Overnight Stay

The fatal Body Swap



PoV Gwen

The darkness just broke, I had not realized that the day had gone by so fast.

I looked into the dark eyes of my crush. He grinned at me.

"It worked! We're back! "

Somehow I was not so pleased about it as I should, because this meant that I would return to my old life again and I get to see Lay once again only on posters and concerts.

Funny a few minutes ago I had still about fear that I would never see my family again and now ...

What was wrong with me?

"Hmm, but you can't go home you know."

"Why not?"

"Well you could try to describe the way to our apartment the other girls. Then we would have a mob on the neck. "

I poked him in the side.

Lay began to laugh.

"You know that I'm only kidding. It is already too late and we have told your mother that you're off with your friend. Also I have to take responsibility. After all, I'm older than you. "

"Hey, you're just a year older than me!" While we quarreled, I noticed something.

"Why do we still understand each other?"

"Yeah, that's really weird."

"What if it's just for a short time and we change back after an hour?"

"No, that can't be."

"Okay, then I'll change my clothes now."

"It's alright." But he still remained seated.

"Are not you going?"

He blushed.

"S-sorry. Was already a habit. "

He left the room and I sighed with relief. Then I stripped quickly and jumped in the long red dress. Hopefully it pleased Lay.


PoV Lay

Lay went out to his friends.

"Hey guys, I'm back to myself."

They looked at him for a few seconds, then Kai burst out: "You have done it again didn't you?" He raised his eyebrow and grinned.

"Shut up."

Luhan stepped forward.

"Who has given us the teddy bears and what colour are they?"

"Fans from Seoul and they are white."

"Who are the laziest here?"

"You and Kai."

"And what is it I hate most?"

"When people are sitting on your bed. You kick them off. "

Luhan wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"Yixing you're really!"

"Of course it's really me."

Suddenly he heard a voice behind him. "Uh ... I don't know about you, but I'm hungry."

Lay turned around and saw an angel in a red dress. It was the dress that he wanted to see her in, and now she wore it.

But he wasn't the only one who realised her beauty. The other guys were staring at her.

Suddenly he felt a stinging jealousy.

"Yes, in the fridge you will surely find something. The boys and I have to discuss something. "

When he looked at the guys they either had large eyes or their jaw tropped to the floor.

He hissed angrily to them, "Behave." Then he pulled them to the couch in front of the TV, which was apparently made for all members, because it was huge.

While the girl searched in the refrigerator for something to eat.

Lay sat across from the guys and leaned forward. "Do not even think to touch her."

"Since when are you so jealous?"

"I-i-i'm not. She is too young and I have the responsibility, and I also do not want one of you breaking her heart. "

"Excuses over excuses." Kai apparently looked through him.

"Yeah, but hands off of her."

