02. Different

Operation: Protect Noona!


Chapter Two


Sehun's eyes widened when he spotted Zelo in the main office. Sehun plopped in another one of the seats. He had been called by Kim Jaejoong, one of the highest ranked officers in TWM. 'This is either for something really good or really bad..' Sehun thought to himself. He took a glance at Zelo a few times, to spot him listening to his ipod. After a few minutes, Gongchan and Tao entered the office. Leading them was Shim Changmin. It was mandatory that whenever a high-ranked member enter the room, lower-ranked members were to stand and bow. Sehun and Zelo both stood up, bowing at Changmin. "Take a seat, Gongchan. You too, Tao." Changmin then left the office. 

"Hyung!" Sehun switched from his seat across Zelo to beside Tao. "Do you know why we're here?" Sehun asked. Tao shrugged. Sehun noticed the slim, dark-haired boy sitting beside Tao. "Hyung.."Sehun pointed to Gongchan, "Who's that?" he asked. 

"This is Gongchan." Tao introduced Sehun to the dark-haired boy. Gongchan gave a small wave. 'How does a guy like this even get into TWM?' Sehun thought to himself but, then he thought of his baby-faced hyung, Luhan and shrugged the thought off. 

Gongchan stayed quiet as Sehun and Tao talked to each other. He quietly played with his thumbs waiting in the office. Gongchan eyes widened when he noticed the Choi JunHong or Zelo sitting diagonally from him. Now that Gongchan saw Zelo up close he realized how young he was. He decided to be friendly and at least say 'hi' to the blonde boy. Gongchan got up from his seat, taking the spot beside Zelo. The dark-haired boy noticed Zelo was listening to music, so he poked the younger, blonde boy. Zelo turned to look at Gongchan, taking out on of his earphones. 

Zelo looked at Gongchan expectantly. 

"Uhh, I just wanted to say, hi." Gongchan gave Zelo a small wave. Zelo returned the wave only, alot less enthusiastic, putting his earbuds back in. Gongchan huffed, crossing his arms.

The door, opened and in entered Taemin. Taemin took a seat beside Gongchan, sending the dark-haired boy a friendly smile before sitting down. After a few more minutes of a tense, awkward silence between the five young boys, Jung Yunho entered the office. All five boys stood up bowing at him. "No need for that, boys. I'm no longer a member of TWM." The five of them sat back down. They then noticed the older man standing behind Yunho. "This is Yoon Hyunjung, CEO of Yoon Weapons Corp. ." Their eyes widened. "This morning, someone attempted to, kidnap Mr. Yoon," Yunho began, "Putting not only Mr. Yoon but, his family in danger." Yunho explained. "You five have been chosen to serve as bodyguards for Yoon Hyun Jae, Mr. Yoon's daughter." Mr. Yoon stepped forward. 

"I trust you to take good care, of my daughter." Mr. Yoon sent them a smile. 

"These orders are to be effective immediately. You five both have fifteen-minutes to pack three weeks worth of clothing," Yunho instructed. Everyone (with the exception of Zelo) had their mouth agape. 

"How are you just gonna force us to do this?!" Sehun burst. 

"You all are members of TWM and are expected to follow all orders," Yunho replied sternly. 

"Yeah? And what if we don't?" Sehun challenged, crossing his arms. 

"You will cease to being a member of TWM," Yunho replied. Sehun paled, quieting down. "As I said, you all have fifteen minutes." All five darted out the door, rushing to their dorms. 


Gongchan came last, huffing and panting with his suitcase. "Fourteen minutes and 29 seconds, I'm impressed."  Yunho examined his watch. "Follow us." Yunho motioned them to follow him and Mr. Yoon out the TWM building. The building was located in the outskirts of Seoul. There was a black Audi waiting for them. They boarded the car, musing at how luxurious it was, even Zelo seemed impressed. As they entered the city they mused at all of the tall buildings- well, Tao, Gongchan, and Taemin, at least-. They drove into the garage of what seemed like a very expensive condominium. They got out of the Audi, taking their luggage with them. Yunho and Mr. Yoon, led them to your condo. They stopped infront of the door of your condo. Yunho knocked on the door. "Hyun Jae?" he called. After a few attempts to get you to open the door Mr. Yoon sent Yunho a nod. Yunho took out a key, shoving it inside the lock, opening the door. All five boys peeked into the condo. It was a very, expensive looking condo. It was pretty neat and clean looking. They looked around the condo where they found you curled up on the couch. Your father walked up to you, tapping your shoulder to wake you up. 

