The first Meeting

The fatal Body Swap

PoV Gwen

The day began as usual. I stood up, brushed my teeth, put on my clothes, get school supplies ready, snack making, school bag, put on my shoes and leave the house.

It was October but it was still warm, so you only needed a thin jacket to go out of the house. The outfit that I had chosen was not bad. Black t-shirt with a scoop neck, to a green jacket, pants and my blue sneakers.

Why all the elevator?  

Today was the 7th October 2013, and thus the birthday of my favorite K-pop singer. Lay from Exo M. Today I wanted to check the latest video from Exo M and wish him "Happy Bithday"  in Mandarin.

But I did not know that on that day, my life would change rapidly.

PoV Lay

During that: Seoul in Exo M Suite Chen and Kris went with a giant cake in the room. Xiumin, Luhan and Tao planted beside Lay and began to sing a birthday song in Mandarin. Chen and Xiumin had it memorized separately because they actually speak Korean. Since they were in the capital of South Korea they also sang once the Korean birthday song.

Lay wanted to blow out the candles just as her manager came storming into the room.

"You all must go now!"

"Where?" Kris asked.

"To Austria!"

"What? Why?" Luhan looked confused. "Where Kangaroos life?" But everyone igrnored him. 

"We have a concert there. And I forgot about it. If we go now we would make it. And since you all still have your things packed anyway, this shouldn't be a problem, right? " 

Everyone sighed. "You owe us a meal," Lay said, getting up only to disappear into his room, like the others.
An hour later they were on the plane. Lay, not thrilled, looked out the window and passed the time thinking about what he should wish to eat.

PoV Gwen

As I arraived at the school the first one who approched me my friend Melanie.

"Guess, guess, guess!"

"What, what, what?"


I also started screaming and jumping around excitedly with her. But since we attracted too much attention we stopped and sat on the window sill.

"This is so cool. But how do we get cards now?"

Meli reached into her pocket and pulled out two cards.While I was a Fan of Lay, Meli was one of Luhan. This was also the story how we got to know each other. 

"No way! How did you get them?"

She began to grin. "I've got my Connections."

I put my card into the schoolbag and could not wait until the school finally was over.

PoV Lay

The airport was unusually quiet. Very pleasant, as Lay was in a bad mood anyway. No screaming fan girls, no photos. But this also meant that they did not have a lot of fans in Austria. Then what were they doing here?

"Don't worry, the airport is just empty, because the concert was announced a short time ago," said the manager. "Right, I must tell you Exo K is also here."

The mood of the guys got right back in anticipation to see the friends from the "other side" . Lay only remained silent, for him it was not really a great day, or rather birthday. After they had picked up the luggage they went to the van that was waiting for them outside and entered.

The trip took longer again until they finally arrived at their apartment. Lay went straight into it, threw himself on the first bed in the room that was the nearest to the kitchen. Luhan soon followed, as the two are so often shared a room. After Luhan brought his and Lays luggage he sat next to Lay.

"Hey Yixing, don't be so depressed, after the show we can check out the environment and go on with your party."

But Lay did not want to talk about it, so he changed the subject.

"Where are Kai and the others?" Luhan sighed.

"One floor above us."

"How about we go visit them."


PoV Gwen

"Gwen are you ready?"

"Yes, right away! Be there in a minute."

45 minutes until the concert.

My mother said she would take us there, and I was specially put on another outfit. But I used only a little bit Make-Up. I found that these girls appeared inflated so snooty. I wanted Lay to see the real me and not a rigged thing.

After the concert, there should be an autograph session and I had a picture with all Exo members so they could sign.

I grabbed my bag and ran to the car. My mother surprised started laughing. "You must really love this band, do you? '

" Only one," I whispered.

"What did you say?" Mother had ears like a bat, sometimes really inappropriate. 

"Nothing." Meli and I started to laugh at the back, and the rest of the trip we just chatted about the show and if we would dare to ask at the autograph session for a hug.

PoV Lay

A few minutes before going on stage and in front of the stage cavorted more people than Lay had expected. The noise level rose.  

"Hey, got nervous already?" 

Kai tapped him on the shoulder from behind. As Lay also could speak Korean, he actually understood each one in Exo.

"No, I just hope it's over quickly."

"Aigoo! Don't be depressed, it will  be okay. I bet you will meet a very cute girl and fall for her."

"Yeah. In your dreams maybe. "

" Hey, you'll be  standing on the stage first, so plug your power into dancing. "

"Yeah, sorry."

The boys came to him and put the hands together, to encourage each other, and screamed: "Exo salang ida!"

The music of "Mama" began to play and Lay forgot everything and engrossed in the dance and the song.


PoV Gwen

I could not believe it, I was on a real Exo concert.

Crazy girls crowded around me in order to be closer to their idols and Meli and I were no different. Suddenly, the music of "Mama" to play and then as figures came out of the dark stage the crowd screamed louder than before.

The spotlight was thrown on the boys and they began their first verse. When they were done and dropped the robes my eyes immediately searched for Lay. That was not hard, because he was always in the middle. The boys began to dance and I gazed to Lay. His movements were smooth and flow into each other.

I really admired him. Four years of training, and I wouldn't be able to do such a thing so good. But of course that was not the only reason why I liked him (loved?). Every time I've seen him in a show, he surprised me even more. He was very honest and immersed himself in the music. Lay loved to dance and had a not very quick reaction. What made me laugh every time.

