
Ok, due to the slight amount of dissatisfaction I saw with the ending, I have decided to add an alternate ending! Yay, isn't it just rainbows and butterflies giving birth to unicorns? Well, I hope that I made the right decision posting this up. I just kept this as a back up, just in case I changed my mind about the ending, but I love you so much so I'm doing this. Better comment, and send me food. Arasseo? Also, this picks up right after Kris's ever-so-touching speech, sans the "friends" part. Isn't that wonderful?

Well, then! On with the show!

Kris stared into Yeonhee's eyes, that held a fiery beauty that had originally captured his attention, and thought of letting them go. He thought of never getting to look at Yeonhee the same way ever again. Of not being able to kiss her, hold her, the way only a lover could. The mere thoughts caused him physical pain and Kris just wasn't ready to back down and let go of the love of his life. 

Kris took her hand and forced her to look into his eyes. "You, Song Yeonhee, are the most obnoxious, most stubborn, most beautiful, most perfect person I have ever had the chance of loving. I made a mistake letting you go. Probably the biggest mistake of my miserable existence in this world. But I love you too much to let you go and that's exactly why I'm not going to.

"I love you, okay? I love you, I love you, I love you. I'll keep saying it until I make up for the times I didn't in the moments we were apart. I'll keep saying it until you get so tired of hearing me say it you'll scream at me to just shut up. I love every piece of you, every quirk of yours. Every memory we share has been laced with an intense love that just shouldn't be ignored. Make up is unnecessary when it comes to you and I really wish I had a thesaurus with me so I could read out to you every word that is synonymous with perfection. I made the IDIOTIC decision to keep you away, when all I wanted was to be close. I'm never doing that again."

Yeonhee closed the distance between them, a determined twist on . "You are an idiot! Who do you think you are to suddenly just pop up because you realized you actually loved me and make me feel so freaking happy because of it? You have no right, you blonde prick, to make me feel perfect and complete and beautiful again when I'm anything but! Who gave you the right to just barge into my perfectly okay life and just completely scramble my feelings? After all these years of making me believe that you hated me and didn't want me, you expect the coin to just flip for you? Just because of some flimsy bunch of words that, you think it would make a difference? Well, you're wrong on that one. Nothing. Is. Going. To. Change. NOTHING."

Yeonhee punctuated each word with a finger jab to Kris's chest, but he didn't mind. He also didn't mind the electric currents that each touch sent down his spine.

Kris narrowed his eyes at Yeonhee. "And how about you, Miss Song Yeonhee? Hm? What makes YOU think that YOU had the right to turn my world completely upside down with your pretty eyes? What makes you think that you could capture my heart because you're just so darn beautiful?  Never, ever have I known normality and easiness since I met you. But all the hardships and unusualness is what I'd endure just to be with YOU."

Yeonhee's lips parted. Never had her felt as dry as it did at that moment. Swallowing the growing lump in , she said, "You always were quite the smooth talker."

"Because that's what I had to be in order to win you over," Kris replied, the growing anger in his eyes replaced with a mischievous twinkle. 

Without even realizing it, the force that had kept them together even when apart also gravitated them towards each other. And before they knew what was happening, their noses bumped. Neither dared to breath, lest their connection was broken with even that small movement.

Yeonhee knew she was supposed to jump back, or back away, but for some reason she just couldn't bring herself to. The pull was too strong.

"This is wrong."

"I know."

"Daejung loves me. We love each other."

"Or so you say. But why didn't you say you loved him too?"

Yeonhee had tried to say that she loved him. She could say it so easily to others. But why not to Kris? Was it because of their past? Or was it... No, it couldn't be. Yeonhee had made it clear with everyone and herself that no love for Wu Yifan remained in her heart. But did the feeling of his eyes do sinful things to her stomach? It just didn't make sense. 

"No answer? I think we both know why." All this confidence was just a facade. Kris was desperately hoping that what he thought was true.

"Don't Kris. Please don't." Why was she pleading? What was her reason for trying so hard to deny the lies Kris was presenting to her.

