01. Kidnapped, Almost

Operation: Protect Noona!

Kidnapped, Almost



"!" you cursed as you nearly ran into a bus, on the highway. You were rushing to your father's company, 'Yoon Corp', one of the largest weapons companies in all of South Korea. The company made most of their weapons for South Korea's military but, more on that later. You had recieved an urgant call from your mother during class (you are currently attending Kyung Hee University, majoring in business management). Your mother had been very brief during the call. "You need to come to Yoon Corp., now." Was all your mother had told you. You knew the call was urgent because your mother never called you during class, since she knew your whole time table. That, and the worrisome anxiety oozing from her voice. 

You drove infront of the large, chrome building. You spotted Jae Hee, your father's secretary standing outside, most likely waiting for you. You hopped out of your car. "Hyun Jae, your father needs to see you!" Jae Hee urged. You handed him your car keys. 

"Could you park my car then?" you asked. Jae Hee nodded, taking the car keys with both hands. You rushed into the building. Practically sprinting to the elevator. You quickly punched the button to the top floor, your father's office. You anxiously tapped your foot as the elevator rose. After what seemed to be an eternity, the metal doors parted. You pretty much ran to your father's large office door, bursting in. "Appa!" you ran up to him, not noticing the ample amount of security guards and police men. "Are you alright?" you asked, searching his eyes. You noticed his usually perfectly gelled hair had been ruffled and large red rings wrung his hands as he clutched a manila file. "What happened?'' you asked, now noticing the security guards and police men. Your father's office had literally been turned upside down. Papers littered the floor. The couch had been overturned, so had your father's desk. The drawers were sticking out while one was even found across the room. The window had been crashed open and fragments of glass were scattered across the ground. 

"Someone attempted to kidnap your father." Yunho, your father's head security guard spoke up. Your eyes widened. 

"Bwoh?! Why?!" you questioned. Your father held up the manila file. 

"They tried to steal one of my blue prints," your father croaked. He seemed so shaken up. Your father turned to Yunho, "Take Hyun Jae home please, Yuhno. It's not safe here," your father instructed. Yuhno firmly nodded. 

"Come on, Hyun Jae."

"But, what about Appa? He's in danger too! You should be staying with him, not me!" you protested as Yunho led me to the elevator. 

As you both boarded the elevator Yunho whispered, "I know but, orders are orders and I have to listen to your father." You sighed. The elevator ride was quiet. You found your car parked neatly in the parking lot, thanks to Jae Hee, your father's secretary. Yunho insisted he drive but, you declined. The two of you sped home, to your condo. As you both parked in the garage of the buiding, you stopped Yunho. 

"You don't have to walk me all the way to my condo." 

"Your father wants me to, so you have no choice," Yunho replied. You rolled my eyes. 

"Who exactly tried to kidnap, Appa?" You asked, as the two of you began to draw closer to your condo. 

"We don't know yet." Was Yunho's reply. You furrowed your eyebrows, you knew Yunho knew who had really tried to kidnap your father, why wouldn't he tell you? You decided to drop the topic, enough had happened that day and you were tired. You both arrived in front of your condo. 

"I'll be leaving now," Yunho waved as he walked away. You waved back. You then shoved your key into the lock, opening your front door. You slipped off your sweater, lazily plopping on the couch. You your TV to see your father on the news channel. You weren't exactly a big fan of watching the news but, being the daughter of the CEO of such a large company you had to keep up. You already knew about the situation so you flipped through the channels until you came across an episode of 'Running Man'. You decided to keep it, and watch. 

Yunho returned back to your father's office. The police were gone by now and yellow tape was strewn across the office to keep people out. "I brought Hyun Jae home safely, sir." Your father nodded. 


"Are you worried about her, sir?" Yunho dared to ask. 

"Yes, Yunho. Very much so." Your father heaved a sigh. 

"Why don't you hire body guards for her then, sir?" Yunho suggested. Your father shook his head. 

"Hyun Jae had body guards when she was young. She hated them. She said she felt so uncomfortable around them..I don't want her to feel uncomfortable especially now." 

"Sir, you could hire body guards from the 'TWM Organization'," Yunho suggested, "I trained there when I was younger. They train bodyguards at young ages and I'm sure you'll find someone suitable, so Hyun Jae wouldn't feel uncomfortable." Your father thought for a moment. 

"Very well. I'll give them a call, now. I don't like the idea of Hyun Jae home alone after all this," he motioned towards his destroyed office. 


Taemin landed on the sparring mat with a solid 'thud'. His chest heaved up and down and his forehead glistened with sweat. "Giving up already?" Jonghyun teased. Taemin rolled his eyes. Jonghyun helped the younger get up. It was a regular, 'average joe' day, like always. Taemin was sparring with his hyung, Jonghyun. Each member part of TWM was assigned to a group. In this group were other members that would 'complement' each other's abilities. Taemin was part of the group called 51-N33 but, they were known as SHINee. They had five members and Taemin was the youngest. 