On stage, he sparkled with charisma and in the shows he was rather shy. He had really a lot sides and I liked each of them. Lays Part began and immediately my body became warmer and it was like I was in a trance, my whole body started to tingle. Before my blood rose to head I held on to my friend. She looked a little worried, but she already knew my reaction to lay, so she stood still and supported me.

Shortly after Lays part was over and in a moment of silence, he gazed over the crowd and stopped suddenly hanging on me. It was as if time would stop (probably because Tao xD). I stopped breathing and it was not until the second was over, and his eyes moved I started breathing again.

"Did you see that. He looked at me."

" Yes, like all the other 1000 girls here who are dying of a heart collapse. With such a big heart in her eyes. Come on back to reality."

Apparently Meli was not very impressed. When "History" began to play Exo M&K danced together. The concert went by way too fast (it was only a small one, because they didn't know how the crowd would react) and the autograph session began. A huge queue of girls, that were in my opinion much prettier than me, stand in line to get closer to Exo. Meli and I waited until the room emptied a bit then we walked to queue. We were last but that didn't matter. The boys behaved quite normally waved now and then and smiled like gingerbread horses.

Lay just did not look very happy. His smile was forced. Obviously, they did not expect so many fans in Austria. I just hoped that the other fans didn't take too long. I wanted finally to be close to Lay. (I know that sounds cheesy, but fan girls understand me, right?)

PoV Lay

The concert was over and Lay struggled to smile. He spoke but little or not with the fans. When the girls were less and the room emptied, he sighed with relief. Soon, only two were there.

The girl in front of him put a picture on the table at which all members of Exo were seen.

"Can you please write: For Gwen."

Lay was looking for a free place on yet none had Signed, because Luhan and he sat the end and signed last, and did what she had told him.

Then she and the girl next to her,  that stood in front of Luhan, asked: "Can I also get a hug?"

Lay looked up. The girl had brown-red curly hair and green eyes with long eyelashes. She wore a little bit make-up, just so that it looked natural, and her cheeks were slightly flushed.

"Of course," Luhan and Lay said sinc.

The two stood up and gave the girls a hug. Lay noticed the slightly sweet smell that emanated from her. He liked it. Not as sweet as other perfumes, as if she knew what he would like it.

After what felt like eternity, he let her go and she stammered: "Th-thank you."

 Meanwhile Luhan and the other fan girl didn't seperated. Lay coughed once and his friend came back to reality, and dismissed the Crimson girl from his arms. Luhan was also a little bit red in his face. Lay had to stifle a laugh. The girls thanked them and disappeared out the door. Perhaps he would see her again? But he dismissed the idea the same time. Who knew how long they would stay here.

Kai said viciously: "Didn't I tell you? Now you have one victim."

"Ye ~" Lay got up to get ready..

PoV Gwen

Mom was waiting at the door for us.

"Well, how was it?"

Meli was the first to get her voice back. "S-s-super."

We got into the car and I immediately let go of all my pent-up feelings. My face was tomato red and I had to bite my thumb, not to scream. Meli had to laugh at the sight of me and could not hold anymore. The permit was probably her way of  stessing out. Mom brought Meli home and we also returned. At home I threw myself, after I showered, into bed and fell asleep with a grin on my face.

Pov Lay

After the concert, everyone was too exhausted to go out and explore the area, so they wished Lay a happy birthday and disappeared into their rooms. Luhan and he threw themseves, after a shower, in their beds.

"What an exhausting birthday," Lay thought just before he fell asleep.

PoV Gwen

A few rays of sunshine came through the window and hit my face.

"Oh, tomorrow already,"

I said and ran my fingers through my hair. It felt strange, but I thought no more about it. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and squinted across the room. Huh? That was funny. I couldn't remember, that my room was so big. And a second bed was also not in my room. Only now I noticed the person that was wrapped in the second bed. I quietly got up and crept towards the human. Suddenly it turned and I looked into Exo M Luhans face. I covered my mouth with the hand.


What happened? Where was I?  And why was Luhan also here?

Suddenly I noticed that my hand was bigger than it should be. I looked down at myself. As yet there was something missing. Where were my ......?! Near the window, there was a large mirror.

I stood in front of it and looked into Lays eyes! I touched my face ... no Lays. The body. Pinched me in the arm. That was reality!

I was stuck in the body of my favorite Kpop singer!




So that was the first chapter, hope you enjoyed it and please comment.

I just like to clarify something, 'cause some of you might missunderstand: The comment about the kangaroo, I didn't mixed up the countries, I just wanted to make Luhan look a bit like a Pabo, 'cause people often can't different the countries, and I wanted to show that Luhan also doesn't know Austria, hope it's not too confusing ^^

The words in other colours are other languages, here you can see what what is:




Annyeong :)


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sonyangchen #1
Chapter 6: oh my gawwwd that was just sooo fluffy >__<... bin hier grad fast am sterben x__x cuteness overload! *o* <3
micahzjello #2
Annyeong~ Please support me on my new fanfic juseyo~ kamsa~
Bakakumo #3
Chapter 1: I think you got the country wrong. Because of them being English speaking and the kangaroo comment, I think you meant Australia, instead of Austria, which is a European German-speaking country. Those two usually gets mixed up for sounding similar....