"Appa? Yunho?" you croaked sleepily. Yunho sent you a wave while, your father smiled. "Who are those guys at the door?" You asked groggily. 

"Hyun Jae," your father began, "They're your new bodyguards."

"Bwoh?!" you shrieked. You stood up from the couch. "Appa, I know after this whole thing at your office you'd be a bit paranoid but, I don't need a bodyguard much less five!" you protested. 

"But, Hyunjae-"

"No, Appa. Like I said, I don't need bodyguards. I'm not a little girl anymore, I can handle things perfectly fine by myself."

"Please, Hyun Jae," your father pleaded, "It's for you own safety." That did it for you. You heaved a sigh. 

"Okay, fine." You ran a hand through your slightly disheveled hair. "But, is it really necessary for five?" 

"Yes." Your father and Yunho insisted.


"No 'but's, Hyun Jae," Your father answered. "The five of them will be staying with you at all times till' things die down, araso?" You reluctantly nodded. You noticed Yunho whispering instructions to the five boys. They actually looked quite young, compared to the scary middle-aged men you had as bodyguards when you were younger. "We'll be going now, Hyun Jae. I love you and remember, this is for you safety." Your father smiled before leaving with Yunho.

Leaving you and the five strange boys, in your condo alone.  


"Well?" you cocked an eyebrow, "Are you just gonna stand there all day, or do you wanna get your through the door." They all scrambled inside your condo, bringing their suitcases with them. A bright-looking boy with brown chestnut hair and pretty eyes came up to you first. 

"Annyeong, Noona~. We promise to take good care of you," he sent you a smile. "I'm Lee Taemin, the oldest."

"Noona?" you echoed. Taemin nodded. "And since you're the oldest.." you scanned all five of them, "That means I'm older than all of you.." Taemin nodded again, sending you another dazzling smile. 

Taemin nudged Gongchan-who was standing next to Taemin- to introduce himself next. 

"U-uh, Annyeong, Noona. I'm Gong Chan Shik but, you can just call me Gongchan." Gongchan gave you a small, timid smile. You noticed he was a slight shade of pink. What you didn't know was that TWM was strictly an all-boys organization (not to be ist it just seemed to cause less problems with only one gender). Gongchan, also being from the more rural parts of South Korea, wasn't exactly exposed to the opposite as much, despite his age. After Gongchan's introduction Tao decided it was his turn next. 

"Annyeong~ Noona, I'm T-A-O that spells Tao, buing~ buing~." Gongchan and Taemin's mouths were agape. Here was Huang Zi Tao, the mysterious Chinese boy part of 3X-0M doing aegyo. Even Sehun was mildly surprised. 

You had to admit, this kid was pretty cute with his aegyo and all but, you were still pretty pissed your father had hired five bodyguards, who were younger than you

Sehun decided to introduce himself next. "Annyeong, I'm Oh Sehun." You tried your best not to laugh but, couldn't help yourself. 

"What's so funny?" Sehun furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Y-your lisp," you managed to say in between snickers. 

"Ha! I told you, you do have a lisp, Sehun!" Tao joined you in snickering. 

"Whatever. Shut up!" Sehun frowned not enjoying the fact that he was being made fun of his lisp. 

After Sehun finished his introduction and after you finally stopped laughing, everyone looked at Zelo in expectation. "Well?" you asked, looking at the blonde boy. 

"Annyeong," his tone was flat, "I'm JunHong but, call me Zelo." 

"Zelo?" you echoed, baffled by such a strange nickname. Zelo gave you a nod. You shrugged. 

"Well, I've only got two spare rooms, so I guess you guys can just divide it amongst yourselves," you shrugged. Taemin nodded. 