Kris only looked at her with those eyes. Those beautiful, deep eyes that she...

Suddenly, it felt as though she couldn't breathe. She had to say it or this pain in her chest wouldn't subside. She had to say... "I love you!'

The pressure was released. Yeonhee never imagined three words to sound so good. In fact, it felt so relieving she couldn't stop. "I love you. I love, you. I. Love. You."

Kris laughed in relief, pulling her to his chest. "I know, Yeonhee. I know."

"This is so wrong," Yeonhee mumbled into Kris's chest.

"I know. But do we care?"

"We are so getting in BIG trouble for this," Yeonhee continued.

Kris bent down to her eye level. "Again, I know. And again, I can't find it in myself to care. Can you?"

"No," she replied breathlessly. "But there is so much explaining to do. Daejung would be heartbroken, the stress people had to go through to make this wedding perfect are going to be PISSED. And let's not forget the media, oh gosh-"

"Let's not think about the future. Okay? Let's focus on right now. Right now, I love you. Right now, you quite amazingly love me too. And right now that's all that matters. Because right now is perfect. Okay?'

Neither thought of the future when their lips met. Neither contemplated the problems the cause of what they just did. Because, they were right.

Only right now mattered. Because right now was perfection that both of them deserved after all these years of pain and suffering.

I'm so having second thoughts about posting this. But, well, I can't be the judge of my own work. 

Please comment below and tell me what you think. ^_^

Also, this chapter is dedicated to the readers that have been following this since IKYWT. LOVE YOU GUYS FOREVER~!

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Chapter 5: Indeed, C04 showed the realistic approach to the ending. One shouldn't expect everything to just fall into pieces after some (well-deserved) explanation and whatnots from Kris, especially on the day of Yeonhee's wedding. It's just sad though that their love story didn't experience the happy ending, Kris just sorta realized things a little too late.

On the other hand, I was ecstatic when I read your alternate ending. It was so sweet of you to have worked on an update that was a lot more optimistic than the last. Also, I think you managed to relay things better emotions-wise in the happy ending, while also trying to present uncertainties and other sheez that might be the consequences of the couple's decision to follow their hearts.

I really want to commend how you played with words and descriptions to narrate your story. Back when I was your age, I couldn't even come up with coherent string of words that could resemble a story narration. So I'm seriously looking forward to your next projects to see for myself how you develop and hasten your skills in writing. Coz believe me gull, you are skilled. Don't think otherwise. I'm so proud. :)

Btw, do you still want me to work on the review? XD
Chapter 5: Holy shi.t, this ended and I still haven't delivered. OMG, I shall leave a better comment next time, I'm just cowering in shame for being useless right now. I'm so sorry, bby.
Chapter 5: Wow the story's just beautiful i-- //creys

like omfg i love the way you wrote this but i must say that i didnt like the way it ended on Chap4 but you quickly made it up for your readers in chap5 AND IT WAS SUCH A ROMANTIC ENDING ;u; it made me feel like its Romeo and Juliet, running away from all the problems and all and just thinking that only right now mattered and-- okay im getting too cheesy i should stop. lol good job for writing this fic, author-nim!~
blackbutterfly_ac #4
Chapter 5: Yay~! Happy ending :).
Marciiia #6
Chapter 4: I hate you, none of them is happy! :( nvrmind, suxh a great story u wrote author nim
Chapter 3: c'mon.... i'm waiting... haha Kris u better not ruin it >.<
yummydonut96 #8
Chapter 3: OMG!!! Whats gonna happen :O
Thanks for updating btw! :D
givinkrishead #9
Chapter 2: I love the way u describe kris here "international superstar who had the looks of an angel mixed with personality of satan" lmfao
Hopefully it will end up happy ending please please please!!
Chapter 2: How dare you call this crap? Especially after this update?!?!? NEO MICHYEOSSEO MICHYEOSSEO~ hunteris, youre writing is art. Not the best, but still awesome. :D