. His eyes were so kind and held so much emotion. They were like windows to his soul. He reminded them of Changmin. He looked so pure and innocent. 

“My name is Luhan. Want to be friends?”
The girls nodded, their faces were bright and cheery. 
After two months, the girls began to settle in and make friends. Slowly they grew closer with Luhan and stayed by his side. Yi Fan didn’t seem to care much. He just looked at them with bored eyes and scoffed. He wasn’t much of a team player. 
However, despite that, whenever the other children would pick on the girls, Yi Fan would scare them all away -with his unusual and intimidating height for a seven-year old. 

Luhan made sure to teach them how to speak and understand some words in Mandarin.

“Oppa, how did you learn Korean? I thought you were Chinese,” Soo jin asked curiously. 
Luhan looked towards his dongsaeng. A rubics cube was in his hand, he was determined to solve it. 
Still concentrating, he replied to her, “Our mother is an anthropologist. She likes to travel a lot for her studies. She goes through Korea many times. We travel with her a lot and pick up the languages she uses.”
Soo jin looked up at him with awe, “Wow, so why are you here now oppa?”
Luhan smiled at her, “Grandman Lim, is our real grandma. Our mom had to go to Africa this year, so we couldn’t go with her because she said we might get sick. So we stay here at her orphanage. Plus mama said she wanted us to have sisters. Maybe one day we’ll adopt. some into our family. mama loves kids.”
“Ohhh. Sorry if I ask you too many questions oppa. I have one more.”
Chuckling, the older boy, looked at her with wide eyes, “No, please, I like your questions. You’re adorable.” He gave her a wink.
The younger girl blushed. “Oppa, I like your bracelet. May I see it?”
Luhan looked to the object she was referring to. 

A bracelet of a baby deer, carved out of bronze and made out of braided purple rope. It wasn’t much, but it was quite pretty for Soo jin’s eyes.
“In the back, my baba carved out my favorite word.” He said.
Soo jin held the bracelet in her hands. It felt cold to the touch. She traced it’s protruding features.
“W-wu Han?” Soo jin squinted at the engraving. 
Luhan smiled, “Yea, I wanted to put both my brother’s name and mine on it. I want us to always be together. But, there were too many characters to fit in, so I combined our names. It brings me good luck.”
Soo jin was happy to hear of their brotherhood. She sighed, “I wish I had something for my sister and I. I also wish I could be with my older brother.”
“Why don’t you take it?”
Soo jin looked at Luhan questioningly.
“Take the bracelet,” he said, “Temporarily, until you find a home.”
Soo jin gaped, “What? Really? I can’t!”
“You need it more than I do. And it really does work.” He grabbed her wrist and wrapped the purple rope around. He tightened it to make sure it doesn’t come off.
Soo jin gave him a bright smile and hugged him really tightly.
“Thank you oppa."








There will be a part 3. What do you think? Is it ok?....still being evil with the yoosu. >:)  Sorry IF I didn't catch any typos once again. I am tired. I just. Needed to write. Any questions? Please don't hesitate to ask to clear up anything that may confuse you.

For those who don't know I also regulate a kpop meme blog. It's mainly changmin/ot5 oriented, but we have some other things in there too. Don't hesitate to visit for laughs.

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Chapter 12: Wow, either you updated insanely fast or I'm been behind on my reading. I automatically went to this chapter and I got so confused until I realized that I missed two other ones. Wah! Well, the relationships between each other are really starting to build will at least the one between Yunho and Jaejoong and Yoochun and Changmin which is really cute and loveable to see. I really liked the way that Yunho handled the whole abandonment thing with Jaejoong. It wasn't quite like a lover but almost. I mean their relationship needs to be based on trust and understanding first right?

I'm glad the story is starting to move along a lot faster. Changmin got scouted for SM! Yay! He'll be able to be with his savior Yoochun and meet his pseudo-parents. Ahh, the anticipation. Hahaha and of course the eccentric people who posed as Changmin's parents are friends of Heechul. They are nearly as crazy as he is, of course in a loveable way. I'm also glad that Changmin's sisters are okay though. It is really sad that he won't be able to be with them but at least he knows where they are and that they are safe. I mean besides being with them that is the best possibility there is. Ahh and the dorky handsomeness of Changmin's audition video, so squisable!