"Sehun, Tao, and I can share a room," Tao and Sehun nodded, "Zelo and Gongchan can share a room." Gongchan nodded. 

"The two spare rooms are up stairs," you pointed towards the flight of modern-looking stairs by the kitchen. All four boys gaped at how expensive and large your condo was as they climbed up the stairs-four boys being Sehun, Taemin, and Gongchan but, Zelo was sort of gaping as well. As they left, you plopped onto the couch heaving another sigh. 

"It seems like I'm taking care of them more then they are taking care of me," you muttered. Taemin was the first to come downstairs. He sent you a cheerful smile, plopping onto the couch next to you. You sent him a confused look. 

"Is there a problem, Noona?" Taemin asked, his large, brown eyes peering at you. 

"Don't bodyguards usually, like stand in all corners of the room wearing their I'm-wearing-shades-even-though-its-8pm-sunglasses, black bulky- suits, and wierd- ear pieces?" you asked incredulously. Taemin seemed confused. 

"Do you want me to do that...?" Taemin asked tilting his head, slowly getting up. 

"No! You don't have to." Was your answer. "It's.." You thought of something positive to say for having five bodyguards who were younger than you, "Different." Taemin nodded sending you another smile. Tao, Gongchan, and Sehun came downstairs next. Tao sat in the other spot next to you on the couch.  He reached for your hand but, you instinctively pulled away. Tao tried reaching for your hand again but, you pulled back, again. "What are you doing?" you asked, leaning towards Taemin. 

"He wants to hold your hand," Sehun snorted from the other couch seated beside Gongchan. You gave Tao a wierd look. 

"Why?" you asked. Sehun shrugged. 

"Please, Noona?" Tao asked, giving you just about the cutest pout you had ever seen in your life. You didn't understand why Tao wanted to hold your hand so badly. 

"Aish..How could I say no, when you're so cute," you mumbled, reaching over to intertwine your finger's with Tao's. Tao beamed, he lay your hand in his lap, playing with your fingers. You didn't understand why Tao seemed so happy but, you shrugged the thought off. You watched with amusement, as Tao played with your fingers, how could a kid with such a scary glare be this cute? You failed to notice Gongchan envious pout from across the couch. 

"I''m cuter than him, Noona," Gongchan mumbled underneath his breath. He didn't like that his first Noona, ever didn't think he, Gongchan Shik was cuter than Huang Zi Tao, the scary Chinese maknae of 3X-0M. Zelo came downstairs, blank-faced as always. 

"What took you so long?" you asked the blonde boy, moving your attention to him-much to Tao's dissappointment. 

"I was, uhh, looking for the bathroom," Zelo said awkwardly.

"Well you could have just asked." You shrugged, turning your attention back to Tao- much to Gongchan's dissappointment. 

In fact, Choi Jun Hong wasn't looking for the bathroom. Zelo easily spotted the bathroom at the end of the hallway as he came upstairs. He was actually thinking to himself, after Gongchan left. His hyung's words echoed in the young boy's mind. Was his attitude really that bad? Zelo wasn't sure. It wasn't that he was trying to be so mean, in fact, Zelo actually really wanted to be friends with Sehun. He just didn't know how. Would it be wierd to suddenly be all friendly? Zelo couldn't do that, mainly because he didn't know what to do. He decided he would talk to that bright, puppy-eyed, dark-haired boy, Gongchan that night but, for now, he would have to try his best. 

After a few minutes of a terribly awkward atmosphere you spoke up, "So, who's hungry?" All five boys-even Zelo- eye's lit up. 


whoop. second chappie up~

it feels so nice writing a fanfic with super cutesy characters tbh C:

thanks for reading~

I'll update as soon as i can c;

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i could swear i had already started chap. 5..i guess i didn't save it T^T sorry D: updates will come faster next week since i'll be on spring break~^^


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psychotic-mistress #1
Chapter 1: LOL I see what you did there with the names..."3X-0M" genius!!!
Chapter 1: i like the beginning! waiting for next update author-nim! :)
I like the concept of this ^^ Looking forward to reading the first chapter! :)
This looks good!! Waiting for next update :)