Appa's Lover? Changmin?

Our Happy Family...Not

Junsu let his legs bring him to anywhere it wants to go. He doesn't care where. He just wants to run. Run away from everything. He stops running after feeling the ache in his thighs, sitting down on a bench. He brought his legs close towards him, himself crying out his misery.

"Of all people you want to date, it's someone I like. Of all people you want to date, it's someone who is allegedly your son." Junsu mumbled to himself.

"Junsu?" Junsu looked up immediately, his breathing hitched as he sees the man standing in front of him.

"Yoochun..." Junsu called weakly.

"Oh god, what happened to you?" Yoochun asked, sitting down beside Junsu immediately. He wipe Junsu's tears away, waiting for an explanation.

"What happened, Junsu ah? You can tell me. I can help you." Yoochun said but Junsu just shake his head.

"Then I'll send you home. You're staying in that baking academy, right? Come on." Yoochun tried to pull Junsu up but the boy resisted, shaking his head once again.

"Don't you want to go home?" Yoochun asked.

"I don't want to go home."  Junsu muttured softly.

"Then where should I bring you?"

"I don't want to go anywhere. Leave me alone." Junsu said, pushing Yoochun away but the man continued sitting there.

"Alright, how about this? I'll bring you back to the hotel I'm staying." Junsu glared at Yoochun immediately.

"Don't glare at me like that. I'm not going to do anything to you. I just don't want to leave you alone here. People can hurt you." Yoochun said.

"Come on." The older man urged, holding out his hand for Junsu to hold.

Junsu looked at Yoochun, uncertained. Yoochun nod at him and Junsu hold on to Yoochun's hand. The older man smiled at him before Yoochun lead him to the hotel nearby. They got inside Yoochun's suite and Yoochun let Junsu sit down on the bed.

"Do you want me to call anyone? Your guardian or something?" Yoochun asked but Junsu just shake his head.

"Take some rest. Or do you want to eat something? I can call the room service for you."

"I want to sleep." Junsu said and Yoochun nodded, understanding.

"I'll leave you here then. I'm going to the other room to do some work. Call me if you need something." Yoochun said, leaving the boy in the bedroom.

Yoochun walked to the other vacant room, sitting in front of his laptop before dialing Yunho's number. He waited for the man to pick up but Yunho didn't answer the call.

"He must be busy or something." Yoochun muttured before his hand reached for Jaejoong's photo lying on the table in front of him.

"Where are you, Jae?" Yoochun asked himself, caressing the photo softly.

"If it wasn't for Yunho's father, maybe...just maybe, you probably will be living happily with Yunho right now. Isn't that your dream, Jae? So why did you leave him? You're not the type to follow what Yunho's father says. What is the real reason to you leaving him, Jaejoong ah?" Yoochun muttured softly.

He tossed the photo back on the table before deciding to go back to the bedroom. Junsu was fast asleep, tucked under the warm comforter. He sat down beside the boy, letting his thumb glide along the sleeping boy's cheek. Yoochun leaned closer towards Junsu, his eyes focusing on the red lips. Junsu's eyes fluttured open, looking at Yoochun confusingly. Yoochun hold on to Junsu's wrist tightly, not allowing the boy to move.

"What are you doing?" Junsu shouted but Yoochun just smirk.

"Something I wanted to do ever since I see your little over there." Yoochun said.

"No! Stop! Somebody help!" Junsu screamed, thrashing his body around as he tried to make Yoochun lost his hold.

Yoochun just chuckle, his mind imagining things that he could do Junsu. Yoochun felt someone carrying him off Junsu and he turned around to punch the person. Yunho punched Yoochun before his best friend could do it, thus causing Yoochun to fall down at the side of the bed.

"Yunho?" Yoochun asked, confused at what is going on.

"What the hell were you doing? Junsu, come over here." Yunho said, pulling Junsu behind him. Junsu followed obediantly, not wanting to stay near Yoochun.

"Why are you here? You're supposed to come tomorrow." Yoochun said, standing up.

"There's no need for you to know why I'm here so early. The problem now is you. You told me that you're coming here to find Jae but here you are, screwing people around!"

"How did you know? You were spying on me? I'm your best friend. How could you even spy on me?" Yoochun asked, feeling that he was not trusted enough by Yunho.

"I shouldn't have told someone to spy on you? Then I wouldn't found out about this." Yunho said, reaching out of his pocket before pulling out a stack of documents. He threw all of them on the bed.

"Park Yoochun, explain to me. I know you love partying around but this? This is too much, Yoochun. I'm being questioned by all the directors because you took the company's money just to go out for some partying of youself here. I want an explanation." Yunho said.

"I'll pay it back." Yoochun muttured.

"I want an explanation, Yoochun." Yunho repeated.

"'Well, I tried to find out information about Jae-"

"In nightclubs? Are you serious?" Yunho interrupted the man and Yoochun muttured an apology.

