~Chapter_FIVE...The END~

Our Dreams~ Together


Well guys…this is the END… hope you’ll like it… anyway, try to use SHINee’s “In My Room” as background music while reading this chapter… It’ll help *I think*…

So here’s the update:

*Kibum’s POV*


I lied in Jonghyun-hyung’s bed as I waited for him to come. It was already 11:45 but still he’s on his job? I was really worried and confused. What’s happening these days? I have no clue about anything. Minutes passed and a sudden thump on the floor made me jump into fear. I quickly closed my eyes and acted like I’m sleeping.

Jonghyun hyung stepped inside the room with tears on his face. I peeked so I know. He was crying, and not just a cry but a cry of hurt. Why does hyung cry like this? Even his eyes were swollen because of the tears of sadness he just let out.

He sat in the bed next to me and ruffled my hair. He whimpered and said, “I’m so sorry Kibum. I’m so sorry.” Those words he just spitted out broke my heart. Why’s he apologizing? I’m still confused.

He then stood up and put a piece of paper beneath his clothes in the old closet. What was that paper? My mind was full of questions. Questions that I need to answer. I’m so determined to find out what was those tears of him and those words he just spitted out.

He lied down next to me and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, I woke up earlier than him but still acted like I was sleeping. Minute after, he stood up and made some food in the kitchen. He then took a bath and headed to some where I didn’t know. I heard the main door thug and I quickly ran to the table.

I saw some fried potatoes and fried bananas. And of course, a glass of milk. After I ate those delicious foods, I washed the utensils in the sink.

“I need to follow Jonghyun-hyung so that I’ll know the truth that he never told me. I want to know what’s going on these days.” I whispered to myself. Then suddenly, I remembered the piece of paper he placed beneath his clothes in the closet. I need to see that.

Through my curiosity, I found the piece of paper. I let out a sigh and whispered, “This is it!” I slowly opened the folded paper. I started reading it. The printed words say:  Seoul Medical Hospital. Huh? He went to a hospital without me knowing it? I continued reading it but only few words I find understandable. The other words I can’t read because of the ugly handwriting of the doctor.

I tried again to read but these are the only words I can understand:

Jonghyun is diagnosed with …blah… blah… stage 4 and was in a …blah… lever? Lever or level? Ahh! This handwriting made my head ache.

Soon, I can understand her writings. Shocked filled my emotions and tears slowly dropped from the corners of my eyes down to my cheeks, to my chin, dropping to the paper making it wet.

Omo! This can’t be…

Then, I heard taps on the wooden floor and someone entered the room…and it was him…Kim Jonghyun. His face was shocked when he saw me holding the paper, reading it and was crying.

I stood up from where I was sitting and came nearer to him.

“Hyung. Why’d you not let me this knows? I was full of worriedness in my feelings every time you walk away and leave me alone. Hyung! Why?” I cried. Tears are not falling. I think the butterflies in my stomach became blades and started to hit my heart.

“I was just… I was just afraid Kibum. I’m afraid of leaving you alone.” He replied with tears in his beautiful cheeks. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. “Hyung!” I whimpered… I was so hurt on the things I just found out…


*POV to Jonghyun*

“I have a bad news.” The doctor stated. My emotions became so scared. Scared of what will she say.

“Joonghyun,” she stated. She sighed then continued, “You had a Stage 3 Lung Cancer. And your state is critical.  Operations will have no use Jonghyun. I’m sorry to say you have only few months left. Your state is so critical. Maybe miracles would do but operations will only lead you to lessen your life span.” She stated.

I was so shocked on the things I just heard from this doctor. This couldn’t be. The only thing came to my mind after hearing those words is Kibum. I can’t leave him just like that. I promised him that we’ll be together to pursue our dreams. How will his life be after I leave him? No, no, no, no. This couldn’t be.

Tears slowly ran out of my eyes. I was so scared. Scared of leaving Kibum alone. I don’t want it because I love him.

“Tell me Doc. Tell me you’re kidding, right? Tell me Doc you’re kidding. Tell me that this was just a prank, a set up to make me feel worried. Right?” I shouted to the doctor who just shook her head in reply.

“No Jonghyun, this is real. You’re not dreaming, this isn’t a joke, or a prank. This is the reality.” She said before leaving the room. How could this be.

Of all people why me? I need to take care of Kibum, he needs me and then I’ll just leave him like a bubble who just pop out somewhere? No. Tears are now flowing like a river from my eyes to the bed.

Few months? Will that be enough to fulfill all my lost after it? Why?

Why would be destiny so harsh to me? Why would they just let me be happy together with Kibum? Why?

I keep questioning myself and the destiny. Even God, I questioned him why? I just keep on crying and crying. “I’m so useless! I’m so useless!” I keep saying those words as I hit my head using my strong fist.

Minho ran towards me and hugged me tightly. “Even though I just bond with you for a few moments, I know you’re a good man. I know that you don’t deserve this, but please, don’t hurt yourself more. I am your friend so I care. And do you think if you hurt yourself you’ll erase the truth that you’ll gonna leave this world in a few months? No. Just make your remaining days’ worth it Jonghyun. For me, especially for Kibum.” Minho encouraged me. I hugged him back in response.

>>End of FLASHBACK<<



*back to Kibum’s POV*



I was really really shocked. I never thought of him leaving me. But I’m going to assure that the remaining days will be the best days of his life before he’ll be gone. Even if it hurts, I’ll try to be strong.


The next day:


I woke up with Jonghyun hyung hugging me tightly. I’m going to miss this. His hugs, his kisses, his love. I’m going to miss these.

“Good Morning hyung!” I jumped out of the bed and kissed his forehead. “Good Morning, let’s go make some breakfast.” He dragged me to the kitchen and we cooked some fried bananas and fried potatoes.