"YAH! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?" Taemin heard someone shout from across the room. Taemin and Jonghyun turned their heads. They saw Oh Sehun from the six member group, 3X-0K or more commonly known as EXO-K. Sehun held the collar of Choi Jun Hong or Zelo, as the boy liked to be called. Zelo was part of the group, 8A-9, otherwise known as B.A.P. The two groups always seemed to be at each other's throats. "YAH! BLONDIE I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" Sehun shouted as he shoved Zelo into a wall. Zelo's face was blank as he stood up, again, dusting off his pants. "YOU AND YOUR GUYS THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN US DON'T YOU?" Sehun shouted again. Zelo still kept a straight, calm face. Taemin noticed Zelo was saying something but, couldn't hear him, since he was so far away. Whatever Zelo had said, it had shut Sehun up. Sehun stood there, speechless as Zelo calmly walked away from the the brown haired boy. Suho, the leader of 3X-0K shooed away the crowd that began to form around their sparring mat. 

"Man, that Sehun kid sure has a bad temper," Jonghyun commented as he took a sip from his water bottle. Taemin nodded in agreement. He didn't know much about Sehun but, from what he had heard from Kai (another member from 3X-0K) Sehun was trouble. 


Zelo walked back to his sparring mat, blank-faced and indifferent as always. He sat down at his sparring mat beside his hyung, Yongguk, the leader of 8A-9. "You should have done something, Zelo-ah." Yongguk took a large gulp from his water bottle. 

"They're not worth our time, hyung," Zelo replied. 

"And that's exactly why that Sehun kid felt the need to kick your ," Yongguk shook his head. "You need to stop with that kind of attitude." Zelo shrugged, standing up. He held his hand out to help his hyung up. 

"Now, are we going to spar or not?" 


"B-b-but, Hyung! I don't want to~!" Gongchan whined. Gongchan was part of the group 81-A4 also known as B1A4. 

"You lost the bet, so you have to!" Jingyoung commanded. The younger pouted. Gongchan had lost yet another bet. It had been some-what of a tradition for his group to hold bets weekly among themselves. He had bet Sehun would at least try to fight Zelo at the sparring gym today but no, he was wrong. Since Gongchan had lost, he had go up and talk to Huang Zi Tao or Tao for short. Tao was part of the group 3X-0M the brother group to 3X-0K. Tao was tall, with dark hair and steely eyes that always seemed to glare at everyone, not to mention that he was an expert in Wushu. No one except 3X-0M and 3X-0K talked to Tao, even some of the instructors were afraid of the Chinese boy. And now, Gongchan had to go up and talk to him. "Come on, Channie! Don't be such a wuss!" Jinyoung shoved the Gongchan towards Tao's table in the lunch room. Tao usually sat with 3X-0M but, they were for some odd reason gone, leaving the young Chinese boy by himself during lunch. Gongchan nearly, faceplanted, turning around to glare at his hyungs. They motioned him to continue to walk forward to Tao. Gongchan mumbled something underneath his breath along the lines of, "Stupid hyungs." and "Always framing the youngest to do crap.". Gongchan slowly apprpoached the Chinese boy. He set his tray at the table, taking a seat. Gongchan sent Tao the friendliest smile he could muster. 

"Uhmm, Hi. I'm Gongchan, I'm from the group 81-A4. Tao right?" Tao nodded. Gongchan took a bite of his food. "So uhh, how are you?" the Korean boy tried to make small talk. 

"I'm okay." Tao replied. Gonghcan could sense Tao's Chinese accent. "I kinda miss my hyungs though." 

"Where'd they go?" Gongchan asked. 

"Kris gege went to Canada to take care of family business while my other hyungs are still in the sparring gym," Tao replied. 

"Oh," was all Gongchan could mutter. The two continued to eat talking a little bit, every now and then. Tao was actually quite nice you simply had to look past his scary glare. 

"Hey, Gongchan and Tao?" the two boys looked towards the direction their name was called. Their eyes both widened. Shim Changmin, the highest ranked member in TWM stood before them. 

"Yes?" the both asked. 

"You've both been called to report to the main office, now."

woooooooooooooo. first chapter up. 

im pretty bad with beginnings so please have mercy on my soul

thanks for reading~^^ (:

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i could swear i had already started chap. 5..i guess i didn't save it T^T sorry D: updates will come faster next week since i'll be on spring break~^^


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psychotic-mistress #1
Chapter 1: LOL I see what you did there with the names..."3X-0M" genius!!!
Chapter 1: i like the beginning! waiting for next update author-nim! :)
I like the concept of this ^^ Looking forward to reading the first chapter! :)
This looks good!! Waiting for next update :)