There is so much to say but next up is Yunho. Oh, poor boy. I really do wonder how good his voice was before his throat problems though because I do love his voice and if it got worse I wonder just how wonderful it was before all of this. I hope Jaejoong figures out Yunho's struggle and helps him out and supports him just like what Yunho did for him.

Just waiting for next thing to happen excites me! I really like reading about their training days and to see people's views on how those days were like are really exciting for me. Of course you have your own twist with the whole mafia thing but I really love it lots! Please update soon and bring Junsu in too! I'm starting to miss that duck- dolphin. Made the cut off for length of review!
Chapter 9: You are indeed evil in delaying Yoosu but it seems like Yoochun already has a bit of a crush on Junsu judging from how he asked Donghae whether an unspecified someone would be at the gathering. It's cool how you included Donghae as one of Yoochun's contacts though, SM Family connections indeed. And I'm glad that Changmin is settling into life with Yoochun okay but I can't help but worry about his sisters. The fact that they are in Beijing makes me feel really uneasy but hopefully nothing horrible happens to them!

Poor Jaejoong though, I'm guessing this is around the time period he finds out he is adopted? It was pretty creative of you to connect that to the whole hamburger incident though. I always thought it was a little weird that Heechul and Jaejoong had a falling out just because of that. I hope Yunho helps Jaejoong out of his funk and maybe a confession of feelings will occur? And one thing I did think was weird is the fact that you had Donghae call Yoochun hyung. I'm pretty sure that they are both the same age so they could be calling each other casually rather than with honorifics.

I am literally dying for more DBSK interaction though. The delay of cute, innocent Junsu is killing me. Yoosu or not, I want Junsu. I always thought his friendship with Eunhyuk during their training days was heartwarming. The fact that Eunhyuk always protected and comforted him in his hard times and sincerely congratulated him for debuting first represented how strong their friendship was. And hahaha, I can see the bad influence Eunhyuk is giving Donghae by showing him . But thanks for the fast update! I can't wait to see what happens next! Loved it! :D
Chapter 8: Yay! A fast update and the way Yunho and Jaejoong became friends was really befitting. Simple yet cute? And the fact that Four Seasons came together was really good, they do all have strong personalities and I'm really glad you added all those facts about Yunho and Jaejoong like the fact that Yunho was always really protective of Jaejoong and the fact about Yunho's girlfriend and Heechul. Thanks for clearing up the thing about the timeline! It was really helpful, and honestly, even though I'm a bit biased, I really found Yunho's teeth charming.

I'm kind of anticipating the entrance of the ever cute Junsu because honestly he probably had the worst when it came to the training days with his voice change. But I'm glad that Yoochun got introduced in this chapter and I'm happy that Yunho and Jaejoong are already going to put him under their wing. And Yunjae finally occurs even though its not official, at least they acknowledge their feelings! I'm anticipating the next chapter! I love it! Hopefully you won't get too fed up with my somewhat overly long reviews....
yunjaemrcnn #4
Chapter 7: wow! what an amazing story! thank you for sharing!
Chapter 6: Gah! This story seems so interesting to me, just the plotline you've semi outline for us is making me anticipate what is to happen next. To be honest I am dying to have more DBSK interaction. They family and togetherness just makes my heart flutter. Just the fact that Yoochun is treating Changmin like a little brother is heartwarming and the beginning of Yunjae is starts to appear in this chapter.

The characterizations you made of Yunho and Jaejoong, especially in their training years is so realistic because in interviews they have said how they have felt in kind of an obscure way and I'm glad the portrayal is spot on. The fact that Yunho has been there so long and mixed with so many different groups must have been hard. The thing is though, I thought Yunho an Jaejoong were in lots of project groups together despite not having debut for awhile and you had them together in the previous chapter and then not strangers in this one. I'm a bit confused since it can't be a time jump since Changmin is starting to get close to Yoochun in this one and in the previous chapter Yoochun just found him. So....if you could clear that up, it'd be greatly appreciated!

I can't wait for Junsu to come in or have Jaejoong mother Changmin. I don't know why but I always find the members babying Changmin so adorable and I really love Changmin/Jaejoong mothering scenes. They are just so adorable. Ahh, my comment has gotten so long with my rambling and I have more to say but it's getting a bit too long..... However! If you can't tell I really love your story a lot so far and am dying to know what is going to happen next! Please update soon! :D