He made me a glass of milk while I made him a cup of coffee. We enjoyed every moment. After eating, we headed to the washroom and we bathed together. We then went to the doctor for the daily checkup. The doctor said that he had 2 months left before he’s going to pass away. We just nodded and said, “Thank you doc.” And she replied, “Oh, so you have already accepted. I’m glad to hear that.” And I felt sad about that. I almost cried but I want Jonghyun to see the strong part of me.

..Two weeks after...

I’m glad It’s vacation now so I can concentrate on Jonghyun hyung now. I can see Jonghyun hyung is so happy, but I know that beneath those happy smiles and laughs was sadness. Deep inside me was also the same, I was so sad. I wanted to shut how much I hate destiny for bringing us into this situation, but I couldn’t. I just want to stay strong for us.

We went to the amusement park, we rode many rides including Ferris Wheel, Carousel, and The Caterpillar Ride. We also played many games. The night fell and the sun has just set. I dragged Jonghyun hyung to the place where we have flown up a piece of sky lantern. And I want it to be memorable, so I bought two sky lanterns.

“Do you remember when we went here in my Birthday and we flew a sky lantern?” I asked Jonghyun hyung. He nodded in response with a slight cough.

“I wished that night that your life will be long. I wished that you’ll live longer right? But the sky lantern seems fell after that wish.” I sadly said, Tears are now in the corners of my eyes ready to drop. I looked up to him and saw his crying face.

I light up the sky lanterns I bought and we wished at the same time.

“I wish that Jonghyun hyung’s remaining days will be memorable. I wish that he’ll became happy before he left me.” I whispered in the lantern before letting it fly. Jonghyun hyung’s lantern flew the same time as mine’s.

I looked into him and he smiled. He coughed so hard making me feel worried. “Don’t woory about me Kibum.” He said ruffling my hair. I just kissed his forehead in return.

Days passed and we make sure that every day was a memorable happy day of our lives.

1 month after

Then the day came… The day when we’ll say goodbyes to each other… This was the most sad day of my life.

We both went to the top of the hill that is full of memories. We sat in the usual spot under the big maple tree. We sat in an awkward silence as I placed my head unto his shoulders. He let his arm rest around my shoulders.

“Hyung, are you ready?” I asked Jonghyun-hyung

“Ready for what?” he answered but in a question.

“Ready to leave me.” I replied keeping my tears back into my eyes as it started to pile into the corners of my eye. I fought it back.

“You want to know the truth?” he asked again. I nodded in response.

“I’m not ready to leave you Kibum. I don’t want you to be alone after this day pass. I wanted to see you become a star Kibum. I want to pursue my dream together with you. I want to do many things with you. I’m not ready. But if God let me so, I’m going to accept it even I know how much it hurts. I know that God has a plan. He has a more perfect plan for your life after I leave you. And he has also good plans for me. Let’s just accept it.” Jonghyun hyung stated making my tears fall. I can’t hold back it anymore.

“I know that hyung.” I replied

He faced me and lifted my chin. The stars begin to appear.

“Kibum, see that star, *pointing to the brightest and biggest star in the sky* like what you’ve said years ago, you want to be like that. Who’s a little shine less star at first but became the brightest and the most beautiful star in the end. Make your dreams come true Kibum. I want you to have a fulfilled life even I’m gone. Kibum, promise me to be strong. Promise me to be strong for us.” He stated. More tears fell from my swollen eyes.

“Yes hyung, I promise that.” I said standing up and grabbed a pointed rock and started sketching some letters in the maple tree.

“what are you doing Kibum?” hyung asked in confusion.

“I’m just making sketched word into it.” I finished writing the whole thing I want to write in the maple tree. I sighed as I look into it. It said “J+K forever” enclosed by a big heart.

“Remember this hyung, this maple tree has the most memories of us right? So how strong the maple tree is, that’s how strong our relationship is even one is gone alright!” I cheerfully said with tears still falling. I can’t help but cry because I know; he’ll leave me in a few minutes.

“Come here Kibum.” He commanded and I obeyed. I sat beside him and laid my head against his chest.

“Take this.” He said handling me a box. A small red box. I slowly opened it and saw a cute infinity ring.

“Infinite, my love for you is infinite. My love for you has no end. That’s how I feel for you Kibum.” He exclaimed making my heart melt.

“How did you get one? I know how expensive this is.” I said in a concern look.

“Never mind the price of it, just take it as a sign of my eternal love for you.” He cried. I also cried out loud.

“Kibum, I know that I’m going to leave you in a few minutes so take this as my last words.” He stated with tears in his eyes.

He touched my cheeks and caressed it for a moment before saying, “I…LOVE…YOU”

Then suddenly, his eyes slowly closed and his hand on my cheeks fell. That moment was like in a slow motion. But that moment was the most painful moment in my life.

It seems like millions of knives went to my heart and cut it into pieces. My heart was broken for the thing that, he’ll never come back to me. He’ll never kiss me anymore, he’ll never hug me anymore, he’ll never wake me up in the morning anymore, he’ll never make me breakfast anymore, and the most painful is, I’ll never be with him anymore. He left me.

Well, truth hurts right? But I must be strong for the future of mine.

I held his body into I tight hug. But I know he’ll never hug me back again.

“Thank you for everything hyung, I LOVE YOU.”





Yay! :> that was the End! Sorry for making you cry… I’m just going to tell you that, I cried when I was writing this chapter. Yes, I cried like an idiot in front of my laptop. Well guys, whatcha think? Feel free to comment… Thanks for reading!   ( T^T )

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i'm so glad i finished it! Haha... This is my first fic that i finished... Hope u liked it!


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Chapter 6: I'm glad that at least they met again :D
I liked it ^^