But not all of the guys nodded.
Tao jumped up from the couch and walked over to the fridge.
When Gwen saw him it startled her.
"Woah! You can't scare me like that. "
Tao looked a little bent.
"Sorry, I didn't want that."
Apparently she felt guilty that she had snapped at him like that.
"Never mind, dear tell me beforehand if you show up suddenly beside me. I'm pretty jumpy. "
Tao started to smile.
"How old are you?"
"Hmm, I'm younger than Lay, but older than Chen." This made the boys sit up. She was apparently a fan who had done her homework well or she just had a good memory to remember all the birthdays.
"Then you're my Nonna."
"Yup, had on 28 July birthday. "
The other guys came closer to Gwen. Lay didn't like this. Did they ever listened to him?
"What are your hobbies?" Taos questioning went on.
"Um, swimming, I like to cook even though I can not as well, I'm going to a school where you learn to cook. I love to read, unfortunately the books dissapear way too fast." Oh yes, he had seen her books.
"Well, like any girl, I like to go shopping and I'm pretty lazy sometimes and squat around on the couch and watch TV."
The boys stared at her.
"What is it?"
PoV Gwen
Guys could be so difficult sometimes. I turned back around and kept looking in the fridge for food. My stomach growled. Embarrassed, I turned around.
"Has anyone heard that?" At my expression, they had to laugh.
D.O. or as I prefer to call him Kyungsoo, came to me and I walked quickly out of the way so he wouldn't touch me. "Come on and sit on the couch, I'll make something to eat."
The rumors were true then, Kyungsoo really behaved like a mom. Not that it bothered me.
I s my way through the guys while they looking at me inquiringly, but I just smiled. I quickly scurried over to the couch and noticed that Lay still sat there.
Blushing, I sat down beside him. But I was not alone. Immediately the other guys sat next to me and pushed him away. But I had to get up quickly, because skin contact I had to definitely avoid.
"Why are you standing up? Do you not like us," asked Tao with googly eyes.
"No, that's not it. You just not have to touch me. "
Now Baekhyun noticed something. "You were the one Dan Bing has made for ​​us right? And then you became unconscious when I touched you."
"Yes, but I will not tell you the reason. So no touching. "
Suddenly I heard a sigh of relief from the side. I looked to Lay. He seemed somehow as if a heavy load was now of his shoulders.
"You think that's good? Well I don't think it 's good that I can never touch a boy." Except, of course of himself, but he needn't to know that. Anger boiled up in me and I went to the dining table and crossed my arms over my chest.
"We can help you."
I turned my head to them. "How will you help me?"
"Well, we can always touch you only lightly."
I searched frantically for help.
"Not now. After the meal perhaps." Kyungsoo came to help me by giving me a steaming plate of lightly fried vegetables and chicken strips. The water ran in my mouth. So quickly Kyungsoo couldn't see the food was gone.
I moaned satisfied. "That was good. Thank you. "
Kyungsoo smiled sweetly at me. "Thank you for the compliment. So now you should all go to sleep. It's getting late. "
All wailed. "What? That is unfair. You said after eating we can try. "Just Lay was damn quiet.
"Gwen is certainly tired, also you can still do that in the morning."
Now I looked up. "How do you know my name?"
Kyungsoo looked at me smiling. "You told Lay at the autograph session."
"Oh, right." Suddenly I again remembered the embrace of Lay. I blushed.
"Wait," said Baekhyun.
Damn he also remembered.
"You aren't getting unconscious from Lay's embrace. Why from my touch? "
My face was even redder.
"Uh ... Because ... he ... I ... damn." I stood up. "I'd better go to sleep," I said, and disappeared in the direction of Lays and Luhans room.
Behind me, I heard laughter. Damn boys and their questions.
I threw myself into Lays bed and noticed that he had followed me.
"What is?"
He looked down at me. "Gwen."
I raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"
He came closer. "Gwen."
"For the ten thousandth time: Yeah! I know that's my name and if you say it again I will beat you up."
Lay shook his head.
"Why can I touch you?"
My anger fizzled and blush took his place. Damn, I had made that too many times today.
"Um, I will not tell you." He came a step nearer and reached out his hand to me. He gently my cheek.
Heat rose up in me and gathered at a specific location.
But I did not faint.
Just when Lay leaned closer the door was flung open. Chanyeol shouted into it: "Slumber Party!"
He had a futon and a big pillow in his hand, and behind him stood and watched the others a little bit too curious.
Lay and I enlarged the distance between us and all came into the room. It was so big that all 12 had space and built their futons. Kai threw to me and Lay futons and pillows, also to Luhan.
As Lay looked at him questioningly he said only: "Do you think you may sleep in a soft bed while we all lying on the floor? Well thought wrong. "
I had to suppress a giggle and laid on my futon. Right next to me was Chanyeol and on the other side Lay.
Chanyeol grinned at me.
"What is it?"
"I will keep you awake all night."
"Because it's fun. "

PoV Lay
Gwen got along too well with the boys. Even Kyungsoo had said her name before him. That was unacceptable.
She excused herself for a moment and quickly disappeared into the bathroom to change into her pyjamas.
Meanwhile he walked over to Kyungsoo, who was already in his futon and looked like a small caterpillar, and kicked him once.
"Hey! What was that for? "
Without an answer he went to his futon but behind him he heard Kai whisper: "Our little unicorn is probably jealous."
Lay wanted to say something, but then Gwen came out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a tank top, and my God she wasn't wearing a bra and little shorts that put her long legs on display.

He got big eyes.
How would he survive the night?

I just noticed I didn't leave an author note

here just a little one, if you like it: subscribe, upvote, comment

if you want to check out my other ff here's the link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/420946/trust-me-betrayal-romance-exok-baekhyun

now I'm sleepy and go to bed

If you have another time as me ('cause you live in another country) then have a nice day

Annyeong :)

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sonyangchen #1
Chapter 6: oh my gawwwd that was just sooo fluffy >__<... bin hier grad fast am sterben x__x cuteness overload! *o* <3
micahzjello #2
Annyeong~ Please support me on my new fanfic juseyo~ http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/479529/desire-and-lust-hunhan kamsa~
Bakakumo #3
Chapter 1: I think you got the country wrong. Because of them being English speaking and the kangaroo comment, I think you meant Australia, instead of Austria, which is a European German-speaking country. Those two usually gets mixed up for sounding similar....