Chapter Three: The Prey

A Lover's Dance
What annoys myself is Choi Siwon. My superior. He was superior in work, abs (his six-pack being more impressive than my own), height and in flirting. He always got the man but one of the things which annoyed me most was what he called me. My name was Park Jungsoo so why did he call me Leeteuk? Never before had I have such a nickname and it was embarrassing to be called special.
How many people had teased me over the water cooler over my relationship which him. Which there was none of, not that Siwon hadn't tried to get me in his bed at first but that was just Siwon he just had to get every attractive employee under him to sleep with him. He was always out to get people into his bed. 
He preys regularly, both as in searching for good looking male to sleep with him his own little game to see how many guys he can get into bed (and he was largely successful sans Heechul after all Heechul's lips tasted the same as Hangeng's fist) and as in praying to the Lord. I wouldn't be surprised if the Lord had given up on Siwon, seriously how could an openly gay manizer be so religious and believe he was not sinning? 
According to Siwon he had been told to do this to help people come to terms with their uality and open their eyes. I believed he just used that as an excuse though in fact it had been the case most times. He had given up after a month with me when I refused to sleep with him as I wanted to make love with someone important to me rather than mindless and Siwon valued that. Something that made me think... maybe he wasn't so bad.
Then he decided another embarrassing nickname which I wasn't sure whether it was a compliment or a mocking. Angel Teuk, I got even more teased for that and people started calling myself Shisus' Angel and Siwon... Siwon was loving it I could tell in his stupid grin of his with his dimples showing. Something which made me realise that he was that bad.
Today there was to be a new employee, a male one at that, the supplied image of him showed him to be quite handsome. A Mister Cho Kyuhyun, single as far as we could tell considering his contact details and he stated he lived with a male flatmate who he had listed as ZhouMi and as far as they could deem from what was put he wasn't a boyfriend.
Which made him a perfect candidate to be Siwon's latest challenge, It seemed like Choi Siwon had found some new prey. It was annoying to have to deal with this but I tend to forewarn the new ones and help them through it, after all a heavily flirting Siwon on your first day can be overwhelming especially as Siwon always found an excuse to lose clothing and walk aroung half . So I'll have to get to Kyuhyun first so Siwon doesn't fry his circuits.
Siwon being Siwon found an excuse to become half again, he had split his trousers' seams. However this time I believed was an accident, with a sigh I was made to measure his legs as Siwon had to have his trousers made perfectly for his body as he was a vain man and liked showing off and he claimed non-measured trousers couldn't do that for him, I didn't see why I couldn't just get him a fresh pair from his own house but no I had to replace the ruined ones via getting a new set made. Siwon was awkward.
As I was between the others legs measuring away with a small blush out of embarrassment being stuck between the others legs and hoping none of our colleagues arrived seeing as this could look wrong and it would start more rumours about my and Siwon's non-existent relationship. Sadly luck was not on my side as I heard the door open, someone else was here... alerting us with a rather nervous cough. This scene must have looked bad to the poor guy.
I continued the measuring though as if I didn't Siwon would lose his trousers and scare off Kyuhyun completely. A tap on my head caused me to look around to see that I may have unintentionally scared Kyuhyun as well. As the boy was standing right there. In reality he was much cuter looking that his photograph had suggested especially seeing as he had a blush plastered upon his pale cheeks, he looked so uncertain and shy... I found it adorable. I was filled with a greater urge to protect the other from Siwon's erted urges as Kyuhyun looked like a lost child, so innocent... if it wasn't for the light bulge.
Now the bulge may have swayed the innocence somewhat as well as the cold expression in the others eyes but I still wanted to protect him, Siwon shouldn't touch untainted gems such as him. Not when he was just going to flirt and tease. I could tell it by Siwon's gaze, he wanted the other and he was going to do it no matter what. Kyuhyun was his type afterall. 
"Leeteuk... go get some tea whilst I speak to the new employee." Siwon stated, and I was filled with dread Siwon was going to get Kyuhyun alone if I didn't think of something. But I didn't have to, Kyuhyun did it for me. In a controlled manner Kyuhyun looked down at the sitting male which was Siwon and said coolly.
"You shouldn't drink tea next to a computer especially with such a messy desk besides even if some was for myself I would decline as I don't take drinks from strange men." I snickered softly at Kyuhyun's  calling Siwon a strange man, Siwon was blinking in shock I think he had never been replied to like that before so it was a first he just stammered a little before regaining his composure.
"Very well then... lets speak then." Siwon said in somewhat awkwardness. And he had probably thought Kyuhyun would be easy like I had. I was glad to be proved wrong.
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Chapter 9: LOOl poor henry! Update soon!
Chapter 9: update more please....
Want some KyuTeuk WonTeuk WonKyuTeuk *puppy eyes
Chapter 8: I want some WonTeuk...
Update soon please.. Curious what's Kyu's idea
Chapter 8: Gosh Kyu u r just so..asdffgghjkmll...and isn't his name Henry...anyway i want to see hw the story progresses...want some Kyuteuk...hehehe....^_~ update soon....
Chapter 8: Kyu you like anyone that plays starcraft with you >o<
pleas update soon ^▽^
Chapter 7: Kyu go with a duck a cute one^^ pleas update soon I love the story hope u update soon^▽^
Love entangles you in its endless embrace
Chapter 7: hahaha...
Cho Kyuhyun always have an idea XD
update ASAP please :D
a hard choice for me to support between Won or Teuk!!
I loved when Siwon jealous btw ;)
Chapter 7: Oh God, Jungsu has the upper hand!
Since he loves Star craft lol..
Anyway, thanks for the update!