"I want you to pack your bags and go back to Korea by tonight. I don't want to see you hanging around in Japan. Seriously Chun, too desperate to get the best girl for the night that you have to use the company's money? How was it?" Yunho asked and Yoochun immediately smile, thinking about the previous nights where he went to the clubs around the area.

"You should have gone with me. I could have-" Yoochun stops when he sees Yunho frown at him.

"I'll go pack my bags." Yoochun mumbled, walking pass Yunho and Junsu. Yunho turns around to look at Junsu.

"What are you doing here?" Yunho asked and Junsu immediately cries. Yunho went flustered for awhile but he decides to just hug the crying boy.

"What's wrong? How did Yoochun get you here?" Yunho asked.

"I ran away from the bakery and Yoochun brought me here when he found me." Junsu said.

"Come on. I'll send you back to the dorm." Yunho said and Junsu immediately shake his head.

"I don't want to go home." Junsu mumbled and Yunho lets go of Junsu, looking at the boy in the eye.

"Junsu, you have to go home. I can't let you stay here. Or even stay with me. Your school might contact your parents if they can't find you." Yunho said and Junsu frowned at the man before nodding reluctantly. Yunho smiled upon seeing Junsu's response.

"Good boy. Come on. I'll send you home." Yunho said, holding onto Junsu' s hand. Yunho turned to see Yoochun standing by the door with his luggage beside him.

"You've packed everything?" Yunho asked.

"Yes, Mr Jung." Yoochun answered softly, still upset that he was told to go back. Yoochun pass a brown folder towards Yunho.

"The files. Are you going to search for him?" Yoochun asked as Yunho hold on to the folder.

"Why do you think I came here?" Yunho asked back and he waved Yoochun away, signalling to the other man to go.

"I really can't be here,  Yunho?"

"Yoochun, go back to the company. I want you to apologise to the other directors personally. As soon as possible." Yunho said before pulling Junsu out of the room.

They got inside a cab before they reached the dorm a few minutes later. Junsu kept silent all the way, not wanting to say anything. Once they were at the front of the dorm, Junsu stops before bowing at Yunho.

"Thank you for saving me. If you didn't come and stop him, I think..." Junsu bit on his lower lip.

"As much as I know how mischievious Yoochun can become, you is probably not the option he was going for just now. He just...can't control himself. I apologise if he offended you in any way or another." Yunho said, smiling at Junsu.

"You should be going." Yunho continued.

"Just now, back in the hotel room, Yoochun said you're searching for someone. Can I know who?" Junsu asked.

"Just someone I know." Yunho said.

"I can help you if you want. I'll be working at the bakery every afternoon. Just go there if you need my help." Junsu told him and Yunho nodded.

"Junsu! There you are. Where the hell did you go just now?" Yunho turned behind to see his son walking towards him.

"Hey Changmin." Yunho waved at him but Changmin just walked pass him, his eyebrows furrowing. Changmin stops in front of Junsu, his hands on Junsu's shoulders.

"Where did you go just now? Your dad was so worried about you." Changmin said and Junsu just pushed him away.

"You don't need to know. Just go back to being appa's lover if you want." Junsu shouted before running into the door. Yunho stopped Changmin when the boy wanted to run after Junsu.

"Jung Changmin, tell me I'm just hearing things. Appa's lover? Who's the e that is corrupting my son?" Yunho fumed, imagining Changmin together with an old man.

"Relax. Don't get mad. I can explain."





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Chapter 14: Love it... But I hate Yunho's mom though. Its good his dad died already.. What an evil dad
BTW Nice work..nice ending
I love this family...I hope MinSu have a great life together
jiyool #2
Chapter 14: nice work.. and nice ending
Chapter 14: I'm happy it ended well ^_^ I thought Junsu would really kill somebody~~~
hymeki #4
Chapter 14: It's really true love between yunjae,,
Eighteen years still hold love for each other without fade..
It's really awesome,,
Hope this love will happen in real world for yunjae, wkwkwk
Always keep the faith ^_^
purpleangel #5
Chapter 14: the minute there's even a slightest hint of trouble, Jaejoong decides to leave Yunho. if i were yunho, I wouldnt hold on to Jaejoong's promise so much.
purpleangel #6
Chapter 14: I guess Junsu's more important to Jae than Yunho since Jae was ready to leave Yunho if it meant he gets Junsu back. That's quite selfish and inconsiderate since he didn't even consider the fact that Yunho's been waiting for him for 18 years already. Not to mention Yunho's been miserable without him. In the end, All Jae cared about was Junsu. That kinda unfair on Yunho's part.
MissEztie #7
Chapter 14: owh so sweet
yay finally they can live happy. Nice ending. Thank you
MissEztie #8
Chapter 1: wow I'm curious about the plot. Better to find out soon
Chapter 14: waaaaaaww so sad but happy ending T,T

i'm salute for yunjae love .... no matter how long they're separated.... their love never less xD
ElfCassieYenJi #10
Chapter 14: this story is so nice iys just the duration of time that they are separated is too long. hehe anyways i like it.:)