
The fatal Body Swap



PoV Lay

"What do you mean Body swap? And who is that girl?"

"Isn't she the fan girl you gave a hug?" Kai remembered.

"Let's go I have to explain this to you in more detail," he said in the body of the girl.

They all stared at him as if he had just been transformed into a rabbit.

Lay went outside and picked up a glass of water.

Now of all the others had to find out that they have swapped bodies.

The girl in his body followed him and sat at the table where sat all the other soon. A few  stood, it was not so much space.

"All right. You will not believe it, but I am Lay and stuck in this body. "

PoV Luhan

What was Yixing doing for a nonsense? Luhan could not believe it really. A crazy fan girl stood straight forward and told them that she was Yixing and in his body would be this girl.

"How do we know that you're not lying?"

"Yes, prove it." Kris also did not seem particularly enthusiastic.
She put her hands on her hips.

"What do you want to know?"

"Does not matter, tell us something that only Yixing know."
She sighed.
That would probably take longer.

"I love snacks that actually eats mostly Luhan, sleep with a mask and once I fall asleep, no one gets me awake.

I sleep like a stone. I usually blathering the secrets of the group and always tell the truth.

My ringtone is "Falling in Love with the future you" and Luhan has also once covered it.
I was a trainee for four years and when I got my stage name Luhan asked: >> The one who died in Death Note? <<

Whenever I argue Luhan I tell him that he gets beautifuller from day to day, that's quite embarrassing for him and he says nothing anymore. "

All looked at me. I was red in the face.

"THAT'S NOT RIGHT!" Everyone had to laugh.

"Tao is pretty crazy for shopping and he usually asks Kris, if he does not want to go with him he puts his sweetest face on and asks him nicely."

"Okay, okay, that's enough. I believe you, but only on one condition. A little test. Cook for Luhan seafood soup. "

"Are you crazy Luhan has an allergy to it."

I looked at the girl that apparently was in Yixing body.

"How do you know that?" Everyone looked at Yixing body.

His face was slightly red.

"Uh, you forgot Fan Girl."

"Speaking of, I wanted to ask. How can you speak our language if you're from Austria? "

"I think that comes from the body swap, I understand all the languages ​​that Lay can speak and he understands mine. For example we can talk in German, but also in Mandarin and Korean. Actually, I thought we had previously spoken in German, then you would not understand us, but somehow it must have been switched inside inconspicuously."

"Cool, talk in German." Chanyeol seemed to find this funny.

I sighed.

"This is not the time for games. We need to figure out how to reverse it again. "Kris remained serious.

"Yes, after all, you can't go with us back to Seoul."

"And what should we do? Do you have any suggestions?" The girl in Yixing's body was apparently used to enter commands.

"You could try to touch, I've seen that in a movie."

"Chanyeol this really is not the right time!"

"What? It was just a suggestion. "

PoV Gwen

If that would go on like this I would never return back to my body.

The guys just talked what we should do, but each had a different opinion.

Then suddenly spoke, the otherwise silent, Suho. Leader of Exo K.

"We will then have no choice but to try everything."

Oh great, I was an experiment.

I looked at my body.

Only now I was aware of my situation correctly. Somehow I had managed to suppress my feelings until now and to mimic the Cool, but now it broke up.

What would happen if I did not come out of this body?

I would be stuck here forever!

No, no, no!

I had family!

When I looked into my eyes I noticed the same fears.

How stupid and selfish I was.

Lay still had the same problem as me. His dream would disappear. I could not be panic now, had to keep a clear head. Be optimistic. Somehow we'd make it.

"Well, then we should start I would say."

The first idea was Chanyeols. I stood up and walked over to Lay. Then I reached out my hand and touched his.
Heat rose up in me. Even though I was trapped in this body, I still felt the tingling in my toes. So deep I was going down, so that I fell for my own body?

I had to swallow before I said, "Did not work. Next attempt. "

However, the next ideas were all unsuccessful.

Someone had the stupid idea that we should run into each other. Unfortunately, we were so desperate, we did that too.

That really hurt.

Another idea was to pour water over both of us. Very stupid idea.

"Damn, that's no good. Any more ideas? "

A few guys had to laugh as I was drying my short hair.

"Yes, yes, it's okay now. Come think a little bit. "


Oh great. I sighed.

"How about you kiss?"

I looked at the speaker.

Kai raised an eyebrow.

"No, that would not work." My face was as red as a tomato.

"Why not? Try it anyway. "

Damn now the others looked interested. Probably they thought itself why's the "little Fan Girl" shy.

I probably had no choice.

I would give lay my first kiss, my heartthob for over 4 years.

Actually a dream would come true for me.

Why do I feel so bad then?





so 3rd chapter, sorry for not updating in the last time, had to do the other story xD

have shortened the chapter, so that I will make more updates,

also i changed the colours cause everything would be in red.




Like in my other story I must remind you NO SILENT READER!! O.O Imma gonna get ya! xD

Ah~ Teen Top <3

Okay enough Fan Girl for now


Annyeong :)






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sonyangchen #1
Chapter 6: oh my gawwwd that was just sooo fluffy >__<... bin hier grad fast am sterben x__x cuteness overload! *o* <3
micahzjello #2
Annyeong~ Please support me on my new fanfic juseyo~ kamsa~
Bakakumo #3
Chapter 1: I think you got the country wrong. Because of them being English speaking and the kangaroo comment, I think you meant Australia, instead of Austria, which is a European German-speaking country. Those two usually gets mixed up for sounding similar....