Minute 5: Secret Weapon




oh gosh, Aron..please don't look so goddamn ic ==" 


“Okay, firstly. Umm…” Minhyun paused to think of the right words. “I think…Ren and Baekho had a fight.”

Aron rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Why, thank you for disturbing my precious sleep just to point that out-”

Minhyun glared at Aron, shutting him up before cutting in. “What I was trying to say Aron-hyung, is that they are having a couples’ spat.

“Couple what?” Aron said confusedly. “Couples’ spit?”

Minhyun groaned. He was growing weary of Aron’s lack in Korean language skills.

“It’s umm…you know when lovers quarrel? Yeah, it’s that.”

“What?” Aron spluttered loudly and then dropped his tone back to a quieter one, thankful no one had made any indication of noticing anything. “You mean- but they’re guys-I mean-Baekho’s just attracted isn’t he? At least, it seems like it—because, well, Ren is like a girl and all…There’s no…way…” And then the eldest member of the group grimaced and gulped.

Minhyun facepalmed, shaking his head and sighing. “You are so clueless, hyung. Don’t you know that they’re all at it? And you say you check tumblr…? The whole shipping and ‘male relationship’ thing are all over it.” Minhyun simultaneously took out his iPad out of his bagpack, altogether ignoring the look of horror on Aron’s face. “Look, look. They named Baekho and Ren…Baekren. There’s also…Jren, Jron, Minren…”

Aron gasped as they came across a picture of Baekho and Ren, kissing and lying totally next to each other.

“When did they take this--?“

Minhyun frowned at Aron confusedly. “Hyung, don’t tell me you don’t know photoshop?”




After what seemed like a whole life-changing experience for Aron and an energy-draining session of explaining every single detail to Aron about the erted minds of fangirls (and boys) for Minhyun, they finally veered into the main topic again, arriving at their dorm as they did.

They had to pretend both of them were ‘taking some air’ outside and settled down just in front of their dorm door, right in the middle of the hallway.

Aron didn’t even know if what they’re doing makes sense, but it seemed to be perfectly fine for Minhyun, because the boy started talking again, without minding the fact that it was 2a.m in the morning and they had just came back from a very long and exhausting rehearsal.

“So, I was thinking we could have an intervention.”

“Intervention?” Aron repeated dumbly. “Oh, wait I know this one. It’s like…a meeting right?”

Minhyun  nodded quickly, glad that his almost-foreign hyung was at least trying to remember hard words.

“Well, we should at least do something, you know? We’ll force them into confessing their umm…feelings. Then we’ll all discuss it.”

“You think they’ll do that? It’ll be super awkward. Ren wouldn’t even hear it. You know how he is…umm, erasive.”

Minhyun raised an incredulous brow. “You mean evasive?”

Aron opened his mouth and closed it shut again. “Yeah, you know I meant that.” He said rather quietly. Minhyun grinned. Aron can actually be cute when he’s not obnoxiously trying to be.

“Baekho’s easy since he thinks I’m cool and all—“

Aron scoffed.

“What? He does!”

Aron rolled his eyes. “Continue.”

“Okay, Baekho’ll agree as long as I’m involved—“ another sarcastic cough that sounded suspiciously like ‘jerkhead’ was heard but Min promptly ignored it. “—but Ren is another thing. He’ll know something’s up, so we have to use our secret weapon.”

“Secret… weapon?” Aron repeated in American-accent English.

“Yeah.” Minhyun smiled. “Junior Royal.”



A/N: junior royal sounds so dirty in my mind...


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sHinerenzu #1
Chapter 3: OK…I knew the mad Ren is really cute. So you found him amusing too now, heh,Min? I wonder who is the person that Ren likes. Well,I don’t know whether should I say poor Baekho for Ren’s abused to his teeth or thanks to him now Baekho’s teeth will look whiter than before…LOL.

Oh...so he confess already??? *kyaaaaaa* (I kinda have a feeling Ren'll think he is still drunk)

Yuppp author-nim, I'll comment on every chapter *hoho. This story is funny.
sHinerenzu #2
Chapter 2: Aron is the only one who interested at the alcohol ice cream XD and nobody even cared. Is there really an alcohol ice cream? I never knew neither found one.

Poor Minhyun. He couldn't resist the maknae, huh? Not all of maknaes are evil. I'm a maknae in my family, and I'm not evil..hohohoho *evillaugh*
sHinerenzu #3
Chapter 1: I just found this story and already love the 1st chapter ^^. It's so cute. I like the part 'maybe Baekho just being Baekho',, LOL and Baekho attempted tomurder the maknae in sleep...haha...

I'm going to read the rest of the chapter and then I'll comment again ^^.
shinoside #4
Chapter 10: This story is cute! Love it