05. 'Good' Morning

Operation: Protect Noona!

'Good' Morning

{chapter five}


You blinked for a moment, until your eyes widened in realization. "What the ?!" you cursed, scrambling our of your bed. You fell on the wooden floor, with a 'thud'. At the noise, the other four boys darted into your room.


"Hyun Jae Noona!"

"Hyun Jae!"

"Tao? What are you doing in Hyun Jae's bed?.."

You stood up, rubbing your head. Sure enough, Tao sat there, on your bed. His dark black hair disheveled, the circles he usually had underneath his eyes seemed darker. "Yah! What were you doing in my bed?" you asked, pointing a finger at the young, Chinese boy. 

"Sehun and Taemin were taking up all the space on the bed!" Tao whined. 

"Doesn't give you permission to invade my bedroom and sleep in my bed." You rolled your eyes. Tao pouted. 

"Sorry, Noona," he apologized. You heaved a sigh. 

"Yeah, yeah. I forgive you. Just, don't do this again, okay?" Tao beamed, nodding eagerly. 

"Come on, Tao. Let's leave Hyun Jae Noona to get ready," Taemin told Tao as he dragged him out of your room by the arm. Sehun trailed behind them. Zelo rubbed his eyes, trudging back to his bedroom, most likely to sleep some more. Gongchan remained at the doorway, his lips formed in a pout. His dark hair was even more disheveled than Tao's while his large, puppy eyes glared at you- it wasn't a real glare, though. It was more of a cute glare, a puppy glare. 

"Gongchan?" you called, walking up to him. "What are you doing?"

"It's not fair," he mumbled, still pouting. 

"What's not fair?" you asked, confused. 

"Tao get's all the attention! And it's not fair! I'm cuter than him! I'm the Gong Chan Shik, the flower boy maknae of 81-A4! See look I'm cute too, Noona! BUING~ BUING~." Gongchan brought his fists up to his face with the last phrase. You tried your best not to face palm or bang your head against the wall. 'It's too ing early for this..'

"You're really cute too. Okay, Gongchan?" you told him with an exasperated sigh. Gongchan beamed, happily skipping away towards the room he shared with Zelo. You tried to hide the smile that forced its way onto your face. You closed your door, making your way towards your bathroom. After washing your hair and brushing your teeth and hair, you made your way downstairs. Tao and Taemin sat on your couch, as if waiting for something, or someone. Their eyes followed you as you came down the stairs. "Do you guys..need anything?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Uhmm, well, Noona.." Taemin's voice trailed off as he shyly played with his thumbs. 

"We're hungry! Could you make us breakfeast, Noona? Please~?" Tao asked, dragging out the last word. You heaved a sigh.

"Fine." You trudge into the kitchen, grabbing a pan from the cabinet and the carton of eggs you had in the fridge. You had decided to make a "Western-Style" breakfeast, complete with bacon, eggs, pancakes, and milk- though you prefered to have orange juice instead, you didn't have any. While you turn the stove on, you grabbed the pancake mix from your pantry. To be honest, you were quite nervous. The only person you had ever cooked for was yourself and you were afraid the boys wouldn't like your cooking. 'Aish..what are you thinking, Hyun Jae?! They're you're god damn bodyguards, and they should at least be thankful you made them food in the first place!' Though a small part of your head was telling you otherwise. Shaking off these thoughts, you continued cooking. 

You set the each plate on the table. Gongchan, Tao, and Taemin's mouths were agape- Gongchan had come downstairs when he began to smell the bacon from his room. Tao reached out to grab a strip of bacon when you slapped his hand away. 

"Don't eat yet! Go get Zelo and Sehun upstairs and then we can start eating breakfeast," you told him. Tao pouted. 

"But, Noona~! Sehun is scary in the morning! And I don't even know Zelo!" Tao whines. You resist the urge to roll your eyes.

"Fine. I'll go get them. If any of you start eating before me, I will kick your out of my condo." You pointed at them. They all nodded. You walked up the stairs, since Zelo and Gongchan's room was closer you decided to wake Zelo up first. You knocked on the door once. Then twice. Then once more. Until you finally twisted the door knob, pushing it open. "Zelo?" you called. The blinds had been shut, so the room was relatively small. Zelo laid in the bed, on his stomach. You creeped up to his bedside, poking his arm, He slightly stirred in his sleep. You noticed how his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth slightly agape as small, even breaths came from his mouth. "Zelo." You poked his arm again. He stirred again, burying his face deeper in his pillow. "Come on, Zelo. Wake up."

"Five more minutes, Hyuuuung~," Zelo whined, half-asleep. You raised an eyebrow. 

"Uhm, Zelo. I'm not your hyung," you said. Zelo eyes shot open. You sent him an amused look. "Breakfeast's ready," you told him. 

"I-I'll be downstairs in a second," Zelo muttered a bit too fast. You sent him yet another amused look. "Okay, well I'm going to wake Sehun up now." You exited the room, walking across the hallway to Sehun, Tao, and Taemin's room. 

You knocked on the door. After a few more attempts, you twisted the door open, peeking inside. Unlike, Zelo and Gongchan's room this room didn't have a window. The lights were off, it was completely dark. "Sehun?" you called. You carefully walked into the dark room. Sure, you knew the whole layout of the room, you were just scared for clothes or suitcases left on the floor for you to trip or slip on. "Sehun?" you called again. You finally found the bed, feeling around the sides. 'Oh my god, Hyun Jae. You should just turn the ing light on!' You finally realized, facepalming. You crawled back to the doorway, by the light switch, nearly tripping on one of the suitcases. You fumbled with the light switch finally pushing it up. 

The lights , nearly blinding Sehun. "Ow!" Sehun covered his eyes. 

"Ah!" You covered your face. Sehun laid on the bed, clad in merely his boxers. 

"What are you doing in here, Hyun Jae?!" Sehun exclaimed, scrambling to cover himself with the blanket. 

"What am I doing?! I was going to wake you up for breakfeast! What the are you doing, sleeping in my guest room, in my condo, in your ing boxers?!" you replied, still covering your face. 

"I'll be downstairs in a moment," Sehun tells you. You nod, slowly turning around, keeping your eyes covered until you were completely facing the opposite direction of Sehun. You uncovered your eyes, walking out the room, closing the door behind you.

short chapter v_v

I'm officially on spring break so updates will most likely

be frequent this week~ c:

thanks for reading~

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i could swear i had already started chap. 5..i guess i didn't save it T^T sorry D: updates will come faster next week since i'll be on spring break~^^


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psychotic-mistress #1
Chapter 1: LOL I see what you did there with the names..."3X-0M" genius!!!
Chapter 1: i like the beginning! waiting for next update author-nim! :)
I like the concept of this ^^ Looking forward to reading the first chapter! :)
This looks good!! Waiting for next update :)